You aren't blocked. As I don't much care for you, you do have relevant opinions and you rarely if ever get childish. So, I did not put you on ignore. Some people obviously still can't understand unless it's written in crayons (No, I am not referring to you).
Therein however lies the fundamental problem often in poor black communities. People think being a man is acting like a jackass. Presenting a physical exterior but behind that is nothing meaningful in the makeup of the person's mentality. Education is corny, dressing a certain way is wack, talking a certain way is sounding lame, etc. Pursuing that baller or rapper career is all that has meaning. That kind of mentality will forever keep many stuck in their poverty stricken, criminally infested environment. The funny thing is when you are a well spoken black person, people sleep on you and forget you come from that same environment many of them do. Its just a matter of having valued educating yourself and thus choosing to seek a better path in life. Going for a job with your pants falling off and can't put two decent words together is certainly not going to help one's case when removed from the ghetto environment. Like a fish out of water.
How dare you. We're Neville Chamberlain, you ladies are Adolph Hitler. Know when you are being appeased you Aussie Matilda.
Bwhahahahahhaha sure thing. I actually don't hate anyone. And my mailman is white btw. What I gather from your posts is that you like to make huge generalizations.
Disgusting. Ignorance has no color. I hope each one of these idiots gets some time in the can to think about their stupidity.
:smt038:smt038:smt038 Indeed, the same can NOT be said when it comes to white group on black crime. Hence the outrage when it happens. And most of the time, the black victim ends of DEAD. Blacks NEVER get away with that shit because they know the justice system will take a giant shit on them.
Agreed on the personal attacks. The ventriloquist comment wasn't necessary. But Iggy acts like hundreds of thousands of Black folk are killed every year by other Black people. Less than 5,000 Black people were killed by homicide in 2010. Nearly 1 million Black people however are incarcerated nationwide. So which one is the 'bigger' problem??? The fact that Trayvon Martin had a statistically greater chance to be murdered by another Black youth, OR, that we live in a society where INSTITUTIONAL RACISM deems it unnecessary to arrest his admitted murderer on probable cause because his death was regarded as insignificant?? Conservatives throw out that Black-on-Black crime nonsense to suggest WHO CARES if a non-Black kills someone who is Black because THOSE PEOPLE are killing each other like it's going out of style. That's just a stupid position for someone to argue, sorry. And whenever I hear it, my gut impulse is to call that person names.:smt092
You're right man. All is well in the black community. Black on black crime really isn't a big deal at all. Gang violence? No big deal. Lets go post some more pics of white women's feet!
blk4ww i'm unsure of your purpose here. i've seen nothing but attacks and rants from you. i've my eye on you & will not hesitate to have you banned or restricted if you persist in the attacks. either learn how to address your concerns to people in a mature way or face the consequences.