The "Dedication" Thread

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by AnMDBCartoon, Sep 14, 2010.

  1. Unique4ever

    Unique4ever Well-Known Member

    Wow, I love it. Thank you Baby
  2. jayarmy

    jayarmy New Member

    Dedicated to Eugene and Yusuf... RIP my friends.


    Thinking of you guys now and what we did back in 1988 on this song...LOL

    Police are overrated even though I did try it. Was not for me or corrections. Legal badges cant get nearly as much accomplished as we did. Too much paperwork if you ask me. Shit there were even more restriction in the army with a badge and a weapon. I gave that up too. I hate to play fair because the enemy dont play fair. Yall know what I mean. Im not down to tell anyone that Im gonna knock on your door at 5am or the 6th...LOL USA.... I love it but we can do things a little bit more effectively I think. So far the best team I ever met was our internal affairs crew in Iraq. Im very proud of them and yall would be too. Damn... 50 rockets up my ass?? Each one of them required four fucking strong men to lift it. I really thought that was the end that day.

    I miss you guys. Sorry I was not there to have your backs. I bet if I were we would be drinking some beers and talking about the good old days right now, or we would all be wherever you guys are now.

    Remembering you both on Thanksgiving 2010.
  3. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    To the ageists from Kushton:
  4. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    Max Mosley :p
  5. Arwen

    Arwen New Member


  6. Max Mosley

    Max Mosley Well-Known Member

    Dedicated to Tamstrong. The hardest workin woman in Texas....

  7. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Thanks, Max. :smt058 I don't know about hardest working, but I do try (at least some of the time, lol). ;)
  8. Max Mosley

    Max Mosley Well-Known Member

    Dedicated to my late father. His favorite song...

  9. Max Mosley

    Max Mosley Well-Known Member

    This song is dedicated to the one and only Alectrona.

    Season after season, year after year. Spilling blood, sweat and tears. I exhaust every imaginable option to make this freckled woman happy. And yet, Im still knocked down, as she smiles deviously at my unsuccessful attempts to win even a moment of her attention.

    Happy Mother's Day :smt019 :smt002

    Last edited: May 14, 2012
  10. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    awwww...mooooo...!!! :smt049:smt049

    now maybe if you took a leaf out of ol' norms book and dressed like a dandy captain, i may give you a look in
  11. Max Mosley

    Max Mosley Well-Known Member

    Do I have to wear the oversized silk sailor tie?
  12. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    i'm surprised you even asked such a question

    of course you do, duh
  13. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    U gonna have to wear a bullet proof vest and go thru me first.
  14. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

  15. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Will you bail me out afterwards???

  16. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    absolutely. you know that:smt060
  17. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Ohhh!!!!! or a file in a cake???
  18. Max Mosley

    Max Mosley Well-Known Member

    Oh please...Says the one who wont even respond to a hello on Facebook. :smt019
  19. jayarmy

    jayarmy New Member

    To Susan...last name unknown.

    Hey Susan I was thinking of you on mother's day 2012. I dont know if you are still alive at this time but maybe... if you had children they are and also in this forum.

    So to You or your children...

    You were dating my father and you both worked in the same restaurant back in 1975 I think. It was definitely the 70s when I was a little boy.

    I would like to say that I am so sorry for giving you such a hard time as a child. I know you wanted to educate me to the finer things that NYC had to offer even though you were not from NYC.

    All I could see at that time was YOU stealing my dad away from me. I had just met him when I was 6-7 years old. I dont remember fully now but you were a threat to me.

    I am the boy who you took out to eat in NY. I thought the food was terrible but I didnt know how important that place was in NY until I became an adult. Tavern on the green no longer exists. Its now a tourist attraction as you probably know already. Thank you.

    Those hot pretzels, the opera, the wiz on Broadway (with Richard Pryor), you teaching me how to make shirts with glitter and dye, and your lasagna was all good even though I complained.

    Im so sorry I didnt get the chance to tell you that I appreciated you. I wanted to but you moved out of state. I forget where you are originally from but I wish that I knew so I could look you up.

    The only problem I ever had with you was not even with the color of your skin. It was that I knew you were PERFECT for my dad. He did love you very much. He told me so.

    He also told me that he broke up with you because he had to make a choice... me or you. He chose me. IM SORRY!!! As a child I was extremely smart and manipulative as you already know. I knew if I accepted you then my dad would move away with you and I would visit. That would have been the only time I could see him and my mother was not too fond of white women. She would never have let me visit you two just as she didnt let me visit him when you two were together after news reached my neighborhood that you were white.

    You must understand that my dad was really the only positive part of my childhood and I would battle anyone to keep him in my life at that time. I think anyone who didnt like their home life would do that to keep someone positive in their life, even if it were not a parent.

    My dad has never settled down with any woman or even lived together with any woman since you. He has had/have some medical issues currently but he is a highly active individual. I offered him to live with me but he refused. He loves traveling by train in NY and never believed in cars as you already know. I live in GA and he does not drive. He says he would be trapped in one location and not able to move around as he likes if he lived with me. I agree. But he speaks of you often enough to make me feel like I got in the way of him having someone special in his life for the long term. I know that you and he planned to be married.

    Again... I am so sorry. I believe I caused you two to part. I hope that you can forgive me for that. I also hope that you found someone special.

    Oh yes.... In case you still dont know who I am then.... I spent the weekend with you and my little brother in your apartment which was a loft. I know you can remember the black man from Nassau, Bahamas you were dating in the 70s and his kids who stayed at your I complimented you on your lasagna. IT WAS GREAT!!! Made me a lasagna lover actually!!!

    If you read this or you heard of this story please contact me by email at Thanks Susan!!!

    ps... even more... remember the time we went to central park and rented the bicycles. I had a great time. Never knew you could even rent bikes there. I lost all of the pics I had of you but even with a failing memory I still remember your face. I wonder if you can still rent bikes in central park?? I have not been back there in a while even though I visit NY quite often.
    Last edited: May 15, 2012
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    This is for my action fanatics
    Someone please tell me why Michael Jai White isn't getting more action roles. Dude is the best in the business


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