you are doing the are you saying he doesnt need to go to trial? you can even answer any of the questions I put out even after I answer yours why? hell dude dont let the facts get in the way of ur position
This will all be cleared up during trial, but ABC News has purportedly received a 'photo' that was 'taken' by a witness on the scene, allegedly unaffiliated with law enforcement. The story goes that this guy took this photo approximately 3 minutes after Trayvon Martin shooting and supposedly was told by Zimmerman to call his wife and tell her he 'shot someone'. (Firstly, why would Zimmerman tell someone other than law enforcement to call his wife?? Why ask a stranger to do that?) Anyway, here's the photo. My first impulse was that the photo was 'shopped because the blood trails looked odd. And the cut seemed more like a lateral laceration and not a blow to the back of the head. But again the photo could be legitimate, but it doesn't mean the shooting was self-defense.
it doesnt looked shopped to me but it didnt warrant him going to the hospital. no deep gashes needing stitches or anything
How does he get the benefit of defending himself but Trey doesn't? Here's the one question I ask all you that obviously support Zimmerman. If Zimmerman was in fact defending himself and Treyvon assaulted him where are the police pictures supporting the fact? Where is the medical report from the hospital or medical staff supporting the claims to his injuries and if they do in fact exist why would it take more than 2 months to produce?
LOl. yep sure do. it still doesnt disregard the fact you cant answer the questions or have a solid rebutall
Two points of logic I can't and won't move from. Why are there witnesses saying the cops tried to get them to change their statements to support Zimmerman's claims? And since when do you let a shooter go home after a killing based on his word without a formal investigation?
gotcha .....and still getting pull. you are a cop in one area you will still get love/protection from a cop in another area
Six weeks after the killing and national pressure. Justice at work huh. The fact you don't see anything wrong with this makes me pity you buddy