Also,todays GOP dissed Obama not just politically but,also personaly. This outright lack of decorum and prodacol to the office of POTUS is unpresidented in the history of the United States of America. The GOP don't have the type of people like the Rockefeller brothers who governed NY and AR,Jacob Javitz,John Lindsey,Edward Brooke and Lincoln Chafee. They are now the ones who voted for David Duke,Jesse Helms,and every Tea Party pols. The Blacks who started to vote for Democratic Party when the party did not integrate the Blacks with Whites in the South,New Deal Legislation,the Civil Rights Act,the Voting Rights Act,Affirmative Action and the election of the first Black POTUS. For Blacks to support the GOP today is like chickens going to Kentucky Fried Chicken and Popeyes.
Republicans are attacking his support of gay marriage as an ideal, not as a personal attack. Remember it was a Republican who originally set us free. I would say the Emancipation Proclamation a pretty important piece of legislation that helped black people. Blacks are voting for Barack Obama simply because he's black and that's ignorant and shameful to me. MLK Jr. fought for us to be judged not by the color of our skin, but the content of our character. We need to expect more from our POTUS. Look at his beliefs and policies and decide if he's right for you.
1. A Republican during those years are not the same wing as the modern day, far-right Republicans who basically rather turn this nation into a theocracy. In fact, the basic tenant of conservatism is about personal freedoms, and yet, the far-right, who hijacked the party since the late 70s, refuse to adhere it and are the same ones would be quick to denounce interracial marriage had Loving v. Virginia not take shape. 2. To play the devil's advocate here, sure blacks have voted for the President because of his skin color. But to say it's the primary, let alone sole reason, shows the arrogance of the opposition. In many ways, even conservative blacks who voted for him said one of the reasons was his skin color. But make no mistake, his positions and his pragmatism were the prime reasons as to why people voted for him. Had blacks voted based on skin color, then Herman Cain would get 95% of the black vote. 3. You may be dissatisfied with the way how things are now. But you have yourself to blame when you firmly believe that things could be fixed in one term. Realistically, it's a long road ahead and it's the kind of mess that is hard to fix, all the while trying to keep the population pleased. I'm quite pleased at the work he's done so far, despite the mess he's inherited. What's sad is how people like yourself take this as though it's a two hour movie and that everything could get fixed in four years. Much like believing in mutilated corpses coming back to life to grant you salvation, the idea that things will magically get fixed in less than four years is as equally absurd.
LMAO @ Roscoe's :smt043 I highly doubt Romney can either, I hope we are not doomed. This country need fixing.
I also love how people forget that even when Obama started running for President the majority of Blacks still supported Hillary Clinton. Hell I supported Hillary for most of 2007 and Obama was my Senator. Those same people whining about Blacks voting for Obama were quick enough to forget shit like this: 'Black leaders slow to warm up to Obama' 'LATimes: Obama Not 'Black Enough'?' 'Is Obama Black Enough?',8599,1584736,00.html 'Is black America ready to embrace Obama?' 'Clinton and Obama Unite in Pleas to Blacks' There was a time in the Democratic primaries where Clinton was beating Obama among blacks by as much as 40%. And you had all these idiots sitting around asking "Why don't Black people like Obama?" and "Do Black people HATE Obama?" Then once Blacks finally did start turning towards Obama, these same morons started crying racism and incessantly whined about it and still are 5 years later.
These dummies refuse to realize BLACKS HAVE HISTORICALLY VOTED DEMOCRAT FOR FIFTY YEARS. ITS CONSIDERED THE PARTY OF MINORITIES. If it were Collin Powell then there would be an argument. I just people would just be plain honest and say we don't want nor like the idea of a negro being president. No matter his background or current re ord we just hate the kdea of someone darker than a peach running things.
Exactly. People want to act like it's just Blacks who support the Democratic Party. The vast majority of us might, but Latinos are for Obama over Romney 6:1. Latino, Asian, Jewish, Muslim, and gay support for Obama is higher than for Romney as well. Pretty much every group that isn't white, straight, and Christian tends to swing Democratic. Remember the Democratic and Republican national conventions back in 08? One looked like a massive seminar on diversity and the other looked like a WW2 Veterans reunion.
1. I agree that both parties have extremes. But I think for anybody to get any piece of legislation passed you need to be more moderate to get bi-partisan support. That's why Romney doesn't get the far right vote because he is more moderate which I think will serve the country well. Obama is on the other hand a far left Democrat bordering along socialism. 2. Obama was able to promote a message of "hope and change" which made people feel optimistic about the future. And yes, people wanted to say they voted for "the first black president". He was able to bring out students and African Americans to the polls like no other candidate has been able to do before. That is what got him the nomination. But as a republican who is black, I would have been very disappointed if Herman Cain got the nomination. I don't think he has the experience or values I look for in a president. 3. Look at the Bureau of Labor Statistics since he's been in office and he has done nothing policy wise to increase employment. When he took office unemployment was at 7% and he let in balloon to 10%. When George W. Bush took office in the early 2000's he had a recession. At the time Bush took office the economy had grown at a 1.1% annualized rate over the previous three quarters to March 31 of the first year of Bush presidency. Bush had his tax cut plan approved by Congress in June. Overall real GDP grew at an average annual rate of 2.5%. Between 2001 and 2005, GDP growth was clocked at 2.8%. The number of jobs created grew by 6.5% on average. The growth in average salaries was 1.2%. Growth in consumer spending was 72% faster than growth in income. Investment in residential real-estate soared, growing 26% faster than average. The problems occurred with Wall Street and sub prime mortgages, not conservative policies.
No candidate is perfect! I'm not saying Romney will solve all of America's issues. But I think he will solve the most pressing issue...the economy. Obama simply doesn't understand that you can't tax everyone when they're already down. You reduce taxes on people & businesses and let them spend or invest their money. It gives a boost to the economy and gets people working again
Dubya passed an unfunded medicare benefit (without raising taxes), started a war in Iraq that wasn't paid for, and gave the 1% a tax cut that wasn't paid for. It's convenient how conservatives in an effort to put a positive spin on the Dubya administration forget to chart what happened to the economy during his 2nd term when the economy started bleeding jobs. BTW the unemployment rate from the CBO never exceeded 9.1% under BHO. The unemployment rate was 4.1% in 2001. It was 7.2% in December 2008. The economic growth during the first Dubya term was built entirely on the housing bubble, not genuine broad sector economic growth. Bush is the one who advocated an 'ownership society' and pushed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to secure all home loans. When the housing bubble burst, the economy cratered. BHO has bent over backwards to grant congressional conservatives concession after concession to get legislation passed, even legislation they previously had been in favor of but were now opposed because the POTUS was advocating for it, and still the GOP wouldn't vote with the Dems. And for this unprecedented obstruction in Congress Obama is the radical socialist?? Obama has governed from the center like Clinton, but if the loyal opposition has made a decision behind closed door NEVER to agree to anything this President wants to accomplish legislatively, Congress stops working. Make no mistake, Congress right now is dysfunctional because of Republicans who refuse to find any common ground with the POTUS. Take student loan legislation before Congress for example. Both sides generally agree they need to pass legislation to prevent student loan rates from going up, but the GOP has stated they won't support the bill unless it's offset(?) by cuts in funding to Obamacare. Heads I win. Tails you lose. That's not a deal or good faith negotiating. The GOP tactic that any Republican vote comes with a heavy cost to the Dems or the Obama administration is why Congress can't pass the most basic legislation with bipartisan support.
Then you should check your facts better. Jobs In the last 22 months, businesses have created more than 3 million jobs. Last year, they created the most jobs since 2005 Taxes Obama's administration has LOWERED taxes for the majority of Americans
Are you on crack? Companies are experiencing record profits for two years with the lowest tax rate in decades and "job creators" are still outsourcing in record numbers
Yes here in the USA, the rating has been upgraded to "mostly true" From the article.. As for whether 2011 was the best job-producing year since 2005, he’s (Obama) right if you’re counting private-sector jobs, and slightly off if you’re counting all jobs. In 2011, the number of private-sector jobs rose by about 1.83 million (if you count from the January amount to the December amount) or 1.92 million (if you count from December to December). Either way, the increase in 2011 represented the highest one-year total since 2005, when the number of private-sector jobs increased by either 2.22 million or 2.31 million, depending on the time period used. If you use total jobs, the increase in 2011 was the biggest since 2006, not 2005. But here too, that’s not the measure Obama used, so we won’t consider it in our rating. Finally, there's another dimension. In his remarks, Obama described the damage to the economy, including losing millions of jobs "before our policies were in full effect." Then he describes the subsequent job increases. This suggests that he’s taking a degree of credit for the job growth, which runs counter to the reality that no mayor or governor or president deserves all the blame or all the credit for changes in employment. Our ruling Obama is correct on the numbers. By mentioning his policies, he's making a modest linkage that they deserve credit for the improvement when economists say they are just one factor. On balance, we rate the claim Mostly True.
Job creation has not been because of Barack's policies. That is simply companies working their way through it in spite of his ridiculous corporate taxes. The corporate tax rate is the highest in the world We would be in a far greater position if he wasn't in office.
Quote: Originally Posted by jameswilson1 No candidate is perfect! I'm not saying Romney will solve all of America's issues. But I think he will solve the most pressing issue...the economy. Obama simply doesn't understand that you can't tax everyone when they're already down. You reduce taxes on people & businesses and let them spend or invest their money. It gives a boost to the economy and gets people working again Exactly right TDK, and ONCE AGAIN....................... Obama's administration has LOWERED taxes for the majority of Americans