Overcoming Shyness.

Discussion in 'How To Meet White Women and Black Men' started by romeo41, Feb 22, 2012.

  1. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    Thanks IB, everyone knows these situations,,whether it is now a man, a woman, a job interview or sometimes just an unexpected situation, when you feel over- demanded. Everybody knows, how it feels, even the "strongest" ones, believe me. At the end, just "close your eyes" and "go through your personal hell" :smt005...and laugh about yourself (if somethings was not 100%), or maybe tell your vis-a-vis, how you feel
  2. MixedCalifornian

    MixedCalifornian Active Member

    I'm just giving my piece on helping him cure shyness. Generally shy people aren't so shy with alcohol in their system. He definitely shouldn't be getting to drunk.
  3. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    This I can agree :D..but anyway don't underestimate the message that whenever you have a problem, alcohol can help

    Or what I am trying to say..in different words. People always tend to blame themselves, i.e. if they make a diet and they don't loose weight, people like to think, it's their fault, but if they loose weight, the diet was great..it's the same with alcohol, if I can talk to women, when I had one or two drinks before, the alcohol helped me..the truth is, what ever you are able to do with a "bridge", you also can do without. You did it, not alcohol and not the dietplan
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2012
  4. jayarmy

    jayarmy New Member

    Co-sign!! There WERE some things that I thought I could not do without one or two drinks first. Only to find out that Im even better without drinks. I can thank my mother for that one.
  5. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    I understand what you are talking about. I've also had a time, when I got used to drink whenever I was feeling overwhelmed, after a certain time I got afraid even about small,daily things...Luckily I understood, what's going on.

    Great Mom you have!!
  6. DJ_1985

    DJ_1985 New Member

    Agreed. I don't think books, videos, and other self-help media can compare to real life experience. You have to get out there and try. DK is also right in that it's good to keep living your life so that you're interesting and have unique experiences to talk about.
  7. DJ_1985

    DJ_1985 New Member

    I think alcoholic beverages are very helpful. I already know that whatever I can do with the liquor can be done without it. But with the alcohol I'll feel less stressed about it.
  8. jayarmy

    jayarmy New Member

    Thank you christine. I miss my mom so much. She passed way too soon!!:(
  9. ILoveYouWhiteWomen

    ILoveYouWhiteWomen New Member

    Wow so many of these "Shy" people. Interesting that they aren't shy when they have to post now are they?

    No matter to overcome shyness you have to let your mind have the "I can do this approach" and you will indeed get it done.

    As for the shyness can't say that I am but for the most I think what I say is still worth a try.
  10. ILoveYouWhiteWomen

    ILoveYouWhiteWomen New Member

    You drink?
  11. ILoveYouWhiteWomen

    ILoveYouWhiteWomen New Member

    Sorry to hear that. You touched a chord in my soul there brother with that statement.

    One thing about death though is that it makes us appreciate the fact that we are all Human after all.

    Thanks for sharing.:)

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