Is it just me or a lot of women missing?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Galiant, Mar 29, 2012.

  1. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    The only two who came back in say the same thing. The ones who are on FB that won't come here say the exact same thing. So believe it or not . That is the reason.

    People who have lived to tell about it know they speak the truth. No one is going to candy coat it. The people who you want to pretend are off for other reasons are on FB fulltime. They have no trouble participating there. They just avoid this place. And two people who popped in told you why. Listen and react. Women don't want to be treated second class or hear the world according to you on a constant loop.

    So :smt102
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Then grow the fuck up and put me on ignore. Its not a matter of not liking what I say its matter of not being able to make me bend or kiss ass like some of the dudes who haven't seen pussy since the day they popped out of it. I personally can not make things so unbareable that others want to stop doing something they want to do and I seriously resent the fact that you just tried to single me out as if I am the only person to ever talk about gold digging or other topics that might make women feel like they are being bashed. Like I said there are far more posts adoring the women on this board then not. Also real cute how ignored the other part of that sentence where LS brought up the boring over done sexual topics as well. If you choose to be a victim and act like I'm picking on you or your sense of the world then be an adult and put me on ignore or own up to your infantile notion that if people don't agree with you you can't be friends with them.
  3. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    IMO: the pure misogyny, personal insults and pure race baiting is the reason I have spent less time here. Some people just dont get how repetitive they and that they become misogynistic... they will never get it, and I hate the way they blame the people they victimize when they victimize them - that is the icing on the cake.

    This used to be a place where people could voice their concerns and people would not jump to personal insults in a flash... and then blame people "o not engage people that they dont like".

    Some people will never get the "its not what you say, its how you say it". We do not live on a singe person island...... the faster we get that part, the better we will be w other people. I just think some people take the "venting" they can do here and not in real life, take it way to far, and dont get that they do.
  4. Unique4ever

    Unique4ever Well-Known Member

    I totally agree with you Christine. I really missed some of you girls :smt054
  5. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    You have pretty much been the only one who has said oh it's cause they are on dates or because they are catching their favorite soap opera or whatever. You seem very interested in making it into what it is not.....according to the ones who left. They know why they left. I have to respect they know themselves and their feelings. They say it without hesitation. So I won't argue it out here. They have said it.........I respect what they say as their feelings and their truth.

    And that is your usual whenever you do something offensive you tell other people to ignore you. Why don't you grow up and try to get along with others. Are you missing that button in your head that stops you from saying every thought that comes into it whether it's appropriate or not. You are the main one who is a woman basher here.........the other I won't name because his sick ass will pop in and search himself and start one of his rants. You like people to believe you respect women. There is no way on God's green earth if you have the thoughts you do that you have an ounce of respect. You post a lot and are the loudest so it is hard to get away from it.

    Quit trying to throw people off with well it could be this or it could be that. The people that left have said the exact reasons. The treatment of women. Show them the respect to listen to what they don't like and not try to pretend it is something else.

    Like I said I have a before and after of how it was and then how it became. We had lots of high spirited discussions back in the day and people didn't leave feeling they had been kicked in the gut, run over with a car and had no reason to have self respect.

    Constant loop........that is what the left ones say. Whether you want to believe or acknowledge it. :rolleyes:
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    FG help me out here. From what I gather of your post and the post of others is that this is being directed particularly at me. I make no attempts to apologize nor amend my thoughts or behavior, at least according to all of you, then why not just ignore me. That way you don't have to engage, that way you don't have to see posts that incite passions deep enough to make coming on here not for fun you. I won't attempt to explain my position since it has and will always fall deaf to those who see differently its just the way it is. Everyone is right and without fault. So with that being said why not make this forum fun again for yourself by one simple and effortless act. Or is it more fun to dislike me?
  7. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Sorry. I missed your post while you were typing but again.....another who says the same thing. It must be so if everyone who formerly dated and had time to participate all of a sudden says I can't take this place. The reason is here. And all say the SAME reason.
  8. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Why would you want to participate on a forum where 9/10 of the people have to ignore you???????????????

    At some point you have to's me not them if everyone ignores you.
  9. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    DK, If you really want to have this discussion.. contact me on fb (or call me, we can fix that of fb).... I both agree w you and disagree w you.
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    How many times did I say it was my speculation not the truth or don't you know what the word speculation means. You should look it up if you don't or at least try to pay attention.
    And I'm not trying to throw anyone off from anything. Not until after I made my post did Tarshi and LS make their posts about why they in particular don't post anymore and while I don't agree with their assertions I never said they were wrong in how they felt.

    And in case you haven't noticed or read my post I could give a fuck less about trying to get along with everyone. Those who choose to engage me will and those who don't won't its that simple. So again if you choose to refuse responsibility for the hand you play in your own dissatisfaction that's not my fault. Like I said you and others are more upset that I won't bend and see things your way and play nice. If you think I'm the only reason others have stopped posting then you're buggin. Other members have said to me in private they don't like the double standards and hypocrisy of conduct that the men are suppose to have but never enforced for the women, they don't like the constant ass kissing and coddling. I know you'll choose not to believe it and that's fine. It's easier if you have bad guy to blame.

    And what loop am I on? For the last month I've mostly posted in the Treyvon Martin thread. I have given up all parts of debating because I realized(unfortunately slowly) that no one ever changes their mind. People want to be agreed with on most topics so I choose to let them do that with each other. I'm an old man now I seriously don't have the energy anymore lol
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Because I'm not in high school and could care less about being in the lame ass in crowd on wwbm lol.
    If I have just a couple I can engage in meaningful and interesting conversation I'm with it. There are four people in particular if they stopped posting I would stop all together.
  12. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    I get tons of rep too. I don't find publicly sharing my rep as polite. I think if people wanted to say it publicly they would post it in a thread not give the thought in rep. I am too polite to screw over people who give me messages in private. I don't tell secrets or private thoughts. Doesn't mean there aren't lots of them means I don't broadcast to make people think I am homecoming queen and winning the popular vote.

    As usual I am done with this convo..........nothing will change. So why bother. Adios.
  13. Unique4ever

    Unique4ever Well-Known Member

    Dear TDK,

    okay.....I know what will happen after this, but Im still gonna say it, cause Im known for speaking my mind and being honest.
    I followed the thread and didnt say nothing yet cause I had enough drama in real life and wanted to just enjoy the forum again BUT:
    YOU are actually one of the reasons that I left for a year.
    Maybe Im too damn sensitive and take things to personal. I agree to a certain extend, but the way you choose to word your stuff and turn some arguments into personal attacks are just going overboard sometimes.
    Its like you vent in here?!
    Then you even team up with others who support your view just because they dont like the person you are argueing with.
    It wasnt only me, I witnessed it with Persephone for example.
    I really liked her and I miss her. Dont know if thats the reason she left, but I would understand if it was.
    You have your preference in women, I understand that.
    But that doesnt mean that the rest of us is worth any less.
    I treat all men the same no matter how they look. If they are not my type, I just wouldnt choose to flirt with them - period.
    You put me down because Im in my thirties.....WTF? So?
    I know you prefer women in their early twenties but I never came on to you did I? So if I dont start to stalk you, what does it matter to you what I look like or how old I am?

    Please just tune it down a little. There is a difference between "ass kissing" and trying to get along. You remind me of another person who can always only see the world in black OR white. Please remember there is also GREY.
    Means you can stand your ground without being disrespectful.

    I hope you understand what Im trying to say.

    Peace :smt054
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Does anyone have a clue as to what she's talking about in this post because I am honestly lost. Who said anything about rep?
  15. Unique4ever

    Unique4ever Well-Known Member

    She is talking about me. I repped her saying she was correct because I didnt know if I should speak up. Now I did. You can read it and I will take your response as an adult :p
  16. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    No no. Sorry. I mean him and his other post/thread. I would never share other's thoughts they have given to me in private in a rep. That is up to them to do or not. Many times people have been cast down or made fun of and feel they must turn to rep to support someone or give an idea. Sad. Only certain ones feel they've a right to be opnionated.

    Thanks for feeling confident enough to share your feelings. I think it can't be candy coated just because others want it to be. You just get to a point where you must say what you feel. Otherwise this place will never get back to fun and information/ideas exchanges.
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Ok thanks for posting this to help me understand the disconnect I have with a lot of female posters. I have very general points of views. I don't make specific "attacks" unless attacked first for the most part. If I say I think women in their thirties aren't worth dating.
    1. That's how I personally see it not all men
    2. I am not saying you Unique are used up.

    Just expressing my general opinion but not personally applying it to you. When I am you people will definitely know it because I name names.
    And to be fair a lot of the so called "bashing" happens in threads where people who are sensitive shouldn't go in. A lot of people set themselves up to be upset.
    If anyone ever started a thread about either why they don't like dark skinned men or why they only like light skinned men. I would go in there to make a case of why dark skinned men are valuable and then get upset when people in that thread don't agree. Like I said I take responsibility for rude behavior but its not a one sided street. I literally don't have the power to impose my will and thoughts on to others on this board. You have to comply in some way for it to happen.
  18. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    There have been 3 women who have discussed being raped on this forum and 2 were ridiculed and abused for it. The most disgusting thing ive ever seen
  19. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Please provide a link or direct me to the thread where this happened so I can actually understand the context of the situation

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