Aw crap. It didn't quote the quotes. I'm to lazy to make it do that cuz its easier on the laptop and I'm not on it. Any hoodles. I laughed my ass of about the being raped comment. Man, I need to remember that for when someone REALLy pisses me off and I need to shut them down. And lol@ brooklyn. I'm going to remember that one too.
straight-up...i was like wtf after reading those type of comments after all the crying blacks done over Goose's ass getting killed in Top Gun (spoiler alert..) , it's about time they returned the favor brookly zoo gets hyped than a mothafucka
^This. Colonel Tigh in the original Battlestar Galactica was black, but the character was played by a white Canadian actor in the remake. When some fans complained about the lack of black actors in the new series, they got told to shut the fuck up. It ain't just white people spewing this shit. Somebody linked to screenshots of a bunch of racist tweets about the movie on another site that I post on, and there were Asians and Latinos making racist comments about the black characters too. It's always open season on black people by all the other races. Game of Thrones premiers this week. Like I wrote in the GoT thread on this forum, better get ready for the backlash over the black actors that have been added to the cast this season.
That's why I never liked The new Battlestar Galactica. I remember hearing somewhere, that their "justification" was that the Black people lived on one of the planets that were destroyed by the Cylons. So they choose to write Black people out of the show, but they say it's not racist because the story justifies it.
And that's the crux of it really, isn't it? A bunch. Millions and millions of Americans who saw this movie loved it, and continue do so in droves. What I have read and heard from people is "GO SEE IT!"
Cmon guys you know the deal. If we aren't playing the archetypal dope dealer, gang banger or comedic buffoon it boggles the mind. This is what is most comforting to folks who are bitching about Edris playing a role like that or when seeing black folks on screen.
Its the stereotypes brotha. That is why Trayvon Martin can be walking, minding his own business, returning home, not bothering anyone, yet he is approached by an unknown individual to him and winds up dead from a gunshot. Whenever I've heard comments around this case or on blacks, folks who think this kid being shot was his fault all fall back on stereotypes of young black males. They assume he was the threat, he was the suspected bad guy for being black and walking. How dare he wear a hoodie, how dare he wonder who this person was that approached him for no good reason. Never mind he has nothing to do with the actions of other blacks who may be up to criminal behavior. Ain't that something.
no one complained about denzel being crack kingpin in american gangster, or billy badass in training day
Of course not that's what he's suppose to do. But these mofos can't stop bitching about the new Nick Fury being black. These haters crack me up
Nope. Heck Denzel got his highest honor ever an Oscar for it in Training Day. The thing is nothing wrong with playing those roles, but its interesting to note when those are the roles that Hollywood acknowledges black actors with awards.
Come on we all know that white folks are suppose to play every major role despite historical accuracy. They're white and white is right
Its funny when you think about it. Things like this seem so trivial but it tells you we still have a long way to go. The mindset of folks are so preoccupied with race that it removes common rationale and seeing the individual person. Why is it hard for some to grasp, blacks aren't all the same, just like any other group of people. You would have thought Clarence Thomas would have made them aware of that.
The dark skin tone and African features appears to be too much for them to get over. All the other racial groups at least have similar hair and skin tone. We are apparently alien to everyone else. Guess that's why everyone hates us so much
Andrae, it really isn't that bad in the real world. They only act like that because the internet offers them anonymity. Thanks, glad you enjoyed them. There are probably more new ones there, take a look at them. I can't because I'm logged on here for just 5 minutes, then I'm signing off.