Wait, so that wasn't a photo taken by the police when they arrived at the scene but by someone who said they were an "eyewitness"?
Now I know what's odd about this photo. The blood trails don't taper. They are the same thickness throughout. from the initial cut all the way down to the end point. Just something odd I noticed. It's still bizarre to me that a random 'concerned citizen' would have the presence of mind to photograph Zimmerman and be allowed by law enforcement to get that close to the murder suspect to take a photograph. In fact, have any of you been at a crime scene, like an accident or a fight?? I don't remember people ever taking pictures, or at least not walking up to one of the people involved and taking pictures of their injuries for the hell of it. If there was that much blood coming from Zimmerman, IMO they would have taken him to the hospital to receive stitches. How does a cop simply dab away the blood in the back of a squad car and call off an ambulance?? Since Zimmerman doesn't have any hospital reports that we've heard about from the night of the assault, everything after the fact that alleges he was 'injured' is suspect IMO.
The shirt is racist, but Zimmerman was a pussy. You can't go looking for trouble, find it, then pull out your gun and smoke someone then claim self-defense.
Yup, a 'concerned citizen' who happened to hear this scuffle outside his condo and SAW Trayvon on top of Zimmerman, apparently ran outside with his iphone after police arrived, walked right up Zimmerman and decided to take of picture of the BACK of Zimmerman's head. That photo looks like he took it less than 2 feet away from Zimmerman. Remember allegedly this 'eyewitness' doesn't know George from Adam, but he's doing all this for a guy who just shot the fuck out of some kid?? Very odd to me.
Another thing, for anyone who has an iphone, does it have that bright a flash?? And what is that on the ground in front a Zimmerman??
Yeah. Very odd. I don't know too many people that would go out and snap pictures of what would be seen for all intents and purpose as a random and routine crime scene. People usually break out videos or cameras if they think something is or could be of some importance not just something random going down.
naw dawg..photo is an ABC exclusive from some random person that right there is enough to throw this 'evidence' right out of court
This case has been a mess from the get go. The media put a definite slant on it. Truthfully, I don't think race was a factor in this. Zimmerman was simply a law enforcement wannabe and he let his ambition take him too far. I don't think he ever wanted things to go the way they did, but he wanted to be a hero. If he had only listened to what the police dispatcher told him and stayed in his vehicle....Trayvon would be alive and this thread wouldn't even exist.
media made sure to mention the fact that he was a 'white' hispanic they coulda said anything they wanted, but made sure to emphasize his white half ratings people..................RATINGS!
id think a video recording would hold more weight than some random back of the head photo at least with video, you get to see other angles and sides of an event that photo could have been anyone and yes..those cops that beat the brakes off his black ass got away on some real 'wtf' shit LAPD still tainted til this day as some racist ass mothafuckas
The photo only proves he was getting beat by Trayvon who we know was defending himself. It bears no weight except to say maybe manslaughter at best. It won't get him off though. Question: Are you sure it was after the police arrived? I know there's a time print. I recall reading that a naorcotics detective in the area responded to the scene first until the squads arrived. It sounds odd, but remember what eye-witnesses said; After the shot(s?) Zimmerman put the gun down, his hands in the air and kept saying "it was self defense, it was self defense!" (daddy taught him well). I'd probably have done a similar favor at the time, not knowing the real facts.
Yeah, I think too, in the age of competing instant news blogs, people saw the name Zimmerman and ran with White. When they realized by his pic later, weeeeelll, uh, he looks a lil' Hispanic....that old census file came out real quick. Wait look there's;"WHITE Hispanic". *Phew*
Still why would a complete stranger run out of condo after hearing a gunshot to assist the shooter Zimmerman by taking a photo of the back of his head?? I assume Zimmerman had to be kneeling. Also the person who took the photo said he asked Zimmerman, 'what do you want me to do?' Apparently Zimmerman told him 'call my wife! Tell here I shot someone!' That's just weird. Who the fuck is your wife?? Why would I even know her telephone number? Call her ass from the police station, slick. More so than the photo looks suspicious, the circumstances surrounding when the photo was supposedly taken don't make much sense. If the SYG law is interpreted in this instance NOT to cover Zimmerman, he's in serious trouble and that 2nd degree murder charge will probably stick.
According to reports, Paramedics came and cleaned his wound. He declined to be taken to the Emergency. We have said for a while now - the paramedics report will be interesting. True about getting close to the scene. Again, the time stamp tells u when it was taken. If it was before the squads arrived, then there was no one to stop that person getting close.
No Bliss, that's not accurate. EMT were in route and told by Sanford PD on the scene a second ambulance was not needed,( The first one was for Trayvon). Zimmerman had his wounds treated in the back of a squad car. You would think even if he had a cut that someone applying first aid at least would have put a BANDAGE on his head to prevent exposure to infection. That's another reason this photo is suspicious. That much blood coming from two cuts and no bandage or stitches as a precaution??
Basically. Not to mention the time stamp reads 3 minutes after the 911 reporting a shooting. Think about it for a minute. I am a private citizen and I see a person standing over a dead body with a gun I don't care if its my best friend I'm not going near them let alone a stranger who just bodied someone. The unfortunate thing is they botched this entire thing from the beginning. Dude is gonna walk and its plain sad. I pray for those in Sanford because there will be a riot.
Ah, ok, I stand corrected. The article I read was when it first broke and that's what they had reported. (what I wrote).