I've been here for quite a while and I've only made friends with my BigBrotherWise. Part of this is because I'm not on here much and part of it is because when I am here I'm usually in a heated argument with someone. Also, a lot of the relationship/sex threads are topics that I don't have anything to contribute to. Anyway, this is my way of formally saying hello to those I've never met and truce to those that I have.
Just a chick I met at Mardi Gras back in February. She was fine. Nice face, nice body. Everything. "It look like we in love, but only on camera, only on camera" -Drake
You have no reason to apologize, my friend. But anyway, I personally want to give you my regards and say welcome to the forums!
No, I just went there for a vacation with four of my best friends. It was awesome. I didn't even wanna come back here.
Sounds like you want a fresh start DJ_1985. So from someone (Me) who does not know you... Welcome to the site!!!
Yeah, only a week but I'm gonna see everything during that time. I'm gonna take a day trip to Versailles as well. I'm already trying to decide where I wanna go for Christmas break. It took me a while to realize that memories are the only things that really matter.
It was. It was a cultural experience. I met people from France, the UK, Italy. It's a celebration on an international scale. The sad thing is I didn't meet that many natives - mainly just fellow tourists.