Yes, but they weren't kidnapped from their homeland and enslaved for 3 centuries. Have their families ripped apart, murdered, raped, etc. You can't possible compare those two groups to Africans in America. I think there are some who still think slavery was Walt Disney and Margaret Mitchell's versions of it...and that's sad. The legacy of that terrible era is still with us whether we want to admit it or not. But hey, I'm just playing the victim card.
I don't think anyone who is intelligent believes that for a second. We have all seen the images of the slave ships crossing the Atlantic, blacks on sale and being bid on like common livestock, the branding of slaves and the whip marks on the backs from bull whips, along with the shackles and restraints used to transport captured Africans for transport or to punish runaways and obstinate slaves. Like I said the greatest tribute to those folks who endured is to raise the educational and social level of blacks en masse, unlike the foolish behavior we sometimes see perpetrated. What did the Jews get out of the Holocaust, the state of Israel where they vowed never again will this ever happen.
In what capacity. That we should be able to acknowledge the past struggles, be aware of things around us today, and as tribute to those past struggles use every means possible of social advancement to better ourselves. I'm not saying its peaches and cream out there and there are no racial issues. I'm not that naive, but I also know what qualities I possess as an individual and will never allow myself to be just another statistic or stereotype for the system. Early on in my life a premium value was placed on education, common courtesy and self discipline. That is why if someone speaks to me in real life they will see I'm someone who is very firm and direct and deal with folks as they come, if they are cool then we are cool, if they are an asshole then they'll be treated as such. I generally have a low tolerance for silliness from folks.
I completely agree. But the problem I have on this board is throwing race card around for everything. If some D rated porn chick is not fucking a BM on a camera, she is branded a racist, If some plain Jane WW turns some BM on the streets of America, she is labeled racist, never mind about attraction or her personal preference. If some white lady turns your ashy blk ass down or for that matter every other BM down does not mean she is racist, she is simply not attracted to you, period. There are places & times we should be raising our voices; fighting for education, better housing, job opportunity, etc… not coz Alexis Texas does not wanna suck a blk dick, c’mon y’al. The ppl who marched, got hosed, hanged, burn down and shot dead did not walk on streets of Alabama, Memphis or Chicago so your crusty ass can bang some porn whore, let’s us not shame the blood and sweats of freedom fighters.
with respect it is not the same. irish immigrants were treated as second class citizens, blacks were forcibly abducted and treated as animals/subhuman. hence why even after years of lynching irish were able to assimililate and become a part of the dominate culture. blacks, however have had to fight from subhuman(slavery), 2nd class citizens(jim crow) to equal rights(a struggle still going on today).
Everything you said is pretty much spot on. But the issue of equal rights is more than race. It's gender, class, orientation, etc... That aspect isn't unique to blacks at all.
oh hush now. i'm appeased. i'm multiply appeased. i've been appeased up to my eyeballs. actually, i'm shitting appeasement because of the appeasing i've received from the men on this board. appease appease appease a-bloody-appease
lol...hung over. my ability to deal with people's shit is on an all time low. appease us white female posters...pfffttttt
you are 100% right i just took issue with you trying to say they had it worse than slaves.....the difference was they were free...
From what I can recall in Louisiana History, where the Irish were also taken in as slaves (or of lesser form), they were treated worse than black slaves. Even black slave owners (drivers) were treating Irish people like shit.
The big difference is there are still prosperous Irish folks and no decendents of Black slave owners since Jim Crow had treated them like the regular Black person.
must be all those 4 leaf clovers and finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow crap, to be sure, to be sure
Internet shock video helps Baltimore police find victim, possible suspect,0,2837636,full.story
.... I think race played a minute factor in what had happen to that man. But honestly look at him- he was completely out of place and looked a bit on the wasted side. If Steve Urkel took his nerdy black ass to the same spot, messed the hell up, the same crap would of transpired. Over here in the bay area a slang word for someone like that is called a 'knock'. If he was white but wearing a extra long white tee, sagging pants, snap back cap, some jordans and a rose gold grill- they probably wouldn't of fucked with him. In fact a person like that would probably partake in all of that foolishness too.