Innocent white guy gets the crap kicked out of him

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Iggy, Apr 4, 2012.

  1. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    What happened to your "we just aren't going to agree on this." from two post ago? :rolleyes:
    I love how you said that AFTER you wrote 5 paragraphs of silly theories such as the victim "wanted and enjoyed a bum-dance, therefore you have zero sympathy for him"...and not expect a reply. lol.

    What are you even talking about, "the victim nodded his head and bounced to the "song"? If you had a bunch of hooligans squealing stank breath in your face, you would surely nervously-"smile" for one moment. Or maybe you might cry, I don't know. So forgive him for that reflex, dear unsympathetic one..
    He was not gettin' dooown with the skank, he has a funky ass backing into him within 16 seconds. Did you see that on the video? Surrounded.... within 16 seconds. Not was 16.
    Victim overwhelmed. Victim could not run from aggressors.

    Which part of "losing my soul" did you see the words "buy and sell my soul"? This seems to be the error of your do not read correctly, nor can you count to 16 correctly.
    Now I shall see if you are at least a man of your word, as twice now you have said to me that we shall agree to disagree and you will not try to sway me. Toodles. [​IMG]
  2. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

  3. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Exactly, this seems like a white guy that was just shook and uncomfortable in that situation about how to react between a bunch of anti-social shit stains.

    Don't think anything was fun or popping in that situation.
  4. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Yep, the irony of it all. Thx for pointing that out Bliss. :D

    Guess Martin wasn't a victim after all.

    That is just what I am speaking about when we cry racism but don't see the need for mutual respect in conduct.

    Imagine if Zimmerman had left Martin alone, imagine if these clowns had left that white guy alone. None of what transpired might have happened.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2012
  5. luvattractivewomen

    luvattractivewomen New Member

    Oh, I really have to explain the difference between getting harassed and getting shot to you? It's come to that? LOL... I can't even begin to try to explain anything if you are incapable of seeing the difference. And also, there is a difference between an adult male getting a lap dance with a bunch of drunk strangers and a boy who goes to a seven eleven. Some places are obviously dangerous just by looking at them and you should avoid being there or run away when there are more than one person(like we tell children to do and somehow they are capable understanding that), like the scenario this grown man is an. And then there is a scenario of a kid minding his own business and isn't around drunks or out late at night and there is only one person. But, I guess you are incapable of seeing that difference because your soul doesn't permit? I would see the point if someone died, and of course my opinion would have been different if he was shot. But, it isn't the case. I suppose I could relate someone cutting me off in traffic to a rape victim if I wanted to maintain your logic. But...ummm no. LOL... seriously though, nice try. I have to get to work so feel free to argue amongst yourselves.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2012
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Here's my thing
    1. Whites as a whole can not deny white privilege with any true validity. Look at our unemployment rates and our justice system results. When I speak of racism its about a break down in the system. I personally understand that humans are flawed and you will find fucked up individuals from every group but I don't tie the behavior of a few to the whole damn group like other races and apparently black people do to black people. Again why I straddled with the responsibility of this other persons' actions. Why should it or how should it reflect on me when I am educated and a hard working member of society. A lot of you guys seem to be more upset about how it makes us all look rather than what they actually did.

    2. I still don't get why a lot of you act like if they're caught that they won't get the book thrown at them. BLACK PEOPLE DON'T USUALLY GET AWAY WITH SHIT. We get punished almost 10/10 times unless your rich and even that's 50/50.

    3. Again with the false equivelancy. This country has such a deep history of racism that still goes on today ie Treyvon Martin that its understandable why black people are paranoid about race. A lot of the claims might be over inflated but when you are constantly being treated like shit for so long its almost like you expect it. To this day when I hear my dad's belt buckle jiggle I cringe like I'm gonna get an ass whooping and the man hasn't laid a hand on me in 17 years. Its going to take time to move past it. Up until the late 90s maybe early 2000s blacks were being mistreated by government sanctioned extermination. Until I start seeing stories of Asians, Whites, and Hispanics getting gunned down by the cops the way blacks are especially the innocent then I'll think differently.

    You can't expect me or any reasonable intelligent black man to act like there isn't a gross double standard and that double standard fuels our actions.
    To be honest I truly believe you'd have a hard finding blacks who would move against white people out racial anger considering the legacy of this country. Black life ain't worth shit even when we keep to ourselves and don't bother other groups. Imagine if there was a perceived threat of a group of us actually moving against the white populus? The extermination squads would be working overtime. Believe that my friend.
  7. luvattractivewomen

    luvattractivewomen New Member

    Let it go. Some people relate a boy being killed getting skittles from a seven elevn to a guy getting punched and losing a shirt because he decided to hang around drunk strangers and get a lap dance. Let it go my friend. I have to get to work. Have a good one man.

    "When we entertain fools we become fools ourselves"
  8. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    In case you didn't notice dude was cold cocked and his head slammed against the pavement. Guys have wound up on life support for that.

    What is being debated here is your nonchalant, casual dismissal of the notion that he should have been able to go wherever he wanted and be left alone.

    This same notion applies to Zimmerman and Martin, where Martin was profiled and pursued.

    People have asked the same thing about Martin, why shouldn't he have been allowed to go on about his business without being accosted by a stranger.

    Therein lies the irony of you dismissing that notion.

    It is clear the two results were different in outcomes, nonetheless they both had victims who were harassed and attacked.

    You keep talking about lap dances and drunk strangers, willfully downplaying the accountability of the instigators.
  9. luvattractivewomen

    luvattractivewomen New Member

    I edited my post actually. But, I understand your viewpoint. A kid getting killed walking out of a seven eleven in broad daylight by one man and a grown man getting punched and robbed by drunks at night while enjoying a lap dance are the same thing. I get it. That's how you perceive things and that's fine. You don't have to drive home the point that you view things this way. I got it the first time. I am on my way out the door so have a good one. I will make sure not to slam the door because it would be just as bad as domestic violence, right? Sorry, I am not completely versed in your perception of things. Enjoy your day.
  10. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    What is saddest to me is when someone makes excuses for another's wanton behavior, because of race. In other words, they try to defend the indefensible, just because of race. For example, I could never align myself with Zimmerman and say "Was George wrong, sure, BUT Trayvon certainly had time to escape and shouldn't have stopped to stare George down, so no sympathy for him!" Or the BM man who was run down in Mississippi by the white racist youth. "Oh terrible yes, but you know, had he not been standing there and ran when they spotted him and came for no sympathy for YOU, sir!"
    I just cant wrap my brain around such ridiculous 'logic'.
  11. luvattractivewomen

    luvattractivewomen New Member

    For the record, I have blocked GQ and Bliss as I can't entertain that kind of ridiculous logic. And I also can't entertain an idiot who says I blame someone due to race. Which has nothing to do with it as I mentioned in big bold ready letters so everyone could read (Next Time I Will Write It In Crayon). Anyway, everyone enjoy your day and if you don't it's as bad as being punched in the face 50 times.
  12. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Lets just say behaviors and actions like the one's in this video certainly don't help the perception and cries of injustice.

    Act like a niggah, get thought of as a niggah

    Act like a decent, respectful human being and still get thought of as a niggah, then there are basic grounds to claim racism.

    No those folks in the clip don't represent me, thank goodness for that.

    Nonetheless they make it tougher when we shout out racism and bigotry, when they can't even conduct themselves with decency and respect in their actions.
  13. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    It boggles my mind as well, will never grasp that mindset at all of trying to downplay, lessen and push aside a wrong committed

    I don't get what it is about the concept of "Mutual Respect" that is so hard to grasp.

    Hey forgive him for not profiling them as a bunch of black hooligans and running away.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2012
  14. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Omy goodness. Right there all of it, in a nut shell! Wish I could rep you!
  15. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

  16. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    And still he persists in talking about lap dances. :confused: :)

    Guess white boy got harassed, punched, robbed and stripped because he wanted a lap dance.
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    But that's my entire point. So what if THEY act like that. Why is it representative of everyone who shares similar skin tone. If a woman calls rape we don't spend time thinking about all the women who falsely accuse men or make women as a whole accountable.
    Next time a kid (white of course) goes missing no one is going to be using Casey Anthony as reason as to why we shouldn't believe them or the litany of white women who murder their own kids, it'll be judged on the merits of that individual case.
    I just don't like having to worry about what some stranger thousands of mils away is doing. Quite frankly no one else to do it so I refuse to allow myself to be lumped in with dude. We have to be vigilant and challenge these things.
    The truth of it is based on that video all we saw was a bunch of assholes robbing a guy minding his own business. The racial spin is unnecessary it just causes more division. Now if I heard shit like "lets get this cracka" or "I want to rob a cracka tonight" or something indicating that their motivation to rob him had to do with his race then I'd totally change my position.
  18. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    The Devil is WEAK! [​IMG]

  19. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    I never insinuated it was representative of everyone who shares a skin tone. Not once did I do that. I clearly highlighted there are hard working black folks in the hood who despise this trash behavior.

    Nonetheless I find it disgusting and abhorrent behavior to the core of me.

    Its not the first or last time I will see something like this.

    Just like how racists have their mindset, I suppose it is the case with these fools in the video that they have a criminally inclined mindset to rob and take advantage of someone in a vulnerable situation.

    Its easy to sit and say that is not your concern, but then you will speak on systematic racism at the hands of whites who may or may not be racists.

    Maybe those white folks should say racism by other whites is not their concern, so tell it to the hand.

    What if we all took that stance in life of it doesn't concern me.

    I refuse to just casually toss aside sickening, repulsive behavior, be it black/white or whomever whist trying to draw degrees of effect by such actions.

    There are folks who will use this kind of behavior to justify racism against blacks, are they right of course not, but they are not concerned about being right.

    Right is right and Wrong is wrong, that simple.
  20. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    ROFL, :smt057

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