The only thing about this clip is it cuts off. The news link I posted briefly shows Trayvon's face as he walks out the door, which I found compelling... I thought, "what in this kid made you(GZ) think he was up to no good?? I mean, the teen was holding a PLASTIC bag! Did it not compute he'd just been to a store?? Just so sad to watch.
Hmm. Bliss' news link report says they found evidence of weed in Trayvon's system. Might just be me,but if this is indeed true, since when does weed make someone violent and aggressive since some are trying to portray him as the aggressor?
Now that people have an idea of what he looked like when he was deemed suspicious by George, Thugvon or Regular dude? Sure, isn't necessarily binary, but I assume it'll be split among viewers inconsequential perhaps interesting to see how people feel, nonetheless
You aren't the only one saying this, trust me. But I'm sure the lawyers released that info to counter all the Adderall talk. BOTH are ridiculous, frankly. Also, weed can show up in your system days after, we know this.
I thought the same thing. To me, that clip showed a passive kid just getting his things and about to walk home. Must break his parents heart to see the near last innocuous moments of his life. Tough, yet they must surely treasure it. I look at the 7-11 guy and were the last decent person he spoke to face to face (except his g/f on phone). He has to feel affected.
They found traces of THC in his system. Which really doesn't mean anything outside of the fact that sometime in the past several weeks he's smoked weed. As for your question it really doesn't. It will be used as character assassination. It doesn't have anything to do with what happened that night.
Well if this be the case... Then: The next really skinny chick with acne I'll just assume does lots of ice. The bleach blonde that I just saw? Dumb. The guy with the wife beater and the neck tattoo MUST be an incestuous child rapist. The black guy in the Lexus must sell drugs. I can't BEGIN to comprehend the amount of stupid in some people who think they have a whole person summed up by the way they look. It's fucking ridiculous.
Plain and simple Trayvon Martin seemed to be just a typical teen IMO. I only pointed out the weed in his system due to knowing about how weed usually effects people (or at least the people I have been acquainted with from childhood to present day who smoke on a regular). The weed smoking as well as the other "questionable" teenage boundary pushing things that have been brought up will indeed be used as character assassination. Had he been a white or Asian teen it would be written off as just what I said it was, normal teenage boundary testing/rebelling.
This isn't funny in the least. But every time I see smh now it makes me think "sex might help" It's all over the boards. I laugh A LOT. /thread jack
Anyone think Zimmerman is gonna get off easy? I haven't taken a side really although I do think this Zimmerman guy is a sleazebag(I'm trying the "wait and see" approach) but its not looking good for Trayvon supporters imo. The latest witness saying that Martin was throwing "MMA style blows" to Zimmerman's head isn't gonna help.
There's info that in the hours of interviews Zimmerman gave to police, he's been caught in more than one lie about what happened that night. Also I think there are just as many witnesses for the state prosecutor who support that Trayvon was the victim in all this. The trial probably won't take place until next year anyway so we all are going to have to be patient.
Well here is an update Also reading a more detailed account of what Martin's girlfriend said occurred while they were talking on the phone, Zimmerman's claim that he "walked away" sounds even less legit than it originally did.
c'mon son you know this case is bullshit from the moment the police advised GZ to stand down but no..armed and medicated on some good shit, he decided to follow the black guy anyway, on some racial profiling shit dont even mention the fact that he WOULDNT EVEN BE AT A TRIAL, if it wasn't for the outrage of millions of americans what happened to the justice system and why couldn't theyve done their jobs...a man killed someone, and they let him walk scott free without holding him until everything was properly investigated? they took him at his word and left Trayvon's body in the morgue for three days, on some ole southern-justice style
still tho..even if he least he was trialed, you know? NOTHING was going to happen to begin with... remember how many marches and protests it took, just to get the police to do their fucking jobs? that shit was really flagrant...he killed someone and had an orange juice and a biscuit the next morning at McDonalds
Oh I definitely agree. But in America, even when you're the victim, if you're Black then you better be the perfect victim. Because people will bend over backwards to find some justification for why you wound up dead and should be forgotten about. And it's not like Zimmerman didn't have people bending over backwards from the start to justify why he should be let off the hook, regardless of the situation or evidence. Unfortunately even people like that wind up on juries. So obvious to you and me, but many others in this country? Not so much. I think the more info that comes out the better but I really wish this trial would get started.