Why I love the African American community

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by GFunk, Apr 20, 2012.

  1. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Mufuckas shouldn't worry about what the next man/woman thinks of their children and how black or not they are. And blacks aren't going anywhere. We aren't going to be completely absorbed into shit. There is no shortage of blacks that will continue to have families with other blacks.

    And get rid of hip-hop? No thank you.

    I don't really care if you feel guilty, but don't force that shit on other people.

    This ol' bullshit here.
  2. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Thank you for dropping some knowledge on us poor ignorant fools. What would we do w/o people like you that can enlighten us.
  3. bmanz

    bmanz Member

    Whats wrong with rap music? lol

    And is it just bad for "Africans" and not other ethnic groups? lol
  4. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

    Wow. First let me say the black racial group and features are going no where. If any race is at risk of disappearing it is the white race since they have the smallest population in the world. Africa for one is full of monoracial people. So to fear that makes no sense.

    As far goes as African American culture goes it's an amazing culture yes it is. But that has nothing to do with race. Take the culture of Dominicans for example who are a mixed race nation. Their African culture still remains regardless of the racial group of the descendants of African slaves. The same can be said about many cultures in Latin America and the Caribbeans.

    The culture will be passed on period. Culture never stays the same anyhow. Ethnic group and cultures have constantly changed throughout time from the constant changing locations, wars, intermarriage, etc... That is how life is meant to be.
  5. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    *Troll alert*

    ps: don't worry your pretty lil head sweetie, us white hormone-driven women. aren't ruining it for you...just be a nicer person and you will find the Black King you seek. First lesson to capture him: No need to down us WW to elevate yourself.
  6. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    And the boot clock starts...........NOW!!!
  7. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

    You mentioned black features. Blacks around the entire world have black features not just black Americans.
    The African American community does not need dark skin faces to keep their culture alive. It can exist on any skin tone. But for that matter they will always be people of all skin tones even if alot mixing actually did occur. But that is not even close to being an issue right now.
  8. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I did say something intelligent - sage advice to capture that man you desperately can't seem to find.

    And how praytell are you going to quote Malcolm X whose mother was mixed and his grandaddy was White? :rolleyes: He should never have been born in your world.

    You are a troll. Your purpose here is to cause divisiveness and dissent. Don't blame "hormone driven WW" for the eradication of the entire Black population, ok Chicken Liittle? I swear WW can't seem to catch a break lately, lol. No wonder we click so well with BM. *ouch, did that sting a bit?* :smt056
  9. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

    Not at all b/c one it doesn't upset me. We all started out as african an wasn't an issue then so why should it be one now?

    As far as getting absorbed by Hispanics go Northern Europeans and Southern Europeans have been mixing since their existence. I certainly don't see the big deal now.
    I don't see race is being important at all in fact biologically it doesn't even exist. I only see the importance in passing down culture and that importance actually has it's limits. It's one of those things where I think you should honor it, have pride in it and pass it down but it will change and it will slowly be lost eventually anyhow. My descendants 500 years from now will probably have many various cultures and have very little of mine or my spouses from today. That is how life works.
  10. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    You're not kidding. [​IMG]
  11. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    at an end...
  12. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    You don't feel guilty, you hate that we're so-called watering down the Black race or excuse me, African Americans. In America, the racist country that many of us live in, the one drop rule does exist, so no matter who these childrens non-Black parents are, be it their mother or father, they're still looked at and considered, Black.

    What the hell is White hormone-driven women? I'm sorry, but many of the ladies here aren't some fetishizing, big dick myth believing or fiending for, walking around with our underwear soaked in ladies secretions at the mere fact of man being Black, mindless entities, so I don't know what message or bullshit you're trying to spew here.

    I'm all for adopting, but mixed people can procreate all they want and that won't lessen the African American gene pool, because in your mind, our interracial dating is all you see, especially that's what being fed to you by the media, but most Black people in America, procreate with other Black folks.
  13. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Her name should be, JenHate....smh

    Please educate her. Oh, but being the White hormone-driven woman that you are, you're going to be written off.
  14. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

    Your first mistake is to say blacks have dominant features. Skin color is a codominant gene. If it was dominance an black was dominant then things would be dern interesting as crap right now b/c mixed children wouldn't come out "mixed". They would be either dark or light (white) and no in between. They would most often be dark with the occasional light b/c of the recessive gene. And it would really screw people up cause lots of back folks would have totally white children. How skin tone works is you pass half of your genes could be lighter, darker,or anywhere in between to your child and so does your spouse. The childs skin tone something newly created between the two.
    Mixed people most certainly have solid roots just like anyone else. Their roots comes from various groups mixed together into one. African American culture is a huge part of American culture and it already transcends racial lines. It will always be there in some form regardless of the skin tone of those who embrace it. And there will always be black Americans, white Americans, etc.. even if one day they are not the majority.
  15. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    Nuke this mofo already!!!!
  16. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Don't forget to call us Cave Dwellers and talk about the Calcified Pineal Gland while you're at it.
  17. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

    LOL OMG did you really say that. So what if a little Neanderthal DNA is a little mixed in. I'm sorry but that doesn't make you any less human.

    So you equally pissed at African Americans for mixing with Africans, Black Latinos, Caribbeans, etc since they too come from other cultures?
  18. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Jenlove you ought stay in proper lane,

    Consider this a friendly warning
  19. ReginaStar

    ReginaStar New Member

    She just to damn much with the white folks aint human. Good lord.
  20. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Yeah, my fellow Cave Woman. We should be walking on all fours, cause we're less than human and we're going to perish in the sun, cause we lack melanin.

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