1. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    I think to joke and flirt with someone isn't the same as when you dream of someone you want to have. The problem is then that you neglect your SO, you want to be close to that other person...On the other hand, we are human beings and the more we put ourselves in prison, the stronger will be the wish to break out.

    A solution I also don't have, just the will to act correctly.
  2. Max Mosley

    Max Mosley Well-Known Member

    You cant inhibit physical desire. You can however respect boundaries which when crossed, potentially lead to a systematic betrayal of your mate.
  3. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    It sucks how some people are cheaters and then they want to come over to the single people and be deceiving to their mate and to the one they're pursuing. Break up with your mate, then you're free to date/fuck whoever you want with no repercussions.
  4. Differential

    Differential New Member

    Hmm...can't be sure about the motivation to cheat, and I'm always going to be displaced from the idea of it. Others are exposed to a different mantra.

    Inhibiting physical desire means to suppress feelings; inhibition can be reversed in the literal sense too. Looking beyond the loops of this split hair, I know that when I'm in a relationship, everyone except my SO, becomes profoundly, less-attractive to me, no matter who they are. This only came about, naturally, because I always understood what I wanted, upfront.
  5. Jase

    Jase Active Member

    As far as cheating is concerned I've always felt actions speak WAY louder than words. Have seen plenty of people swear they'd never cheat only to wind up doing it eventually. And people who don't give cheating any thought, or make promises they have no way of knowing they'll actually keep, simply not do it.

    Who knows what we'll do or what we'll feel or who we'll be with or what opportunities will arise 1 or 5 or 10 or 20 or 30 years down the road. I assume most people don't plan on cheating someday anymore than people who get married plan on eventually getting divorced. Sometimes things just happen.
  6. scychaser

    scychaser New Member

    I believe you should respect your mate enough to be man/woman enough to break it off or discuss why you feel like cheating before you do cheat... a important question to ask is why do people cheat? Their not getting something from there SO,both have fallen short for not bringing the issues they have to the table before they cheat. Communication is key.
  7. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

    No I have no desire what so ever to be with another man. The thought actually scares me a little. I would experiment with a woman but only in the presence of my husband and with his permission.

    As far as what constitutes cheating. Every relationship is different and those things should be discussed from the get go. In some relationships YES flirting and porn is cheating (I think this may have alot to do with some peoples relgion b/c biblically those things do constitute as adultery). Some allow nudity, dancing, etc. Some allow a little touching and some allow full on sex with another. As long both partners agree then it's not cheating. As long as one partner doesn't allow any type of of sexual contact with another person then it would be cheating. Those boundaries should be set from the beg. b/c if you and your mate disagree on what is allowed and isn't you probably shouldn't continue the relationship from the very start. I think even if you don't agree with your partner's idea of cheating you should either respect it or find someone who agrees with yours. But don't be with someone you want honor.
  8. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

    Alrite after getting through this long post I have some more opinions I'd like to add.

    I think a person can love someone and still cheat. (However not purposely cheat that's not love) What I mean is were human. Were not monogamous by nature. It's normal to get sexually aroused by others even when were in love. So yeah folks can make mistakes and still be in love and there not be anything missing from the relationship.
    But I also think if your responsible and you don't want to cheat on your partner that you will not allow yourself in a situation where your sexual desire could over take your desire not to. Be man or woman enough to admit to yourself you cant guarantee you can walk away so avoid scenarios that could get you caught up like being alone with someone of the opposite sex.

    For those that intentionally cheat. Sorry but I think if you respect the person your with you'd be man/woman enough to admit to that person even though you do like them and you want to see them regularly, maybe even live with them, etc... that your not ready for a committed relationship. There is people that are willing to have open relationships and that is who you should be with IMO.
  9. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Since I'm not in a relationship at the moment, being on here doesn't interfere with anything. However, don't we all get crushes on celebrities? I think finding someone attractive/hot/gorgeous/whatever doesn't constitute cheating on your SO.

    If so, then if you're in a relationship, you can't ever leave the house or watch TV or go on the internet. Because at some point if you do, you'll run across someone that you find physically attractive. The difference is what Max said below:

  10. blackbrah

    blackbrah Well-Known Member

    Man everyone is capable of anything given the right situation. Really it is about avoiding those situations and of course morals dictate things as well. I think I'd feel too guilty to cheat on a partner.
  11. Stizzy

    Stizzy Well-Known Member

    Dude, don't use the word "moral", you'll bring out the wolfpack! Lol
  12. wolfboy

    wolfboy Restricted

    There is no need to cheat if you have a wife with looks and character.
    I can say that it is no one's intention to cheat when you are starting a relation.
    That is one thing for sure.
  13. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Hilarious coming from the guy who never got tested but feels that he's "safe" because he's only faithful to one woman (you don't have options anyway) but one day his dick is broken out and leaking.

    I get you guys point (statistically your chances of catching an std increases with the number of partners blah blah blah) but ain't none of y'all exercising what you preach.
    Last edited: May 26, 2012
  14. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    That comment reflects more on you than anybody else.
  15. Random Hero

    Random Hero New Member

    I wouldn't, but I'm not big on long-term relationships anyway and if I feel the need to cheat with someone, it's time for me to move on.
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Lmao ok if you say. Good to know you're aware of my options playboy lol
  17. wolfboy

    wolfboy Restricted

    Why should you cheat if your wife is Reese Witherspoon? Think about that before you give me an answer.
  18. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    there's a reason your rep is in red
  19. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    i'm going to have to so co-sign this. if you're able to open yourself up to someone and be completely honest with them it's amazing
  20. LillyBeth

    LillyBeth New Member

    I was going to say an outright YES, but it depends. To be honest my eye doesn’t roam unless I’ve had a disagreement with my BF and I start getting a taste for being single again, but once we’re back on track I’m not interested in other men. Thing is I’m really fussy and I think my BF is the best bloke for me, and I doubt anyone would turn me on as much either, so the man would have to be amazing to catch my eye. Plus I’d only want sex, nothing emotional afterwards, and that’s where it gets tricky because these days I find I need the emotional connection to be really onto sex. It only really works in my dreams where me and BF put our relationship on hold (so I’m not cheating) and somehow I manage to attract ripped, athletic, handsome black men (OK, OK, I did say “in my dreams” LOL) and get fucked senseless until I realise the grass is not greener on the other side. No, I doubt I’d cheat. OK, maybe if I was at an out of town conference with Idris Elba and he made a pass at me afterwards in the bar. Dammit, yes I would, provided I could do something about the guilty feelings when I see my BF afterwards :oops:

    *Disclaimer* I've never cheated on any of my BFs and in all seriousness don't think I ever would.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2012

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