Going through life as a "tall, slim, blonde" woman is harder than it looks, according to British columnist Samantha Brick, who has become the focus of criticism and ridicule for writing that her life as a beautiful woman has been especially difficult. Brick, 41, published a column in the Daily Mail on Tuesday entitled, "'There are downsides to looking this pretty': Why women hate me for being beautiful." Brick bemoaned having to go through life as a beautiful woman, constantly receiving free champagne and wine from suitors, flirting with male bosses, and angering female friends and co-workers with her looks. "While I'm no Elle Macpherson," Brick wrote, "I'm tall, slim, blonde and, so I'm often told, a good-looking woman. I know how lucky I am. But there are downsides to being pretty, the main one being that other women hate me for no other reason than my lovely looks." ========================================================== Hahahahaha, My life is hard coz I am too pretty. I clicked on her picture to enlarge, she's delusional. She's average looking at best. She needs to get over herself, she is not nearly as hot as she likes to think
lol i read this yesterday and had to comment on it on fb. my favourite comment about it thus far: "Angry Birds, not so much a game but what happens when Samantha Brick walks through a crowd of women. #samanthabrickfacts" - comedian Tony Cowards. it had me snorting with laughter. on a serious note though, i feel the woman's pain. i too have to deal with being too pretty ALL THE TIME. it's tough out there for the facially pleasing