It does amaze me the rather oxymoron based tendencies of Black Republicans. It's the same party that for time and time again literally spits on african americans, on literally anyone whose a none white-christian male to be honest. The same party that has banned hispanic studies in Arizona. I can't tell how many republican individuals I've came across who wants to "get rid" of ethnic studies instead of focusing on the true problem, the lack of ethnic history in traditional history class. I have learn more about african american history in one college class than my entire k-12 public schooling. Yet many of these individuals wish to remove one of the few sources of non-white history we have? I guess it comes down to what is most important to you, social or financial goals. I can see why the conservative mindset in terms of finances may be interesting to some, but their social outlook regarding anyone that is non-white male is absolutely horrible.
wouldn't doubt it you do come across people who really see no need for afro-centric TV programming, or college classes. All you can do is shake your head... either they really are that naive, or they're just so full of themselves as minorities, we really are not getting the exposure we deserve when it comes to other minorities and their contributions to this country and beyond there really is a psychological impact on minorities because of that some people really do grow beyond that and live their lives without really caring..but for the's a sad reality
Well basically you monkeys should be happy that they mentioned the freeing of the slaves and Martin Luther King Jr. Its not like we shipped you spear chuckers to that waste land called Africa That always seems to be the attitude a lot them have. Assimilate into white culture and shut the fuck up or learn it on your own time. Valuable indoctrination time shouldn't be wasted on facts and equitable focus of contributions made by all Americans not just the ones who have pale skin and blue eyes. I hate to break it to black conservatives (to this day no one can explain to me what they are exactly trying to conserve)/liberitarians/right wingers/ Republicans. You are not liked nor are you welcomed in that party. They'll use your black ass but they sure as hell don't want you.
been there before growing up around whites and spending the bulk of my 30 years of existence in their company (with the exclusion of the women here who actually don't mind learning and reflecting on the world), has afforded me plenty of opportunities to address black issues and racial issues in general.. ive heard the 'if you don't like it, go back to africa' plenty of times..because you know..instead of engaging someone in intellectual study, it's simply much easier to just deflect or otherwise dodge the real issue at hand then you got the knuckleheads who say they weren't raised to see color, or 'there's only just one race' easy for you to say when the majority of television, in general, looks just like you when 385 out of 400 pages in an American history textbook focus on what white people can you not scratch your head:smt103
Well like you said when the majority looks like them it only makes sense that history is pretty much all about them too. To be fair if you don't have to deal with it you tend to ignore it because you'd rather spend your time doing other things. Shit my girl knows more about Jamaica than I do, it's pretty shameful, but she's one of those rare whites who really recognize the problems that black people face and is genuinely empathetic about it. I remember we talked about figuring out another living situation sometime in between now and when my program is over and she said "Well I can't live where you are because I can't imagine being in a predominately white area" and I said "Wow what a coincidence because I sure as hell don't want to be in a predominately black area" It's very interesting to me how she not only feels very comfortable with black people but prefers to be around us. Unfortunately with more closed minded whites or indifferent ones (which seems to be the majority) there's an air of "Just shut the fuck up and be grateful for whiteness" They truly believe we'd all still be in caves with loin clothes if it weren't for white people. Not to mention I always love how most of these slow minded dumb asses latch on to someone elses work and take partial credit for their achievements. It's fricking laughable.
POJ and Black Knight,you them on the head straight on. To date no Black conservatives on the site are willing or able to give a explanation on supporting such racist groups like the GOP,The Heritage Foundation,etc.
Probably means that they want to put America's interests before other countries problems. I don't see whats so controversial about that. And now I will let you folks get back to your hate filled rants regarding black republicans.
So how would voting Republican be putting your "Country First" as opposed to voting Democrat or Independent?
Dude, its just a stupid political campaign slogan. I wouldnt read too much into it. Just like I never bought into Obama's "Hope & Change" bullshit.
I can't wait to see what excuses the Democrats use if Obama gets a second term and can't turn things around. I can at least respect Bill Clinton and his views on the economy. During his presidency, he at least took a bold stance and said I'm going to raise taxes but cut spending dramatically. We had a great period of prosperity during his years. But Obama is trying to maintain current tax rates and introduce new taxes in the process. At the same time not cutting spending. You have to be bold when the country is in a financial crisis like this. Clinton gave Reagan a lot of credit for the deregulation work he did and the bipartisan resolution for the Social Security problem. Reagan had large tax cuts which spurred economic growth. So you can have multiple solutions to the problem. This is less about Democrat vs. Republican as it is about qualified vs. unqualified. Obama simply isn't qualified to pull us out of this mess.
I can't wait to see Obama win and the GOP giving more excuses of doing nothing. Along with losses of Black Republican MOCs.
Back in 1957 Rev. MLK met with then VP Nixon. Rev King went to Capitol Hill for a discussion of ways to overcome Democrat opposition to the Republican civil rights agenda. How times have changed.
You're using the word 'qualified' in the wrong context. For any POTUS, it's about leadership, unless you're questioning the President's intellectual aptitude to address the economic crisis. Obama wants to get rid of all subsidies to oil companies, raise the capital gains tax, raise the marginal tax rate for the wealthiest Americans and in April of last year the president proposed $4 trillion in long term cuts from the federal budget. THe problem is that Obama is facing an obstructionist Congress the likes of which neither Clinton or Dubya had to deal with during their terms, which is saying a lot. The Republicans in the Senate and Congress have opposed nearly every piece of legislation favored by the President, and have even opposed legislation they used to support such as an INDIVIDUAL MANDATE for healthcare. If Obama wins a 2nd term, say bye-bye to the Tea Party.
I don't hate black republicans, I just fail to see how an individual can rationalize support of an entity that openly panders to people who believe that they are sub-human. If you have gripes about fiscal policy, be a conservative democrat. But the social reaction the republicans stir up is real. And dangerous. And the concept of us all belonging to "one country" is a developing work in progress. Throughout the history of this nation up until recently (and arguably not even now) this country's politics and economy have largely functioned in the interests of a narrow group, and never for the "one country" that they seem to want working people to give up their own interests for.