Much is made in the media on the War on Women. Is there truly a war against women or is this another political game by the elites to get votes to stay in power? Does this war on women include only one political side or is it a unify thing that includes all women regardless of political perspective? Your thoughts (women only) please.
There is no "War on Women". Its all a bunch of bullshit that was created by hardcore feminists and liberals. Women are put on a pedestal in this country.
thats a good question. I think to an extent "the war on women" is a ploy for female votes by campaigning for women's healthcare. Ending clinics like Planned Parenthood who specialize in abortions have been the focus for many politicians in the republican party, with democrats using that to that republicans don't care abt healthcare for women. It's pretty silly stuff altogether, but politics these days aren't anything but a live comedy sitcom.
[YOUTUBE]a4f6oUMp9OU#![/YOUTUBE] Why do extremists—in every country—want to control women? The Secretary of State said that even the U.S. ought to live its own values because "America needs to set an example for the entire world."
They don't "specialize" in abortion. Less than 3% of the services planned parenthood provides are abortions. For many women, especially poor and minority women, planned parenthood is major healthcare provider. If you want to get specific regarding some the various services they provide: STI/STD Testing and Treatment, Emergency Contraception Kits, Female sterilization procedures, Pap Tests, HPV Vaccinations, Breast Exams/Breast Care, Pregnancy tests, prenatal services, Family Practice Services, Adoption Referrals to Other Agencies, etc and yes sometimes abortion. 1/5 of all women in the US will visit a planned parenthood at some point in their lives. But because they provide abortion services the Republican Party and conservatives want to shut the entire thing down. The "War on women", is very real and very disgusting. There's nothing "silly" about women's health care. This entire issue was created and is being waged by the right with Republicans trying to roll back abortion rights, access to healthcare services for women and legislate themselves into the doctor's office of millions of American women. This isn't a matter of "Both sides do it too". Even a lot of Republican women are speaking out against the Republican party for what it's doing across the nation. While the Democrats may be capitalizing off the issue that doesn't mean that they're on the wrong side of it. The anti-Black, anti-Latino, anti-Muslim, anti-Gay, white male Christian Republican party of 2012 seems to be trying to add anti-women to their repertoire. I think many of them realize now that it was a bad idea to begin with but their base is too stupid to leave them any wiggle room to move back from what they started. Update: I mean look at how crazy these guys are.
The war on women is worldwide and the United States is, of course, a major front in that we have resources that effect the level of access to contraception and reproductive rights in the developing world too.
One could say that the media has been instrumental in sensationalizing, amplifying, and (perhaps) encouraging emphasis on social/political/environmental woes... The "War On Women", "Trayvon Martin", "Racism In America", "Gas Prices", "The 99%" monikers, etc.,... They are all intended to pique viewer interest, inform the public, and influence individual media "cores", but most importantly generate viewer share, which generates revenue.... One could also dissect politics and the mantras our current political parties stand on and behind and depending on who and what you believe, one could endorse/reject/vilify or trivialize any issue, with or without media hype... For the sake of this discussion, "The War On Women" (which you only wanted women to comment on and thus far have only had men respond) is not IMO a figment of the imagination but a reality.... It's not just a sound byte or political maneuver, though media and politicians have used it as leverage for their respective gains... In our "tolerant" America, "home of the brave, land of the free"... every issue divides us and provides us with delusional realities based on statistics and perceptions in the world as we see it.... Part of the problem is such vision is limited and tied to what one wants to believe.... The "blame game" and the "amen corners" have driven us to tell everyone not selected for "our" team and not in line with our beliefs, to suck it up... My bottom line.... There are still multiple glass ceilings.... There is still a war and women are one of the targets and have always been victims....
Many things that have been fought for and won are being taken away from women recently.We are going backwards not forwards. Right to abortion in some states recinded, access to family planning/birth control. If these previously won rights can be taken away from women what else will they look to next......think on we really want to go there.....maybe the Republicans will decide doing away with slavery was a bad idea. :smt102 This country needs to be progressive and the Republicans need to quit using women's bodies as a battle cry. They need a platform other than that and their lame ass family values crap. That is all. :smt091
Right to vote, right to freedom.........when you don't respect one groups rights you don't respect anyone's rights. At one point in this country's history being black or being a woman was a reason to deny you to vote. Do you really want to go backwards and have to re-win things you have won in the past?? Freedom is freedom.....women want the freedom to own their own bodies as I am sure you do too.
What the hell does the right to kill a living being inside of you, have to do with slavery Abortion after rape is another story If you want an abortion because you were dumb enough to have consentual unprotected sex.......get real
If the only thing u can do is contribute one sentence with name calling, you have no argument and concede defeat Good day to YOU
Women will get abortions legal or not. Look up what happened when it wasn't legal and the consequences. And I respect all people and care about their rights whether it personally affects me or not. YOU should try caring about others and not just yourself.
It's not a living being inside the womb. It's a blood splot aka placenta and it lacks any inherent value. Besides, who's dumb enough to overlook the bigger picture? You know? Overpopulation and if you're one of those people who don't like putting your hard-earned tax dollars to give government assistance for people who can't provide for the little mistake, then you're only cornering yourself against a wall with no real rationale on the issue. Furthermore, we could apply your thinking to slavery. Don't like being shackled, then RUN NIGGER RUN! And don't look back. Freedom is at hand!
Fine Then they shall be branded baby killers such as a man would be, if he had taken a life You want to be on equal footing as men careful what you wish for
This. The people who want to make abortion illegal are about as stupid as the people who want schools to teach abstinence only sex education. It's not going to stop kids from having sex anymore than criminalizing abortion is actually going to stop abortions. You're just going to have even more fallout from teenagers and women who go through dangerous and drastic means to terminate pregnancies. Not to mention the legal implications.
What I find interesting is, that if you see an embryo as a living inside, what difference does it make, how it was made? If I follow you, I would have assumed that you would "allow" these women to give up their Baby for adoption- but killing? I don't like, when I have to hear that women are sometimes too unreliable and have one abortion after the other, but in general, there are less women thinking like that. You must see that they have to do the abortion themselves, it's their body , which is under risk, too. On the other hand, you cannot force a woman to have a kid, if she doesn't want- and mostly, this wish is correct. A bad mother, an unloved child, that is a very unlucky start in life
The GOP are having a war against Women like the abortion battles in GOP controlled states like having a ultrasound thing into a woman's body or forcing doctors to lie if a woman is planning on having a abortion. Most of the WW who date brothers don't want to be oppressed by those WM who act like the Taliban on their lives.