Some people pee on each other for other reasons. Look at R Kelly. My point is that people always do messed up things. People just need a reason (or an excuse). However, common sense would make me avoid such a scenario all together. I went in depth on my common sense viewpoint in a previous comment.
That's rich - so if you don't hear it, it means it's devoid of racial motivation. So when those two British tourists got lost and 16-year-old Shawn Tyson spotted them, robbed and then shot them dead, do you think their race factored into it at all?
I'm not familiar with the story but I don't think my assertion is any more bold then what you are trying to presume. Based on nothing else other than they were black and he was white do you think this is racially motivated. I get why Iggy titled this thread the way he did to spark this kind of do nothing conversation. It fuels racial tension which I thought we were against on this forum or did I imagine that. I would be inclined to agree with you if there were more than racist assumptions.
Don't know how many fights you've witnessed vs how many times the victor pisses on the loser, but it's normally the exception to the rule - particularly in a robbery, which I have never heard happen. This isn't rocket science. That wasn't a bunch of people collectively doing a "messed up thing'. Stop excusing the behavior...goodness me. The man was just standing there...they walked passed and suddenly he was surrounded...exactly how does one "avoid the scenerio"?
TYSON'S PRISON PHONE CALL Shawn Tyson called his half brother from prison saying police had found bullet casings connected to the shooting. Here is Tyson's recorded telephone conversation with his half brother, from Sarasota County Jail: Tyson: 'What's up, bro?' Brother: 'What's up, lil' man?' Tyson: 'Shit.' Brother: 'What them crackers talkin' about?' Tyson: 'Shit. I don't even know right now. I don't know why they talkin' about.' Brother: 'Yeah, I don't know what them crackers talkin' about. Shit, like. You was in the house, like.' Tyson: 'I know... that's what I keep on... these crackers talkin' about that somebody say they seen me out there or some shit.' Brother: 'Them crackers trippin', man.' Tyson: 'Hell yeah.' Brother: 'Shit, you're chate, through. You know what I'm sayin' like? You ain't got no guns or nothin'. Like fuck them crackers talkin' about.' Tyson: 'Only thing is, they found the bullets, though.' Brother: 'Huh?' Tyson: 'They found the bullets.' Brother: 'Oh. Damn!' Tyson: 'That's the only thing that's gonna fuck me up.' Brother: 'They found them in the house?' Tyson: 'M-hm-mm.'
1. I don't see how the murder was racially motivated. Because he called them crackers after the fact? If you want to take it there I guess you could but I don't see any indication that he was seeking out white people to rob because he didn't like white people. And for the record I'm not saying what he did wasn't fucked up but I can't tell from the article or that phone conversation that he was doing this out of racial hate. Sorry no cigar. 2. What the hell are these people complaining about? Dude was caught and sentenced. How entitled are they to feel like they deserve a public address from the president because a guy murdered their friend. While tragic I don't know what Obama addressing it would do to further carry justice. The murderer is doing life as he should. Open and shut case.
First of all, I don't remember excusing the behavior. I look at all drunks the same. I look at all belligerent people the same. He was standing there surrounded and common sense would dictate to just walk away. Instead he decided to get a "booty" rubbed on his junk and stick around. Then these same belligerent people hit him and robbed him. He could have easily walked away prior. I don't excuse drunken idiots because I expect the worse in them. Thus, I avoid situations like that by not being in them or leaving ASAP. Which of course he had the opportunity to do. I am sure if you were around a bunch of drunk idiots you would walk or even run away to not get raped, hurt, or mugged. That is common sense. He chose otherwise. Therefore, I do not feel bad for him nor do I care about what they did. Drunks are probably doing the exact same thing right now or worse. I expect that from drunks and I smh when sober people, who have the option to leave before things get worse, but instead, stick around. There are some situations that you should avoid, if you go to a self defense class, a police seminar, a threat protection briefing...(the list goes on and on), you would be told to avoid it and get out of there. Even a strip mall karate class would inform children of that. So, as I said, I did not excuse their behavior, it's disgusting. However, if you expect me to feel sorry for a man who would rather grind than to get out of a bad situation you are sadly mistaken. In addition, my assessment of the situation is based in my experience of having witnessed and experienced (as the victim) of such attacks in my youth. I do understand that your opinion obviously differs from mine and that is fine. I have made my points, and regardless of everyone's opinion, whether they agree with me or not, I will not be moved in the conclusion I've made (pending an actual police report and or confession of those involved). So, as your opinion differs, I will not say that you are a terrible person or anything of that nature. I do believe you are incorrect, but that is my belief due to my experiences and various briefings that I've had. So, this is me explaining to you that we just aren't going to agree on this.
Absolutely, we are not going to agree at all...because you have in your first and third paragraphs, BLAMED the victim "for not leaving...and for getting a booty rubbed up against him". Never-mind that before he could "walk away" he was backed into and up against two US postal boxes while a white t-shirted man came up on his left-side to box him in, and on his right a hyper-active punk yelling, "I"m goinna take his car keys" He was you understand that? If he so much as tried to push that pathetic excuse for a woman off of him to you think they would have just let him walk away? Could you imagine the reaction that would ensue? I completely understand his nervousness. I would have been frozen and non-antagonistic hoping they would just leave me alone and go. So you see, your admitted lack of SYMPATHY for him means zilch to me, as it reflects on you - you will not sway me in my unwavering sympathy for victims of crime. It is in fact a relief to know that we disagree on support for the victim because the day I lack empathy is the day I lose my soul.
Exactly, the majority of white folks have no power to tangibly alter the reality of the world. Most white racists could be categorize as ranting fools themselves. Some of these folks may smile in your face but behind your back think little of you as a person. However what they do is pass down that mindset to those around them in the way they speak about, interact with and relate to others. As the saying goes we aren't born racists.
Ummm... I don't remember trying to sway you from your righteous indignation. He was ambushed. I wouldn't deny that... He was ambushed during his standing Lap Dance. And frankly none of us know how long he was standing there. If a bunch of drunk idiots are crowding around me I would leave, he stayed for the lap dance. I do not feel sorry for idiots who think with their lower anatomy first and their brains second. I gathered that you feel the exact opposite and that's fine. You are entitled to that. I am only explaining my point, I am not trying to "sway you" from your world view. I am not sure how you got that idea. This is a discussion of various points and different conclusions drawn, not my attempt to get you to change your view or to buy your soul and sell it to Beelzebub (Satan) This Guy: at a discount price due to my lack of empathy. Besides, he was enjoying the woman's skanky bum on his lap as he nodded his head side to side due to the little improvised song they sang as they danced in front of him. But, sometimes people need to see a victim instead of an idiot who had a chance to walk away or run to his left for approximately 20 seconds of that video. In addition, you will notice that he was leaning on a mailbox and not wedged between them. But, as I said, some people will want to see a victim instead and I respect that some people need that. I understand that. I am not sure how you got the idea that I am trying to disrupt your spiritual identity, and it's a little awkward that you went in that direction. So, as we both realize that we wont agree on this, I am just going to stop entertaining your comments before you tell me that you were chosen by a higher power to smite me.
See that's the thing. I'm not drawing a comparison of the two based on race. I am drawing a comparison based on the actions. If you are black and want respect from others, then give that respect to others as well in how you conduct yourself and deal with people. If you are a white person and watching that clip, wouldn't it make your blood boil to see that. You would be left to wonder what if I ever found myself in that similar position around a bunch of blacks, how would they treat me as a white person. White racists thrive off of stereotypes of blacks being criminally minded, rapists, robbers, etc and this clip plays right into that mindset because it shows everything they espouse taking place. Just as we feel about racism in the Trayvon Martin case and being profiled as a black person. Therein lies the correlation. Its not about whether one is racist and the other is not, it is for me about the actions of the individuals involved and their lack of a sense of right or wrong in their values.
And therein lies my contempt for conversations like this. 1. Why am I put in the position to react as a black person when some stranger does some dumb shit. Why am I or you or any black person left some sort of responsibility for it. 2. Why does it have to come down to race when there is nothing at all in the video outside of speculation to indicate that they messed with him because he was white? 3. Why should we be concerned about their lack of recognizing right and wrong? Because we're black we have to have a Phd in psychology to understand the criminal mind. There actions should stand on their own as should mine and yours.
Did you fail to see the hoard of individuals that surrounded him, he wasn't going anywhere until they finished doing what they did. Based on the words of one of the cackling hyenas in the video they had already started robbing him prior to what we saw. The classic blame the victim, he was drunk, he shouldn't have been there, etc. If these clowns had any sense of decency and morals they would have ignored him completely. What is it in them that compelled them to behave that way.
LOL... the classic, "He should be able to go wherever he wants without being harassed" line. Yes, in a perfect world that is true. This isn't a perfect world and he had 20 seconds to run away to his left. I am not sure why you're trying to make me feel like he is a victim. It isn't possible. Granted there are plenty of racially charged crimes where there are victims of hate crimes. I just do not believe this is one of them. Granted, there are plenty of people who get beat for no reason and had no way of avoiding it. I just do not believe this is one of them. Besides, from a previous comment I am looking to sway souls to "The Dark Side" due to my lack of empathy for an idiot who had 20 seconds to run and decided to get a lap dance instead. So, really, why try to get me to jump over to your conclusion? You have yours, I have mine. I realize yours and Bliss's will not change. Neither will mine. It's not a bad thing (unless you count my apparent ability to sway souls and bring them to hell), it's just a few people looking at the same thing and seeing it differently.
LOL, brotha you do realize how ironic that is right. Isn't this what white folks say all the time about race when they are painted with a broad stroke of racism claims. I didn't do what a few privileged whites did in the past I didn't lynch anyone Why don't blacks stop crying racism over everything Why are blacks always making themselves seem like victims, etc. We want to speak on personal accountability then it goes across the board for everyone. We should be concerned about their lack of recognizing right or wrong because they roam the streets without proper values and morals about their actions in life. i.e. criminal minded behaviors and future prison statistics. Too bad this dude didn't have a gun to deal with them. Maybe it would have quickly taught them how to behave civilized in the streets. Bunch of no manners ass having clowns. I've seen similar jackasses like this too many times in the hood, fucking it up for hard working folks who want better in life, while these fools exist in a setting of sheer trifling n!ggadom. Proud and forever ignorant of their foolish behaviors. Then cry about the man is keeping them down.
I'm not the one who is arguing about this from a black vs white perspective. The victim could be black and I would be just as disgusted. My take is on the actions of the individuals in that clip. Why is it so hard to leave people alone to go about their business. You're making too many assumptions I don't care about changing your opinion about anything, that is on you. Just hope you never encounter individuals like this in life at the wrong place at the wrong time, then we will see what tune you sing on that day, because they are out there. It just strikes me as remarkable how we as black folks can mitigate, rationalize and downplay such abhorrent, disrespectful, funky, misanthropic behavior. SMDH at the lunacy of it all. Yet the moment a white/black situation breaks off we are quick to shout how we are discriminated against and it is so unfair. Treat people the way you want to be treated, not a hard logic to follow, except if one is scum, ala the slimes in that clip.
Most of you wouldn't know what the news was, even if it sucked your dick and gave you a good credit rating.