And there in lies the major problem in this country as far as race relations go. Not saying that you think this way Ches but whites are given the luxury of individuality where they can be responsible for just themselves but when black people are viewed as a community it becomes one person being not only responsible for themselves but for everyone who might have a similar skin tone. Its very damaging and creates an unnecessary cultural divide. You said you don't think white people have anything in common outside of skin color. Do you think black people have more than skin color in common? Not accusing you of anything just interested in the train of thought being presented here.
History and shared experiences. You always call the guys on here fam. The black community, in general, refer to each other as brothas, sistas. The things that blacks have endured give you a commonality, unlike whites. Yours has been a persecuted community and that creates a bond; I dont see anything like that in the white community as a whole.
And there in lies the unintentional racism my friend. First off I call all people fam but I guess it would be hard to tell since you guys don't know me outside of this forum. That brothas and sistas shit went out awhile ago but I guess it was prevalent during your formative years so I guess I can see how you make that distinction. There are members of the white community who have a shared persecutions like the Irish, the Italians, and the Jews and even the Pollacks to some degree. Pretty much any recently immigrated group has that problem. Someone like me doesn't have the same history as someone like Stizzy but I will agree that share a current bond of persecution but I think that can be said of all most Americans the unfortunate thing is whites have the luxury of denial too I guess. I'm referring to the erosion of the middle class and the growing gap between rich and poor of course. It's just a really interesting dynamic
Racism is the belief that one race is superior to another. So how is this racism, again? Brothas & sistas are alive & well in PA, even in 2012. You need to get out of NY now & then.
you're a bit late to the party, arent u lol there's a war on bm by other bm, wm, latinos, hispanics..hell even the koreans are getting in on it if you characterize a war based on simple numbers and body counts, we're at war with Kanye West alludes to with his song 'Jesus Walks' listen to it
thread hijack time
Racism is the prejudgement of an individual based on race. Like assuming theres no community amongst a group of white people because theyre white. Get it? The whole brothas and sistas thing is not a popular trend anymore. Not saying there arent individuals who adopt it but its not the norm anymore. Nigga is the common term of endearment these days
Horseshit article. So sick of thie imposed responsibility for everything criminal on all black people. It creates a task and expectations too large to succeed. How the fuck are you or I going to stop violence Petty. Are you willing to potrol the streets unarmed without backup to stop the violence? Who exactly are these articles trying to address? Im a law abiding citizen as are you as are the men on this forum as are most black people in generql. The criminals arent going to read this and stop their behavior so who is this addressing? All it does is produce morr self loathing and puts an unwarranted spotlight on everyone black not just the criminals. Its pure bullshit.
How long are you going to bury your head, TDK? Horseshit article? Break down the horseshit for us then... Somewhere you stopped reading the article and resorted back to your catch-call cry of "ITS TOO MUCH OF A CROSS TO BEAR ON YOUR LITTLE SHOULDERS." The article said: So your little shoulders aren't being asked to carry the burden, ok? It's a call to politicians to speak out and up. I find it ironic that you have no "horseshit" problem when Rev Al marches about stopping White on Black crimes...when Whites collectively are asked to check their own racial barometer and do something about it. Here's some more political horseshit from the article: Once again, your shoulder's have been spared, ok? I didn't see Bryant say you must carry the burden. He asked for political spotlighting, he asked for help from everyone in power, everyone with clout and for Americans to stop being distracted from the facts. As much as you demand that Whites respect that Black life matters, you should demand that Blacks respect that Black life matters. When the heat is on, trust and believe the criminals WILL curb their behavior. A final piece of horseshit from the article: So I guess what the guy above suggests, and the guy below pure horseshit. You asked, "How the fuck are you or I going to stop violence Petty. Are you willing to potrol the streets unarmed without backup to stop the violence?" You better tell the guy below then he's wasting his time then. (sarcasm)
Quit lying and putting words in my mouth. I never asked WHITE peoppe to do shit I want goverment agencies funded by my tax dollars to do so. Get the difference. Only thing the big number suggests to me is its a reflection if poor cramped living you seeit all over the world with the poor demographics. Im sure the rate of hispanics killing other hispanics or ehotes killing othere whites or Asians killing other Asians is up there too but there isnt this bs shared responsibility for hard working citizens and criminals alike is there? White children get kidnapped and molested at a much higher ratw by white males than black males but there isnt this hmmmm what can I do to stop this attitude. The blame and adjustment of behavior is rightly placed on the assholes who do that shit. Its not up to the white community to get it together. I am no burying my head in the sand you just need to get off your luly white horse and quit acting like you have a clue of whats going on. You are clumped in with criminals and told to make shit better when you arent part of the problem making the shit. I can go down my list of volunteer activities but it comes off as po.pus and doesnt really make my point. We can encourage education individual tesponsibility and the occasional distraction from hood life but thats about. This type of violence is happening to the poor so pressuring the government wont do shit. They dont care about the poor Katrina ring a bell.
While I see what you are saying about shared responsibility. Those groups you speak of don't come from the same shared experience as Black Americans. Black Americans were a minority, dealt with as property during slavery, codified in law, a war was fought, partly to keep them as chattel. Once free they were left to find their own way and even then they were once again codified in law as inferior beings under Jim Crow Laws. So when we talk about blacks and responsibility there is that shared history and legacy of discrimination that gives that us vs the World mentality. Whites, Asian, etc don't have that same history and the identifiable color issue that shaped their history as a minority in America. I'm going to ask you this question TDK. What is stopping young blacks from studying their darnedest in school, to excel so as to be able to get a scholarship, investing in their future by attending university to study to become a doctor, lawyer, engineer. Many young dudes seem to think being the next Lebron or D-Wade or Lil Wayne takes priority over being the next doctor, teacher, lawyer, engineer, etc. It is so porous that we have to do stories on when a black man becomes a surgeon for example. I remember in high school hearing and reading the story of Dr. Benjamin Carson, a black pediatric neurosurgeon at Johns Hopkins University. Shame his story was like a revelation to be celebrated, rather than the norm. Indians and Asians are studying as doctors and engineers and coming to America and getting jobs. What am I missing here.
Excellent post, GQ (as usual). You made a point I was trying to make and made it far more eloquently than I did.
There are a bunch of problems with this post but I will try my best to address this as best I can. First of all you can't talk about the shared experience of slavery and the reconstruction era that followed without discussing the colorism doctrine that came with that that not only made it us vs world but us against us. The genius thing about racism in this country is it not only traps you by class but by skin tone. One is escapable and separates you based on merit and intelligence the other traps despite your best efforts and accomplishments. So you have a group that begins to develop an animosity towards others within the group because their fates are tied together unfairly. So the idea of actual unity is difficult to maintain especially when some are granted favors over others. And to address why blacks aren't pursuing professions like doctors and engineers the answer is simple they actually are but those who do pursue those kind of things are over shadowed by those who pursue athleticism and entertainment careers because in comparison to other races it seems actually attainable. Especially since people who look like us dominate the three major sports in this country. Not to mention the overwhelming amount of poverty and economic strife through out the black community in this country. It creates these false conceptions like blacks would rather not work and pursue get rich schemes. Every population has dummies like that but its not even close to the majority its just the focal point for some reason. Its kind of like the untrue fact that there are more black men in jail than in college, its completely unfounded but people are ready to believe because we are treated as individuals. A few do dumb shit and the entire people are anchored by it. And btw all the racial groups you mentioned most definitely had the same us vs them problem but thanks to blacks in this country they didn't have to suffer it long. Its kind of a unwritten rule that hating us brings you into the more accepted fold. Also keep in mind we have Caribbeans and Africans coming to this country to be doctors and engineers too so please don't make it seem as though blacks are innately missing something that other groups seem to have. I also guess this comes from upbringing since you lived out in the hood in BK and I grew up in the burbs in Westchester. Not saying everyone was living like the Huxtables but enough were for me to have seen blacks people who were in fact upwardly mobile and becoming doctors, lawyers, and engineers. My dad and brother are engineers and my aunt is a lawyer and my cousin is a doctor and I'm pursuing my doctorate. This is also the reality for a good portion of my black friends so I don't see the mass number of people with hoop dreams and wanna be rappers to influence my perception of black people as a whole. It's like any other group. Some do well most don't we're just the only ones stigamitized by it. This get your shit together nonsense is completely unfair and just plain illogical. It doesn't motivate anyone it just further anchors those who are doing the right thing.