win or lose, i still think questions need to be asked and heads need to roll it shouldnt have taken so much effort from people disgusted over the system, to bring this shit to trial if it wasnt for the media and the internet, GZ would still be walking around town, trying to find more negroes to bang with his gat
And think how many injustices like this probably go on in the country, that don't have the benefit of national media coverage.
Jase and Petty fucking killing it right now. Where the heck is my bible. I feel like I'm in church. Wish I could rep you both.
I still hope there is national outrage if he walks. People had to stand up to bring him to justice yes, but justice is still aborted if he remains unconvicted of the crime he committed. The reason behind why he did it is still important. Not so important that he would be found innocent because of a racist jury who believes all black men are thug life fo' life.
perfect victim still cant get justice. 68 year old killed by cops after hitting his medical alert [YOUTUBE]RUwNHZr_nUM[/YOUTUBE]
he should have been charged with manslaughter not murder would have been a slam dunk with manslaughter
Tragic The life of anyone shipped to foreign soil in the name of this country is priceless He deserved much better than that
I'm thinking it's likely the prosecutor has evidence that wasn't made public. Honestly the fact that he knowingly pursued this kid with a loaded gun and it's corroborated by the 911 call he made, opens up the possibility of murder 2. Manslaughter is defined as :The unjustifiable, inexcusable, and intentional killing of a human being without deliberation, premeditation, and malice. The unlawful killing of a human being without any deliberation, which may be involuntary, in the commission of a lawful act without due caution and circumspection. Now granted different judiciaries in different states are going to look at crimes differently. Did I say different enough? :smt108 Hard to get a lock on the murder two definition, especially since I'm sure it varies by state, but the fact that he had the gun, was pursing Trayvon, and said something to the effect of "These <insert whatever you think> always get away", and was told that he didn't need to follow Martin by the 911 dispatcher, as well as the statement by his girlfriend at the time that Zimmerman initiated the confrontation, I don't think the murder 2 charge was necessarily over the line or a stretch. Whether he's convicted though is another matter entirely. This is Florida after all. And if OJ and Casey Anthony can get off, surely Zimmerman can.
Angela Corey, prosecutor in Trayvon case, is tough on crime ..
The eyewitness testimonies at this point are going to amount to nothing. Every time one of them changes their story, the less credible they's going to come down to other type of circumstantial evidence to even approach a second degree murder indictment.
Yeah but is the media portraying facts being clarified as "changing their story"?? We all know the media has had a field day with skewing this case. I won't trust anything til it's in a courtroom where everyone is sworn to tell the real truth.
I'm just reading the reports of some saying Trayvon was on top of Zimmerman and vice versa, that Zimmerman shot him at point black range and that Trayvon was running away when Zimmerman shot him....and curiously the witness that concluded that she "felt" Zimmerman wanted to kill Trayvon, even though she admits what she saw was two bodies flailing around in the dark. These people are all over the place in describing what they saw.
he also changed his tune in sept . this dude is bipolar. he also did ride alongs with the pigs. now this kid wanted to be a dirty harry. one witness stated "he was breating hard....seemed he got his ass whipped"
Zimmerman IMO has borderline personality disorder. I really believe he's on the verge of needing a competent psychiatrist.
Recent news update about the case. There is also a growing petition at this time to have Casey Anthony tried in Federal Court. Some of the comments reflect that.