Random Conversation 2.0

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Bookworm616, Oct 7, 2011.

  1. LibraPrincess

    LibraPrincess Well-Known Member

    Recently, I have been socially excluded from various activities by my own friends. Now that I've got barely anyone, merely a person or two that I know of in my area, I've recieved little choice but to accept the fact that other people around me do not appreciate or merely cannot understand my thoughts on life nor my personality traits. Of course not all is lost...I still have a few more other people who I know for a fact that won't exclude me or simply to abandon my friendships with them.

    Though it is said and done, I musn't let this let me ''go insane'' . I'll keep my head high in dignity and I'll conquer my own enemy that which I've described. :)
  2. curleyblonde

    curleyblonde New Member

    This looks hard. But seeing you said it is a great core workout, which I want to focus on now, it might be worth a try..... I did say might..... If I can..:smt002
  3. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    a lot of people neglect the fact that compound exercises like barbell squats/lunges etc, are great for strengthening the ab muscles. The very nature of the physics surrounding free weights, means that you have to incorporate more muscles. You have to shoulder the weight on your back and maintain proper form, which means that you have to focus on keeping your midsection and back tight. As you go down and go up, you have to maintain proper balance, so that you aren't tilting to one side or the other. This aspect becomes more important as you try weight-distribution techniques, when doing split/lunge squats.

    Leg Presses with mechanical machines on the other hand...they are kind of cheating you. Machines provide you with a fixed track of motion along with back support. You're losing out on valuable development. Using anything to assist you during a lift cheats you out. Kinda like using lift-strips constantly when doing dead lifts. You're losing out on that wrist-grip development, that you definitely get when going strapless.


    *edit* if I paid more attention, I would have noted that the guy in my second squat video was using a the regular rack and not the smith-type one. Smith machines let you cheat a bit with your lift (notice the load-reduction/set path cabling on a system like that), while a Power-Rack type bar system gives you the option of leaving the weight on a bar you set in it. Going down is the easy part, getting back up isn't. :eek:
    Last edited: May 22, 2012
  4. jayarmy

    jayarmy New Member

    I dont normally do free weights but I want to try it to see if its for me or not.
    Is the guy in this video doing it correctly?? Looks to me like he is really putting a big strain on his lower lumbar area. He is not keeping his back straight especially at the end of the video. He looks like a soon-to-be casualty to me.

    I dont know much about that and I really dont want to injure myself. I got injured on my first army job as a canon crew member on the M109 Howitzer (http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/land/m109.htm) firing 155mm shells that weighed only 98 pounds each. When I was the canon loader/firer (#1 man) some fire missions took a serious toll because you have to move so quickly and fire so many rounds all day or night. Yep... the army used to spend lots of money for you to train back then (cold war era..LOL). These guys today might shoot 10 rounds per week...LOL We did that in a few minutes. I must have turned wrong or something and messed up my back for a long while. So I know that a back injury and back pain is no joke!!

    Thanks for posting so I can get some ideas of what to try and the warning tips you gave. I ask some guys at the gym but they always act like they are too busy to talk. I guess doing that takes lots of focused concentration?
  5. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    It's life for you, LP. I wouldn't worry about those idiots. That's just how people are in secondary school. Come college, you'll still have people with those same traits.

  6. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    General rule of thumb with back exercises is to keep it straight without too much arching...

    The guy in the video was going for lots of reps with a solid load, so form may not be top priority

    I would start with a light load while working on foot placement and other simple mechanics of the lift. Remember, there's no glory being bed ridden with a hernia
  7. LibraPrincess

    LibraPrincess Well-Known Member

    *le sigh* I know what you mean, Wise. Sometimes I feel like putting those losers in their place, but I try my best not to let them get to me. Yup, life's a bitch but I gotta just suck it up and play the game.

    But seriously though, I don't think I'll think about those pathetic cowards anytime soon...I'll focus on the positives. ^.^
  8. jayarmy

    jayarmy New Member

    Thank you!!!
  9. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    You're transitioning to something different, so look forward to that and when you finally hit that milestone, you'll meet your friends for life...and then some. :p

  10. LibraPrincess

    LibraPrincess Well-Known Member

    Awwe! Truely your words of widsom here made my mood lighten. :)

    At least I have one friend here for life, hopefully. *huggles* ^.^
  11. Stheno

    Stheno New Member

    going to be a bad winter for me (not that too cold just how i feel) already i feel cold a lot i have the aircon on all day and still am cold.:(
  12. Sonny Dragon

    Sonny Dragon Well-Known Member

    Too tired for the gym. I'm just tired as fuck. i should just go. I'm too tired. I need rest.
  13. Stheno

    Stheno New Member

    everytime i try to give reputations i can not :(
  14. Sonny Dragon

    Sonny Dragon Well-Known Member

    Too many people like you.
  15. Sonny Dragon

    Sonny Dragon Well-Known Member

    Me: Hmm waht doe Les Noirs Nus mean?
    (Clicks thread)

    My reaction
  16. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Hilarious! [​IMG]
  17. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Thank you all! :D
  18. Athena

    Athena New Member

  19. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

  20. Archman

    Archman Well-Known Member

    I was reading a book the other night.....The name of the book is:
    "7 Tipping points that saved the world" by author Chris Steward.
    All seven narratives tie back into how precious our freedom has become in our generation and developed countries.......I just had to share with you a small gut-wrenching anecdote excerpt taken from the book to get your take on the hell of living in a repressive society in years gone past:

    Hangchow, China 230 BC Just before the reign of Emperor Shih HuangTi
    ZHU RAUN SUNG WAS Only twelve, but he already understood the most important lessons that life had to teach. He knew how to work. He knew how to get by on nothing but a daily bowl of rice with an occasional chicken foot or rat bone for sustenance. He knew when to talk and when to be silent, when to bow and when to run. He knew he would honor his father and their ancestors until the day that he died, just as his children would honor him even in his old age. He knew that in four years he would marry a girl he might care for or maybe not, the primary purpose of the marriage being to produce children who could labor alongside him on the ragged piece of land that they were tasked to work. He knew he would never own his own home or even an animal except for maybe a rabbit or a dog. Every piece of ground, every hut, every building, city wall, shop, water hole, and piece of furniture or food belonged to the royal family and no one else.
    Most important, he knew that he and his family would always live to serve the royals and their warriors, surrendering everything they had, even providing their children as a human sacrifice if the occasion presented itself.
    Had Zhu Raun been born in a more forgiving time, he might have risen to a position of favor or power, for he was handsome and intelligent and willing to take a chance. But that wasn't to be. And Zhu Raun knew it. His expectations had been adjusted to the realities of his day.
    Lying on the dirt floor, a cushion of cottonwood leaves for his bed, Zhu Raun looked around the one-room shack in the early morning light. His mother and father slept beside him, his younger brother and two sisters balled together at his feet. A couple of pigs had slipped through the open door and were sleeping in the slant of sunlight shining through the cracks in the thatch roof. The shack was situated in one of a dozen small villages half a day's walk from the Great City's outer wall. Three hundred thousand people lived inside the city, a number Zhu Raun couldn't begin to comprehend, but he was not one of them. Indeed, he had been inside the city only a few times in his life. But having been inside the city, he knew that the nobles lived a life of luxury that was beyond his dreams.
    Turning his head, Zhu Raun looked at the glistening goblets his father had created in the kiln that he and a hundred other farmers shared beside the communal well. His eyes grew wide as he stared at the beautiful creations. They were quite simply the most wonderful things he had ever seen. Brilliant, with red swans and purple wildflowers-ers, the gifts represented at least a quarter of his family's total wealth. And today they would be given to the royal family and buried with the king.
    The tradition went back an unknown number of generations. When a king died, hundreds—or, if he had been particularly powerful, thousands—of slaves and peasants were sacrificed and buried with him, along with the most valuable treasures the empire's peasants could produce.
    Today, along with their beautiful gifts, the village would offer up a child to be sacrificed to the king.
    And though he didn't know it yet, 2hu Raun was going to be that sacrifice.
    Three hours later, his head bowed, his heart racing so hard he thought it might explode, 2hu Raun had a rope tightened around his neck and was led away.
    As he walked, his hands bound, the biting rope making it difficult to breathe, he built the courage to glance back at his family. His mother was on her knees, weeping into her palms. His father stood beside her, one hand on her shoulder, his chest trembling with rage. His younger brother and little sisters had already been led away, protected from the terrifying scene by the kindness of friends.
    As Zhu Raun nodded to his father, a sudden thought raced through his mind. Will it always be this way? he wondered in fear and grief.
    Then the rope was tugged and he was mercilessly pulled away. And because the world wasn't ready yet, another eighteen hundred years would pass away.

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