What if he's a chronic masturbator and uses up all the mustard and mayo to get off...while smoking weed?
He's not out cheating... hahaha. She would know he has her panties on his head while he's doing it. You be coming up with some off the wall comments. :smt023
Alcohol has probably killed more people and destroyed more families than all illegal drugs combined End of story
I'm a sick ass bastard! What can I do to alleviate myself from the madness of my dickie-doo? And you're so right...he's not cheating at all. I'm sure Mya Hanz would be most thrilled that she's not considered a cheating mechanism.
All you hippy joint lovers, I might set up a shop in Timbuktu, Montana. Y'al come and get your hit, no insurance only cash. Hot buxom blonde to greet you at the door.
Marijuana Decriminalization: Efforts To Relax Pot Rules Gaining Momentum In U.S. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/06/10/marijuana-decriminalizati_n_1584739.html?ref=mostpopular
look if you legalize the shit and start selling it in stores, wouldn't you think that would take at least some dealers off the streets, or put a dent in their pockets? the best way to fight the 'war on drugs,' is to make the shit legal and over the counter just like a bottle of rum. that'll eliminate a lot of dealers unless they started chopping up their prices, or forcing people to buy the shit.