Congo Anybody been there? Last minute call for work. Still Trying to get my trip to Scandinavia in beforehand. My boss is sympathetic, because I've put in a lot of time in the deep field in the last few weeks. But work before pleasure I suppose.
How'd you like Kinshasa? I Applied for job there last year, but got a gig with the same company in a different undisclosed location instead. Never been to Kinshasa, but LOVE Congolese music so much!!! When where you in Kinshasa and why? If you don't mind talking about it.
Have you ever been in an african country like DRC before? I was there several times between 2008 - 2010. If you know the right people, you have freedom, you've never experienced before. The condition of this country is a catastrophe, whether it's now the streets, the electricity, water,pollution,corruption. I was two times out cold, because of the cars' exhaust gases.. Alone, when you get out of the plane, you are walking between two lines of soldiers with machine guns, it gives you an impression about the country. The people are friendly, kind, but of course suffering, so you have to check all you plan to do, twice. Do you speak french?
I've only lived in countries like that and worst over the last 13 years or so. I learned French in Ivory Coast, so I'm fine there. It's West African village French, but it will work. Just left Haiti a few days ago, same thing more or less. Hey I gotta run to a meeting a lawyer, but let's continue this conversation. Very interesting.
ok, then you know what I am talking about..West Africa? Interesting..were you working for telcommunication? If you don't mind asking..
No, not in telecommunications. I asked first you tell me, then I'll tell you. What were you doing in the Congo so often. As for I'm an __________.
:smt005 not bad..., in this case I assume it's better, if we are both silent:smt047 are you African or American?
I'm an American. Born in the Deep South. Been living abroad about 15 years now I reckon. Lots of time in Africa, some in Asia, some in Europe, plus Afghanistan and Pakistan. Not a soldier or a spy. Who I'm I? I think you were there in a relationship or collecting art. Profiling is apart of my job. Something artistic, maybe dance, cloth, or music? What say you? This is fun? N'est Pas?
Still be careful over there. Going to a country like the DRC does take a lot of hook ups like Christine said. aren't relationship and nothing artistic...what irritates me is Pakistan and Afghanistan...hmmm..ok, let's see :smt047..where have you been in Africa, except Ivory coast (it's Côte D'Ivoire, isn't it?)..I've never been there
Thanks Bro. But it's the nature of my job. I don't need hook ups. Been doing this well over a decade. Sierra Leone during the blood diamond era, Coup period in Ivory Coast, During the war in South Sudan and on and on and on. I'll link up with my friends from the UN, and it will be all good. Though, thanks for the love.
Why does Afghanistan and Pakistan Irritate you? Pakistan is one of the most beautiful places on earth, especially the Karakorum mountain Range. I love the people there and bonded with them well. Spent a lot of time in the mountains of Jammu & Kashmir. The people are so generous and saved my ass so many times I can't count anymore. I have great affection for Pakistan and her people. Afghanistan is interesting, and beautiful, but I felt a little on edge there. Cold as hell during the winter. i got by on a saw dust heater,and thought I might die at some point during winter. Great grapes !!!!!!! The women have it hard.
I was thinking about..what could be your job??..Afghanistann and Pakistan irritated me in that way..what do Americans in that countries?? You've said no soldier, no, maybe Embassy?? Have you something to do with embassy? Or journalist? I have never been there..
Christine,this is a fun game. Not a journalist or Embassy employee, but damn good guesses. In Pakistan, I was there following a major earth shattering event, and left 18 months later.Afghanistan I was there not too long after the last bit of Taliban outstering, Early 2005, if I'm not mistaken, but I had to leave because duty called me in Pakistan. What I am? Now back to you. You work in the private sector for some bad azz multi national Swiss company. :smt033
So, maybe you work for any aid organisation, like Development Alternatives Inc? Or maybe UNESCO? Or Red Cross? To me, yes and is correct..
What do you mean? What is yes, and what is no. this is fun. I'm pleading the fifth until you answer my question.
This is fun. You're a smart one! Pleading the Fifth is my move Are you Swiss German? your Last name tells me no, but I wanted to ask.