unarmed retired vietnam vet killed by cops. war on BM?

Discussion in 'In the News' started by goodlove, Apr 13, 2012.

  1. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    A very solid response, appreciate that.

    The very fact that education, knowledge, opportunities were denied is why they should be grabbed and treasured today.

    I went to an inner city junior high and high school and too many of the children there simply were not focused on studies.

    What sneakers they had, what clothing they wore to school, what new song was out was the topic du jour.

    Grades and success in your studies was secondary.

    I had just arrived from Guyana and was shocked at how little the kids seem to care about education. In Guyana every student strives to get the best grades possible to get into the top schools.

    You described your experience being around blacks who strive to be upwardly mobile.

    My hope is that it becomes the hopes, dreams and aspirations attained by many blacks in the poorer environments.

    Seeing education as a key to escape the hood life.

    You are right in that it seems attainable to be an athlete or entertainer, since many blacks are in that field, but the reality is much different because those fields have limited openings. But I get the reasoning of you mentioning that. Most dudes don't stand a chance on draft day.

    My focus was indeed on the African American experience, which is why I mentioned the history, so when you highlighted the fact that Africans and Caribbean blacks also come here and get jobs in those fields, it raises further questions, why aren't many more black Americans living in the inner city striving to enter those fields where the opportunities exist for those with the qualifications.
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I think the problem with a lot of inner city black kids is again the poverty issue and the continual cycle of people becoming parents when they aren't to be parents. Kids are rarely if ever focused and motivated on studies by themselves it usually takes a parent to instill and uphold that type of work ethic. My mother stood over my ass with a belt at 4 making sure I did my spelling and reading each day. A grade below a B and my father was on that ass but I understand the job becomes that much harder when you're working two jobs to make ends meet and no one is at home to really watch your kids so their parents become images on tv.
    A strong family network is detrimental to the upbringing of a well rounded child.
    Also keep in mind immigrant families are much more closely knit and they come from impoverished backgrounds so they come from a totally different level of appreciation. Personally I see the tide changing its just taking a long time. The problem with the black community more so than anything is self esteem in my opinion you have legions of people who truly believe their hard work will amount to nothing they believe if it doesn't happen fast it won't happen at all. Its a hard hurdle to overcome but its happening I just wish more people would be fair and reasonable about the process and why its taking so long.
  3. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Say that again???
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Holy crap and once again we agree Ches lol
  5. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    No, I was asking you to clarify what you said. I don't think you meant to say "detrimental."
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Thank you I meant to say essential. I had a trailing thought in the middle.
  7. Centreville

    Centreville New Member

    Yeah, let's blame black on black violence for every white male who commits a crime against your own.

  8. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

  9. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    Wow there is so much self pity and wrong in this post its not even funny.

    BTW do you need a small violin for your troubles??? lmao

    And you are waaaay off base if you think other races dont shit on eachother.
    Asian women shit on their men ALL THE TIME. Just look at this video if you need further proof

    And "half of Europeans think we aren't shit"...umm got a link to that "fact"???
  10. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    yeah the self pity on this board is ridiculous

    busted egos everywhere
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    To acknowledge the problem is far deeper than black people needing to straighten up and fly straight is self pity. So sick of motherfuckas acting like the 50 lbs weight vest put on us don't make a difference in the race.
    Is there work to be done? Yes.
    But acting like there isn't factors outside of bad attitudes and bad behavior is ridiculous. The violence is not the CAUSE but the EFFECT in this problem.
  12. Centreville

    Centreville New Member

    No, the stepin fetchits here are ridiculous. However, I've come to expect that from some of you.
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    May the better man win my friend
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Paniro I wish you well fam, I'm down right tired of the negative energy so if all you have is snark and attitude good day to you sir.
  15. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

  16. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    What are some of these factors you hint at? Just curious.

    Life isn't fair to everyone. There will NEVER be equal oppurtunity for all. thats just the way it is.
    I've said it before but some of our culture plays a part in it as well. The whole ghetto/gangsta/hip hop wannabe lifestyle doesn't help much. Kids wanna be like 50 Cent/Young Jeezy instead of wanting to be lawyers/bankers/doctors nowadays.

    Also another factor the black community has its self to blame for is the broken homes. Waaaay too many absent fathers.
  17. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    whats funny is that the police apologist is missing the fact that the dude decided to defend himself (if he had a knife and hatched) is the guy is in his home defending it (which GOP love to say we should be doing) from the BIG govt (which GOP love to hate) and the police were screaming racial slurs (which was recorded via the medical alert in which means he was a man with a heart condition). HHHHMMMM yet they continue to defend that shit. Im sure they (those on this board) would defend that shit till the end even with a noose around their neck say "I must have said something to piss them off thus I deserve to get hung. Justice is not for me just those good folks hanging me"
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    The factors I was referring to was disproportionate unemployment whatever the national average is for unemployment double it for bm. In fact its more likely for a wm with a criminal record to get a job over a bm without one look it up.
    Compounded with an injust police and judicial systemthe climb for success is far steeper for us. And again I have to ask why do you single out black kids the way you. Latino and white kids woupd rather do entertainment over being doctors and lawyers. Its American culture. The least amount of work for the biggest rrward. NO ONE wants to work hard but blacks are the one getting slapped with the lazy label. As far as absentee fathers is concerned if you have q population of people who has a harder time to getting employment crime would feel like the better option especially if you see people around you doing it. When its the normits hard to not fall intp it. Not sayi g its an e cuse but its a reason worth looking at Not to mention prople who use low income housing cant have a dual income on the household or they lose their welfare so its also probably a reqson why many fathers stay out of the home. I am not saying any of this is right but to dismiss the thi gs that create these situations unfairly shifts ALL the fault to one side. I'd say its more fifty.
  19. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    speaking on the absentee fathers in the black community it is just as prevelant in the white community. all you have to do is google it. the more accurate term is the alienated father. Women love to try to alienate BM all the time then whine on TV about their "plight" .

    @ IGGY as far as work ethic its funny this cat listens to newt way too much...stop drining the kool aid
  20. goodlove

    goodlove New Member


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