Apparently you don't read too well. The fine lines between it all. A charitable offering is something that: Doesn't require a percentage donation. Aren't based on politics. Aren't based on an ultimatum. You're too quick to post a link (which I've already posted pages back) which supported that he hasn't really donated anything remotely charitable. All of those charitable contributions weren't really charitable to begin with. So, in essence, that $369 that Biden donated were actually for a cause to help someone, whereas Romney's contributions were political based, and weren't for anything of a social cause for individuals, like the poor.
Bwhahaha yeah that 369 dollars was waaaay more impressive:smt043 Probably helped out a couple of crackheads and thats it. You libs are unreal.
And what has Romney contributed exactly for a good cause? And not simply donating to political groups? Come should have an answer. But if this is the best you can do, then it's your loss.
Honestly I don't really see why this has to be explained. A) He's a republican. B) He's a Mormon. Nothing about any of his actions should come as a shock and they certainly can not be justified based on what a good person he is. He's basically give the largest portion of is "donation" to charity that gives back to the Mormon church. And a lot of the Mormon church donations go DIRECTLY to financing the Elder trips that they have to take and they are MANDATED by the church to take them. So that's not charity. That's making sure that their religion gets spread from one end of the world to the other. If you want to call that charity, be it. The catholic church does a lot of charity but they also hide priests who rape and violate altar boys. It's suspect as to whether you can say that what they do that is actually helpful or beneficial is even remotely penence for where they fuck up as a whole. A that goes to for all religions.
Yes, let's speak of character... First, let me say....These people are not your neighbors down the street. "With great power comes great responsibility" “A leader leads by example, whether he intends to or not.” "To whom much is given is much required." [Luke 12:48] ------------------ Biden Earned $21,000 Last Year From the Secret Service by Keith Koffler on April 14, 2012 No, he’s not moonlighting as an agent. Vice President Joe Biden last year earned $20,900 in rental income from the Secret Service, which is paying him to host agents on his property so they can protect him. Most high-profile people in need of protection pay people to keep them safe. Government officials are allowed to have taxpayers pick up the tab. Biden is unique in that he actually gets paid by his bodyguards for the right to protect him...(so not satisfied with getting protection FOR FREE, he's hustling to get PAID for the free service. Man, I tell ya..:-?) Biden’s tax records list rental income of $20,900 from a “cottage” on is property, which is reportedly being leased by the Secret Service and paid for at a rate that could earn him even more money next year. Biden took deductions for mortgage interest and taxes that allowed him to report only $12,653 of the amount on his federal tax return. <- (and still he's cashing in more..he doesn't even have to report the $8347 :-?.) ---------------------- Keep in mind, as VP, he receives an additional $50,000 non-taxable expense allowance to assist in defraying expenses relating to...his official duties. On the flip-side, President Obama and Michelle, donated 22% of their income. Average American gives: 3%. Biden's gave 1.5%. ICK.
Aw damn, you figured me out...I'm a money worshiping fool who believes that lots of cash makes somebody a superhero. :smt101 Once again you don't know what the hell you're talking about. Honestly, no one would give a rat's ass. Just because you thought this lame ass topic was worthy of a thread, doesn't mean anyone else would. Just because Romney is your hero for having a shitload of money & being a member of your political party, doesn't mean other people should be impressed by that shit.
Wrong guy boo lol. I want to point out giving your money to "charity" doesn't always mean it was money given to people who need it. You can build a park across the street from Trump towers. Doesn't mean you're giving to the needy just providing little rich kids with more shit they won't appreciate.
Nope, I addressed the right guy- just wrong guy thought it, lol....note I quoted, and was speaking to andreboba. I no longer address you by your name since you told Mikey not to a while ago. :-? But its cool.
It's not so much about Romney to me as it is Biden. They make over half a million dollars a year. At least be a tad more generous when so many of your constituents are struggling. He's living a privileged life when so many aren't, be thankful for that. BTW, he didn't give $339 last year, so the OP title is somewhat misleading - he gave more last year, approx $5,000, but it equated to 1.5%. That's paltry. Americans look to their leader/s to set the examples, no? If I have only a dollar, Ill give a quarter to a homeless person. That's 25% of my stash.
Check the spelling and you'll see why I got confused kid. I agree that it would be nice if they gave more but I do also allow for the fact he also has two kids and probably saves and invests for their futures as well. Private colleges aren't cheap and he doesn't make half a mill closer to a quarter of a mill which is a good amount of money but his gig isn't definite and like I said probably saves as much as he can. I know I would.
I figured as smart as you say you are, you'd see it wasn't rocket-science that I was speaking to Andre, since his post sat one inch above the name. I meant to say almost half a million, not over. But I know it's not a quarter mill. When you factor in her salary and include his $60,000 expense allowance, they have a little over $400,000 combined. Saving as much as he can? I doubt giving 3% is going to dent his saving. And once he hits the lecture circuit, look out.
I never paid much attention to what bush and "ishootmyfriendintheface" did charity wise while "ihad20coronariesby30" was VP but I'm sure that they weren't donating a large sum of income to charity. Funny how that's never been discussed. But what's good for the goose always gets the gander hung, right? And lead by example? You're joking right? Look at the 8 years before Obama and then I'll have that conversation.
I'm strictly talking donations here, oi. Heck no, I'm not co-signing my fake name to no 8 yrs of BULLSHIT, so you can miss me with all that. But seriously, not nice karma to knock people with weak hearts, least you cop one of your own, ya? ps: Dick Cheney Donates Millions to Charity 2006 In one of the largest sums ever donated to charity by a U.S. public official, Vice President Dick Cheney and his wife Lynne gave away nearly $7 million last year to help the poor and to medical research. ....The Cheneys gave more than three-quarters of their income - $6,869,655 - to several charities, including George Washington University's Cardiothoracic Institute and a charity for low-income high school students in the Washington, D.C. area, Capital Partners for Education....
So basically this is trying to say that a party that is notorious for wanting to cut aid to the poor are giving at points almost 30 percent of their income? I don't buy it for a second. Unless its a matter of; "well my money's my money so I can give lots of it away but tax payers money? How dare we spend it on seniors who need 14 types of medication" If they can't be free with other peoples money they won't be free with their own. UNLESS somehow they think that giving money away will benefit them more than the poor the money goes too
You don't buy what - public tax records? I don't disagree entirely with your last line - that might surely motivate some people, though not all. Bill Gates I feel gives billions away to help he poor because he believes it does help them. Now, if you feel the party notorious for cutting spending to the poor don't want to give their own money away - then it stands to reason that the party notorious for giving away taxpayers money to the poor are freely giving their own money away, right? So show us. *ps: (LOL @ 'those freely spending your money are the same with their own'. Can you say, the opposite. Why spend mine..when I can spend yours.) -
Fair enough. I'm not arguing that they don't give at all. I'm sure they do. I sure as fuck ain't rich and I give what little I can when I can. But here's the thing, and it addresses the gates issue as well. Personally, I don't see the big hairy balls deal about money. Its nice to have extra here and there and it's sucks to really need more of it than you have ATM. But it's fucking money. Green little pieces of paper with dead prezzies on it. And yet people (even poor people) act like its the end all be all of all existence. Fucking paper? Come on now. It's been forever since I studied the bible but I KNOW it covers the topic of being spiritually poor. Therefore...all these things about Romney giving away millions because he's Mormon and that makes him great is bullshit. His money is his god. It's his status. It's who HE is. How can I know? Well, you will know them by their works? Right? Something like that. So when you have someone who has billions of dollars but doesn't do what they can to REALLY change things with it. Just tosses a couple mill here or there from time to time...and when you look at his platform? Yuck. He may have a lot of money but spiritually he's broke as fuck. And it ain't gunna help him when he dies. The SPIRIT of Jesus is about compassion. Helping your own ain't it. Hating on women ain't it. Killing Muslims ain't it. Spending the amount of money that we do everythree days on defense while letting people die bc we can't fund research ain't fucking it. But whatever. I'm sure iggy or James or paniro will come along shortly and tell me I'm just jeoulous cuz I aint rich. As if.
I don't disagree with you at all. I personally can't co-sign with his stances. I'm not even focused on him as I am disappointed in Biden. Put your money where your mouth is, VP! I don't want to be rich - mo money mo problems. I just want to win the lotto so I can give it to the desperate in need and the animals. Live in a big house or buy a med house and a sanctuary for the abused and discarded? - hmmm, so hard deciding - not. ps: I don't know how you can speak of Jesus and then berate Romney for "helping his own" (whatever that really even means)- when Mormons believe in Jesus. Is he not doing the work of Jesus by giving, tithing, etc.? IDK.
My point about the Jesus thing was that it's not really a Christian stance to only help the people of your church. By helping his own I meant specifically that the largest share of his money went to/back to the Mormon church. There is nothing wrong with helping your own. But if you only help the Mormon church based on the fact that your Mormon or deny help to those who don't believe the same tenants as you..I'm saying that in the "spirit" of what christ came to teach that doesn't really fit. The word Christianity mean to follow in the footsteps of Christ. I believe he railed against the overly rich and powerful and had compassion on the outcast.
That's the thing Ali, you say all kinds of stuff, but you never bother to research if what you say is true or not. I keep showing you otherwise and you then move the goal posts to something else. Who sits there and makes a statement that a church only helps its own. C'mon now, I wouldn't even entertain that thought cause I's know that is the most improbable thing a church would ever do. Of course, right? U.S. Navy sailors from the HSV-2 Swift move more than 100 tons of humanitarian aid to the pier at Beirut, Lebanon during the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict. Over two million dollars worth of humanitarian aid was donated by the LDS Church, and was disbursed to Lebanese citizens in coordination with the International Islamic Relief Organization. Respectfully, I'm done doing your work, Ali. Your turn - if you want to make claims, prove it.