You do know all the "Democrats" back at that time eventually became the Republican Party we currently have in existence and the "Republicans" are the present day "progressives"?
That's why I said he would be considered a commie because "progressive" in the modern day Republican dictionary equals "commie".
Thanks, was just about to point that out. After the Civil Rights Act passed racist whites abandoned the Democratic Party in droves and ran straight to the Republican Party where they've been ever since. Which is why no Democratic President has won the White vote since it passed. Something they never like to talk about. Like Republicans didn't bring us the Southern Strategy. As if we'd forget Nixon's "Law and Order", Reagen's welfare queens, the White Hands Ad, Bush's Willie Horton ad, Birthers, etc. The Republican party has a very disgusting legacy when it comes to racism and race baiting in modern times.
It was asked, apart from the abolition of slavery what have they done for the modern day Black Community. 'Abolition of Jim Crow laws Civil rights and voting rights acts Falling black poverty ONLY during periods when GOP policy is in place" And ALL Democrats? Really, every last one? I'd like to see that, that is interesting to me. So then, can I ask what has the Democratic Party done for the Modern day BC that is so remarkably beneficial that they take the BC vote for granted?
Who said "all" Democrats? The majority of people who identified themselves as Democrats at the time eventually abandoned that party and adopted the current Republican viewpoints of today. And the current Democrats haven't done anything remarkably beneficial, but most in the Black community realize they would probably be worse off since many recognize the current Republican Party as the old oppressive Democrat Party pre-civil rights.
You're gonna need a time machine fam because that concept of being American died the minute "Americans" included more than just white people and being human never mattered to homosapiens. It's always been about small clicks unified by some horseshit or another. Believe it or not we are moving towards global unity now. Are neighbors are more than just the people next door or even the state next us but now its more about collective social customs being created by the internet and social networking. We are living in interesting times my friend.
I'd say we're both right because qualifications are being kept with a small close knit collective which is hard to break into. So the children of the privileged are born into circumstances where they have the opportunity to gain experience and as a result have access to become more qualified than those who aren't as fortunate. Power has always been kept within small groups. Hope you don't think Skull and Bones was just a movie.
Most of the SOUTHERN democrats became Republicans. Look up the constituencies on the House Republicans who voted against the CRA, and see how many are solidly red at present. If you're going to sit here and pretend the Republican and Democratic parties are organized along the exact same lines as they were 50 years ago, then you have no credibility whatsoever. FYI I don't even give a shit about the present incarnation of the Democratic party. Most of them are either spinless or just as corrupt as the Republicans. I just think that this bullshit where people bring up all the dead politicians who voted for the Civil Rights Act a half century ago like it has any bearing on modern politics needs to stop. It's disingenuous and stupid.
hope you feel that way when your black ass is 2 years out of grad school still looking for a job with benefits
The modern Republican party was born March 31st, 1964. The GOP has always been considered the party who represented the issues of the business class over workers and labor, but they weren't particularly branded as far right extremists on social issues. That's why for decades most Blacks down South were Republicans, the party of Abraham Lincoln. When the Civil Rights Act was passed into law, not only did White southerners flee the Democratic party and become Republicans, (pussies should have started their OWN party!lol), but most Blacks who were members of the GOP changed their party affiliation status and became Democrats. FDR, a Democrat, and Abraham Lincoln, a Republican, were two of this country's greatest presidents ever, yet in hindsight it would be hard to find much difference between them in terms of ideology or rhetoric. The reason most Black people label the GOP as a 'racist' political party is because that's where all the bigots ran to and where EMBRACED with open arms. I hate this talk radio show demagoguing of the Democratic party, like most people don't have any concept of political history that's older than the 1980s. Guys like Rush and Hannity talk down to their listeners because of all the lies they tell. When you lie or deliberately misinform someone REPEATEDLY, in most cases it means you think you're talking to someone that you privately believe is both ignorant and stupid. SMH.:smt108
we'll see how much he loves the hiring of 'qualified' individuals tdk is that you?
The fact is Obama is one of the biggest pandering politicians we've ever seen. He goes around with ridiculous slogans and making promises he has no intentions to keep. Making pit stops at Roscoe's Chicken & Waffles to show that he supports blacks & latinos. Cheering for him at his speeches that were written by a 27 year old white kid in Starbucks who laughs at how easy it is get blacks to support Obama. Sure, he inherited a tough economy. But he does not have the policies to pull us out of this mess. He is more concerned with living his celebrity lifestyle flying around in Air Force One going to sports games and late night talk shows. Obama: Can you guys take it up the ass 4 more years? Supporters: YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN!