Why? This guy is a bonafied anomaly. He STANDS ALONE, lol. He's like octomom. May they marry. I'm betting $1.49 all his children's mothers are White, Asian and Black..being discriminate is an alien concept to this man.
probably because black kids are being born out of wedlock at a very high rate (much higher than whites). Thats 30 more black kids that are not gonna have a father in their lives.
Also stop putting so many of these young men in prison for minor drug charges so they can be parents to their kids.
True. However, the pill is more expensive than condoms, and being that it contains hormones, it can cause more problems than it prevents for some women. But there's no reason a woman can't pay for condoms and insist her partner use them.
Yeah when its white women its cause they fucked up. When it involves bm its because we don't use condoms. Notice who doesn't get blamed right?
WM. When teenage girls get knocked up if they're white its their fault. When its black "those savages just multiply like rabbits" Everyone has to take responsibility except them
Or these dumb motherfuckers can not do drugs in the first place and not have to worry about getting arrested. Right?
Um yea it does. I never see white men have to carry the cross of irresponsible dead beat dads like bm when they dont stick around or knock up a girl when theyre young. Usually the girls carry the scarlet S for being sluts all on their own as if they knocked themselves up. Its plain English not hard to comprehend my friend. Interesting how you and the Tom Brothers are the only ones who objected lol