Groups of lawyers start to send cease and desist orders to thousands users of facebook, concerning copyright infringements..penalties between 100/for one single case, per picture..till thousands of Euros..So be careful- peeps
I am not a facebook user anymore, deleted my account moonths ago. It was discussed today in the media that parents have to check their kids accounts and what they have to do.. Hundreds of ceast and desist orders reached households already
Something tells me that it's either a scam of sorts or that if it's true...Facebook would be gone so fast beyond recognition.
Why? Copyright and personality right is a business nowadays for both,lawyers and photographers. It wouldn't be the first time..
Thanks for the advice. I have not downloaded a copywritened photo but,it is sure is a learning experiece.
When i turned 30 October 2011 I deactivated my account, I understand your decision to give up the book.
To be honest, I don't even know, why I opened one..But after a few months, when I've heard all the stories, how much information is taken out of facebook, especially that face-recognition software I disliked..I deleted it. Too many spies around, you, as a user have no idea about, what people are doing with your details
ehh. I stopped using it because I grew tired of reading friends and family gripe about life... I have a few pre-cautions in place for the 'spies' your referring to that I am more than comfortable with. The face-recognition is in play in everyday life, from when you run a stop sign to just walking in mass public transportation places. I can understand your concerns though, did you hear about the locate women close by app that was released?
Sorry to tell you... Even if you deleted your Facebook account your details ARE still being saved by Facebook. All messages and so on are always kept on record. So you may have deleted your account but... Facebook has not deleted who you are Sad but true.
I only keep mine to stay up-to-date and in touch with my relatives all over the world, plus a few friends. It's been a wonderful addition to my life for the reasons I just noted.
Well if you careful what you say there i don't see what is the problem for me I don't work i don't say anything bad about something serious either so what there that can be used? maybe what i post the pictures but for what reason