This place is ripe for consolidation. Studies show that too many forums tends to kill conversations and eventually leads to the death of message boards.
You mean there's different forums in here? I just click New Posts. LoL Or User CP to check out threads I've posted in/subscribed to. Of course, if I wanted to make a new thread, I would search the subforums for the perfect spot.
Outside of the "Love" (even the "love" area has redunduncy, esp between lovers 1 and 2 and the conversations and attractions area- the content doesnt seem to broach having such specific and odd categories) and "Your Place" areas, all the other categories can easily be consolidated into their "Headers" (i.e. "site news and info," "news and views"). I think it fosters a lot more participation.
The difference is the explicit-ness of the content between those two. Some areas non-members can't go to either.
Crushypuff, quit yer bitchin'. Most of the different forums are here because we've asked Webbiejonmaster for them and he, being the most awesomest Master, obliged us. Just be happy you've found a place where you can interact with me.
LOL well, would be much easier to see all of your awesome posts at the same time. And you will get a lot more attention too.
For that, you can click on my profile, then Statistics, then "Find all posts by Brittney" see, it's covered. Now go stalk me!
Your reward will be the great pleasure and satisfaction you'll experience from luxuriating in the amazement of me and my posts.
Disagree. If you are doing a search per header, it would be extremely difficult to find anything. Besides, I just hit new posts and read what I want. I think most people do that. And like was mentioned before, some things are repeated because its either in the open area or the members only area. I say keep it as it is. Now I will go stalk IttyBrittyPeaBlossom