Exercising hate in general makes you look uneducated and intolerable. I don't see how you can dissect or even remotely try to categorize the same thing when it's still the same problem. Hate isn't merely about physical violence, but also the emotional and mental constraints to continue generations upon generations of vitriol and uncanny hatred for another person for asinine reasons. Besides, such verbal rhetoric can lead to violence.
I'm saying I don't see evidence of them doing so. Every situation where there is a victim and perpetrator of different races doesn't mean the situation happened because of that. And going the history and current tone of this country it would never be allowed for black people to exact hate crimes on whites in this country. Possibly Hispanics or even Asians but never whites. White people have never been persecuted in this country because of their race. We don't have the political or private sector clout to do so.
Italians and Irish were discriminated against pretty badly. Plus, they weren't considered white at one point.
It can but it doesn't in the case of blacks against whites. Despite the ignorant and disgusting behavior its more symptomatic of poor education, low income living, and self loathing than the innate sense of being superior. Both are bad but in the context of this thread and this video its important to make the distinction because it distracts from solving the problem. Those kids if caught will be punished no doubt about that. You won't see people standing up for them and trying to justify what they did. But in the Treyvon Martin case that's a different story. That's why I can say race doesn't play a part in the former but it does in the latter. Let me be clear what those kids did was vile but in my opinion not racially motivated in a way that suggests that they hate white people or target them. It looks like they targeted what they thought was an easy mark.
So you proved my point. It had nothing to do with their race but their ethnicity. Once they were accepted into the white fold all that horseshit stopped and they jumped on the lets hate and persecute black people bandwagon. We have a long history of that here on the east coast especially in places like New York and Boston which industrialization and shipping hubs. I used to wonder why the Italians hated us so much but it mostly stems from the fact that we were the cheap labor back in the day keeping them from making better wages and instead of striking or taking it up with management they turned on us. Easier to hate I guess.
It's perhaps one of the most ridiculous (for lack of better word) case to make, DK. Both cases are racially motivated, but for different reasons. You can't simply disregard the scenario because it's in a dangerous territory vs. a gated community with a crazed person. The distinctions are clear, but the reasons were more or less the same. Don't get me wrong, I "do" see your reasoning since if the kid was black, he would most likely get attacked as well, but never disregard the fact that a white kid getting attacked could be racially motivated as well.
I really haven't proved your point. Hate of any kind is wrong and that's the main thing. Yet, it seems like you want to "justify" one case and then treat a similar case as something different altogether.
Dude I'm judging by history and what I see as common culture. I'm black so no one is pulling punches around me for the sake of being PC and in my entire life I've never witnessed or heard of blacks going after someone because they hate white people. Do black people rob, kill, and rape white people? Absolutely. But is them being white the motivation behind it? Not usually at least as far as history has dictated. I think it comes down to two things: 1. There are five times as many whites in this country than blacks so the likelihood of them being targets for criminally minded blacks to commit crimes against them is statistically higher. 2. From everything I have observed of black people in this country there is nothing to suggest the feeling of moral superiority and entitlement in us as a group that it would take to go around killing white people. And again let me reiterate I am not saying what was done wasn't wrong I just think race was the factor that drove them to get at him, I really think it was more like he looked out of place and was in the wrong area at the wrong time. Which as easily happen to my nerdy ass as well. Kids like that jumped me in middle school and high school and it had nothing to do with my skin tone. I didn't dress like them or talk like them and that's all they needed. I find it to be a similar case here. I'm not disregarding the race angle I just don't have anything to support that other than they are black and he is white.
Who the hell is trying to justify it? I am saying that I am not convinced that it was racially motivated. You guys are insisting it must be solely because the victim was white and no other reason. This is the kind of false equivelancy the right has been trying to put out there since the Treyvon Martin situation started. Like the kid who had gasoline poured him and was set on fire by some black students who said they were doing it because he was white. Its not simply the crime but the outcome of what happens afterwards that matters. Like I said if those kids are caught justice and then some will be served. They would never get away with it.
Why rely on "history" when it's simply the result of acting on "getting back at the man" for something that happened decades ago? It doesn't have to be part of the ego. Rather, it could very well be an unconscious thinking mechanism that would trigger this mood. You have to look beyond all that and look into the mental psyche and see what makes them tick. History may not quite play a part, but reinforcing the history and them formulating their judgment on how they should act does. Again, when those people attacked the white kid, there is almost a certain element of racial motivation, albeit in an unconscious means.
They won't get away with it, but the actions were completely unjustified and as I said in my previous post, the actions do have an element of racial motivation behind it.
I can allow for that type of conjecture but I don't see how its anymore speculative then what I asserted. At least I have some type of historical context to back up my claim. Not saying your point of view isn't a good suggestion but it has no sense of validity to support it.
No validity? I'd suggest you read into neurology and how it correlates to racism and problematic tendencies. Actually, taking that and your historical claims would further reinforce that very point I'm making.
If that were the case then black on white violence would far exceed black on black crime. And you never used that argument till now to support your argument. Besides that would suggest every negative interaction between people of different races is completely racially motivated and I'm sorry I don't buy that. I need peer reviewed data supporting that claim to even consider it.
You're very guilty of that when it comes to black people. Perhaps it's more to do with you, being West Indian, share the same skin color and "look" like the rest of us. Also, simply taking what I've written without understanding the very fabric of neuroscience only shows you have VERY little cognizant understanding of the whole idea. It's not as simple as 1-2-3 or merely historical ideas, otherwise EVERY black person would be kept from reaching their full potential here. This isn't the south African Apartheid where the laws REALLY kept black Africans down. So again, even your claims are somewhat unfounded.
Does not look to me like a hate crime to me either but you never know without all of the facts in this incident.... Maybe you know Lafayette Gardens Housing in Brooklyn, NY?? My friend and I went to visit a friend who lived there back in 78 or 79? Anyway we were approached like that guy in the video. Just because we did not belong there (live there). It was unexpected and very scary for me. Luckily for us as the fight began the friend we came to meet showed up with his boys and VOUCHED for us. WTF!!?? He had to say that we were okay for people to stop approaching us. Race had nothing to do with it. We were just two black males in a black housing community who did not live there. Nothing more. That incident is a big part of how I became the person I am now who protects the underdog without the legal system involved. I believe the police will no doubt follow this incident with a microscope simply because the guy was white, not black. Seen it already on 42nd street and 8th Ave in NYC. I know you know about that one when the white tourist got knifed back in ?? damn I forget but I was in NY then. Everything was on total LOCK DOWN simply because the victims were white. The city was policed up that night and answers were found almost instantly. I was in McDonalds on 44th Street that night when I over heard the Bloods talking about it and calling to find out who the cops were looking for. They even wanted the person (s) who committed that crime because all business was shut down that night. No more prostitution, no more drug sales, etc. I just hope all of those criminals (even the ones who watched and did nothing) get their day in court if its not already done. My feelings...MAX!!!
Are you kidding? Have you heard of Jim Crow, Redlining, Affirmative Action (why we need it). There have been a litany of things to keep blacks from reaching their full potential in this country.
Exactly. Sometimes you look out of place and people see it especially in ghetto ass areas like that. I think what you're talking about happened in 97 and it was closer to MTV studios.
Even without Affirmative Action, and during the Jim Crow eras, there weren't any policies that literally told blacks that they are not allowed to run a business. In fact, there were lucrative blacks back in the days during the most harsh times in our history. The Apartheid...you were NOT. DK, you don't know ALL aspects of history. You're only regurgitating what's generally covered in the books.