Who said that others dont go through other forms of hatred. Can you direct me to the link or post please.
You're still trying to argue with me? I thought we were done here or do you wish to keep being a persistent prick?
Toby? That's laughable. You still have lashes all over your back and butt cheeks. Hmm, surprised that your foot is still in tact. How much more self-inflicting pain will you endure until you bleed yourself dry?
What's laughable is you downgrading the African American experience to appease the white female posters..... I take that back... It isn't laughable, it's pathetic. Carry on..
Who's downgrading? I'm not playing the victim here. I'd rather find solutions than create problems, which you and your ilk are so good at doing. Aren't you tired of it?
The right use victimology as well on their cause of "reverse discrimmination". They are always in denial when it comes to racism.The africans from the motherland would not get so far if it were not for the Black-Americans.
Cool! I'm no longer the exclusive member of the People Who LAW Has Blocked Club! I feel privileged to be in the company of two people for whom I have much love and respect. Welcome GQ & Bliss! Grab a cold one and make yourself at home.
I am with BBW, Bliss & GQ Sure blks had it bad and we continue to have it bad but one cannot deny the struggles of other ppl in AmeriKKKa. During Potato famine when flocks of Irish were arriving to US, they were heavily discriminated. There were signs that say “No dogs or Irish niggers allowed”. Italians were also not considered as white, especially the one who came from South part of Italy. Obviously these two groups eventually worked their way up & assimilated to larger white crowd, now they are considered whites and some of them look down on blacks & in fact discriminate toward us. To think that white guy is getting a lap dance & was enjoying it is laughable. He was simply getting harassed coz of the color of his skin. I bet ya if he was a blk guy this would not have happened. To say he should have run is ridiculous; the guy was cornered by bunch of hoodlums and did not get a chance to do anything. The next thing he knows he was getting punched the fuk out, then stripped down….. That is BS; the white guy has a right to be in that neighborhood, as Tryvon Martin has the right to be in that Florida gated community. I know we blks have it bad here in the states and everywhere else on the planet, but we got to stop this victim mentality & playing the race card for every little thing. There are many examples & cases that points out we are being shafted, bamboozled coz of our hue, our lineage, etc…but we can’t sing that song for every stupid thing, then we gonna sound like a broken record. Another thing we also got to call a spade a spade. We can not go around & try to defend the indefensible. We can’t defend some thug or gang banger who steal, rob & kill coz he is blk, which is ludicrous. As a successful and educated BM I fight for my ppl but I will call your sorry blk ass out too if I see you doing shady shit that make me look bad as an individual that comes from certain “race”
I think its just that some black folks have reached a point where they have recognized there are many who have fought a long, hard, historical struggle to even garner the same rights as whites in America and are ready to move forward thanks to those gains. Which is one of the reasons that clip pissed me off. You have people who fought so hard and suffered for the rights of African Americans and these numbskulls are out in the streets behaving like anti-social rejects. I don't think the white women on here need be appeased, they have always spoken their minds and rightfully so, just like everyone else. This is the thing I would hope folks would comprehend. People are attempting to put degrees of struggle on a scale of history. Studying history one of the first things I learned is history is a series of events. To talk about the struggles of blacks in America you have to look at mercantilism, the attempt to use the Native population of the Americas and their inability to survive diseases and such hard labor, which led to the slave trade and the arrival of blacks to these shores and the subsequent results, the Irish would require us to go back to Irish history and the occupation at the hands of the Briitsh. you have the struggles of the Native Americans and the decimation of their population and being forced to live on "the rez" How do you quantify these things as being more or less than. The irony for us as blacks is that we were from a warm climate in Africa, accustomed to the blazing sun and capable of surviving hard labor. Something that other groups couldn't withstand over long periods of time. As someone who undoubtedly descended from slaves brought to the Americas, since here is where I was born I will never sell the Black Experience short but I also feel that to do better for ourselves is the greatest tribute to that historical struggle blacks have endured.
Exactly when I see wrong I say its wrong and fucking do better. Acting like a clown and common lowlife gets you nowhere in life. I take pride in myself as an educated black man who is about shit in life and always striving to better myself. Have some pride in yourself and as Spike said "Do The Right Thing"