I said in several posts it was absolutely fucked up but no one has shown proof that it eas because he was white and they wete black. Thugs like thay have jumped me before so it could honestly be just recognition of an easy mark. I fight the racial implication so feverishly becaise wgen ot actually does happen shit like this make it hrder to recognize.. No where in that video did those kids even acknowledge he was white. in every racially motivated film or clip Ive ever seen you ALWAYS hear racial epithet.
i'm starting to confuse your posts with the wife's lately...not because of the tone or content, of course, but because of the spelling
Are you kidding Ms Philly knows best. Robbers frequently strip and humiliate people. Are you kidfing right now? Hood tactic 101
You'll excuse me for sticking my nose in here, but this is often the rallying cry of blacks though when there is a situation between a white person and a black person. I can't tell you many times I have witnessed that and been frustrated because race truly wasn't the issue - the altercation or whatever had nothing to do with it - but the black person wanted to MAKE it about race. Why is that?
What do you know about "hood tactic", Mr Suburbia! Have you ever been robbed in the "hood"? Do tell...want to here the details.
Because thats the history of thid country. Too many white people want to ignore it and just tell us to get over it. And thr big problem now is its more covert so it causes one to be extra sensitive. And to be fair too many whites ignore certain cues because they personally dont have to deal with. I admit I do that as a man sometimes.
I use to promote clubs in the city and worked at a groyp home. I may not live in the hood but Im familiar with the tactics
I had a mental picture of him smoking berries in a glass pipe with strawberry shortcake and a few smurphs. Then a few Fraggles came and I decided to stop thinking about it.
Ive seen fights where the person who lost gets peed on. I saw it happen in Japan and Korea a few times.
Yeah maybe since some of ladies aren't familiar with violence they don't know dudes do that often. They do shit like that in prison too.
The town I grew up in is predominantly white. There are a few "other side of the tracks" parts, but nothing that would constitute a "hood". So, I can't honestly say I know what happens daily there. But, in the town I grew up in I have seen a lot worse than people fighting and stealing shirts. Sometimes when people drink you see the worst in people. Especially if they are with a group of friends and are trying to show off. That video reminded me of a time where I saw a group of guys beat up a man and steal his pants and drive off with them. Someone in the group had a drunk girlfriend and she was flirting with the man. Well a few of the group ran over and pushed him down. They teamed up, laughing and literally took the man's pants off, ran to their respective cars and drove off. They didn't beat him severely. But, his pride was obviously hurt. To my understanding they were a group of college kids drunk and belligerent. As I said in a previous post, common sense dictates that you either travel in a group or avoid those kinds of situations. I have been to plenty of clubs where fights and muggings break out right outside of the club.
No, you aren't wrong. It's only wrong if you laugh while you are witnessing it. A few times I ran over to try and help, but the moment a man gets pee on him, I have to draw the line (No Pun Intended).
That's exactly my point. I don't get why the first thing people jump to is a racially motivated hit when it could just be a drunk bunch of assholes doing some criminal shit. Instead you have dudes taking this shit personally like they have to publically denounce these assholes so that they won't be swept into the same category as them. And its weird on site all about racial tolerance we are so quick to jump to racial bias. With nothing more than a white kid and a bunch of black kids it has to be racially biased and like I said every video clip I've seen of people who were racially biased doing some fucked up shit they NEVER hesitate to yell racial epithets when they are comitting their crimes ie George Zimmerman 2:19 on the 911 tape.
Disgusting ghetto niggas. I wouldn't step in the middle of that fight(I don't give a fuck. Noseyness gets people fucked up as well), but I would've called the cops and helped him after these dumb mufuckas left. Disgusting ghetto niggas.
Nooo, you don''t say? (Don't forget Afghanistan. (On dead-bodies no less). Bet you lost count it happened so often, huh? Which reminds me.. I love it when the News Anchor reports:" A a 25 yr-old man was viciously beaten and robbed while waiting for a bus in West Philadelphia tonight - and police found evidence of pee on him". I hear it so frequently in violent crime-reports, I now just chuckle. Then I yawn.