If you had a mixed-race child......

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Bulma, May 3, 2012.

  1. Bulma

    Bulma New Member

    .....and he or she dated/settled down with your partners race (MR daughter married a white man or MR son married a black woman). Would you feel slightly aggrieved?

    As a BM, would you....rather him/her to marry a fellow black person?
    As a WW, would you....rather him/her to marry a fellow white person?

    What if they said they didn't find BM or WW attractive. Wouldn't that sting?

    Perhaps, you would rather they stayed mixed and married a fellow mixed-race person.
  2. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Who my son chooses to date/love/marry/settle down with is entirely up to him; their race makes no difference to me. If the person is good to him and he's happy with his choice, I'm happy for him.
  3. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    what a peculiar thread. as a parent of a child, you only want what is best for them and what makes them happy. the colour of their skin, race or sexuality should not be a factor in this
  4. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

    I wouldn't care the race or ethnicity of the person my child married. It is their choice to marry whom makes them happy. I wouldn't value a SIL/DIL any more or any less based on their race.

    I would hope that they could find people of all races attractive. But if they chose not to date someone or to date someone based on race that is completely their choice. I might would try and talk to them to see if they have developed an issue with that race or not although don't know exactly what I would do if they did other than give advice. But I would hope their preference has nothing to do with their non preference.

    With 4 mixed children I feel like prob atleast 1 will marry white and one will marry black and then maybe some other race/ethinc groups too.
    My kids are little but at this point they like girls and boys of all races. My daughter first chilhood bf was black, then hispanic and now white. My son had a black gf and now a white one. My white son has had black, mixed, and white girlfriends but I think his prefrence is white. My white daughter has had black, mixed, hispanic, and white bf. I don't know her prefrence.
  5. Nebula J

    Nebula J New Member

    Character is what I'm evaluating. Phenotypes do not matter.
  6. mama

    mama Well-Known Member

    I agree.
  7. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member


    Why would I care what colour person my kids end up with?? How does that even matter?
  8. Bulma

    Bulma New Member

    That is true, but I knew a Nigerian man who is married to a French woman, and he didn't want his daughter (9 at the time) to marry a white man.

    You would be surprised by the amount of people who have mixed children, but still would rather said child to marry a particular race. Not just a black/white issue. Happens within Asian/white unions aswell.

    Some only want their mixed child to marry white in order to have fairer grandchildren. Strange, but it happens.

    So, I was just curious on everyones take on it . I notice only women have replied so far.
  9. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

    I've meet some people like that to but IMO white women inparticular in the US are the most unlikely of all to feel this way. I've meet black men who take issues with their mixed daughters marrying white men. I do recall seeing a white woman online that admitted she would have a problem if her mixed children married white people. I think those stories or just sad.
  10. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Last time nebula checked...........he's a guy. ;) Nebs, check again. :smt043

    I think almost everyone has said the same though. Doesn't matter as long as they treat them well.
  11. Nikkers

    Nikkers Well-Known Member

    So often on here, I see posters talking about how their families were against them dating outside their race or posters sharing experiences they had with someone (who had a family that wanted them to stay in their own race). If so many struggle like that, why would we do the same to our children [or in some of our cases... potential children, lol].

    Like Tammy said, if they're happy that's what matters.
  12. AlmostThere

    AlmostThere Active Member

    I am a guy and I am saying the same thing. It doesn't matter to me as long as they are treated well.
  13. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    There you have it. The power of two. ;) Thank you almost. :D
  14. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    This. I'd be happy with whomever they are with.

  15. Bulma

    Bulma New Member

    I did say "so far".
  16. bmanz

    bmanz Member

    ***Nothing else need be said lol
  17. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    I couldn't care less. As long as my son is happy, healthy and successful, I'm happy. His life is his to live. I just want to be there to help when needed.
  18. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    My response goes with the majority response. Both my wife and I don't care what race either of own children would prefer to date or marry just as long as they are good people overall and make them happy.
  19. MissWacy

    MissWacy New Member

    wouldnt care, but sadly there are parents out there with mixed race kids who do want them to date a certain race, which is very sad imo
  20. Jase

    Jase Active Member

    I wouldn't care who they married/dated. Not based on race or gender anyway.

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