this is wrong on so many levels. start of the article If you're planning a trip to the dentist, it might not be the wisest decision to make your appointment with the person with whom you just broke up. A Polish woman is facing three years in prison after she removed all of her ex-boyfriend's teeth during dental surgery just days after their breakup.
OMG!!! This is classic payback...LOL How stupid can us men be?? Long ago I asked my X who was a nurse for something to calm my stomach. She gave me a damn laxative...LOL That was the time I learned that some women only pretend to be your friend after a breakup. So today I dont bother with any X other than my son's mother. Some of them are just thinking of ways to pay you back!!!
Lock her up and take away her license. She's a psycho. Any reasonable person would have never worked on him in the first place.
It was a prank. 'It looks like, in this case, the only thing pulled was our leg.' Vengeful teeth-pulling dentist story deemed a hoax