This probably should shut a lot of people up, but it most likely won't. If you have bought into the media’s portrayal of black ppl, check out the stats.
teen drug & alcohol use Along the same lines, it turns out black teens are significantly less likely to abuse drugs than white teens. This study flies in the face of every negative stereotype about blacks. Sorry for yelling, but WHY HASN'T THIS BEEN HEAVILY REPORTED!?
Whites are also 2.5 times more likely than Blacks or Latinos to be comitting a crime when pulled over as well (usually drug related), which still doesn't stop law enforcement from racially profiling us when it comes to traffic stops. Anyway one thing I will say is the # of murders committed by Blacks despite being like 12% of the population is waaay too high.
I would love for any of you to TEACH in an all black school, and tell me that black students don't act up, misbehave, sleep in class, don't do schoolwork etc. Even in white schools where I have friends, it's black kids who are constantly being fucking idiots. But those stats CAN'T lie! Because they come from "colorlines" website, whatever that is. I'll make a couple of pie graphs and name it "black myths."
Yeah, sure, we aren't "boogeymen", but there is much room for improvement within- I do not like the following phrase- the Black community, and we know it.
The classroom stuff makes me go, "hmm" a little more than the rest does. I'd like to see where the information comes from. The overall white population and black population in schools, or did they focus on certain areas, etc. Would probably run the information on school related arrests, suspensions and sort it by socioeconomic class as well as race. Too many ways to lie with statistics, would want to see where they got the raw data straight up. More white people having "better" schools could mean less of those incidents happening in schools compared to the black people, hmm.... (by "better" schools, I mean it as it is usually related to socioeconomic class/property taxes that go to schools = higher in the 'better off' areas, which are usually white.) I think I just gave myself "homework" for next week, to actually see if I can find that data and run it through a stats program. :smt024
Blackness and societal deficiency, are not synonymous. It's a sad truth that people from low social-economic areas, are prone to have higher rates of behaviorally challenged children, but it has nothing to do with race. I went to a poor school that was mostly white kids, and they cut up as much as any black kids did. I on the other hand, never once saw the inside of the principles office.
lol so I guess all is right in the white and hispanic communities as well huh. Do you ever get tired of singling black folk out like criminal behavior is solely representative in that community. Dudes like you and Paniro should either bleach your skin or just up and go to another country and call it day. You have no interest in trying to help, you just like looking down your nose at everyone and demand they get their "shit together" without looking at what causes the problems in the first place. And be logical fam, your a smart dude, if just wagging your finger and telling AA to act right and fly straight was all that was needed to make things better then why aren't things magically better. Wouldn't that indicate there's more behind it.
Damn... very interesting post!!! Thank you!!! I can vouch for it being true about black/white punishment with an incident with my son when he was a kid. He fought a KNOWN bully and won. The teacher grabbed my son by the arm and held him, allowing the other kid to get in some hits. Then that same teacher recommended my son to be expelled for attacking the white bully and swore the bully did nothing to provoke my son. I wont get into the aftermath but that teacher quit after I "spoke" to him. My son dont lie to me and he was not expelled either.
I single out black on black crime because it is a big problem. I bring it up on here because it concerns me deeply. Read up on it homie.
Translation: I live in the 'burbs and I'm so scared & paranoid that someone from the hood that looks like me will kill me because I have fully bought into all of the negative bullshit about my own.
These are all examples of institutional racism, because of the collective, subconscious bias people withing the educational and criminal justice system have against Blacks.
How the hell is it "institutionalized racism" when the most powerful man in the country is black, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff was black, affirmative action is still in place to give preference to minorities entering college and so forth? I'm calling bullshit on your post, because every other "race" be it Hispanics, Asians, whatever, don't cry the "institutionalized racism" against what they perceive as injustice. They look at us as crying out the victim mentality when almost EVERY barrier has been broken for us to succeed. And that's where people, and racism proliferates...
Why "almost"? You make it seem as though everything's fair and just. I'm curious to hear what's behind the qualification "almost."