Well...someone probably thought wearing your pants facing the right way was so yesterday. Maybe they think actually wearing them is so not cool. We've been doing it that way since we started wearing them right? By the time we terra farm mars maybe it will be a moot point. Some youngn will think that wearing clothes at all was so Victorian.
I freely admit I have no clue as to what I'm talking about. Just that as time moves forward the children seem to know how to dress less and less. So like in 500 years we might now even be wearing clothes.
funny according to star trek, this is how women will dress..in professional uniform no less....all the time not quite naked but very tight and form fitting lol oh yeah..also..all women in the future will be 5'7, 120-130lbs
Fuck. Form fitting all the time? I hope we as Americans solve our obesity problem by then. If not I'll stay here and take my chances.
lol..I wouldn't be surprised. I have seen 25 year old's showing their butts. I still don't get the point.
seriously you never see overweight women in star trek but they have no problem showing overweight males in tight ass uniforms mr scott was big as a house
Well of course! You guys get away with EVERYTHING! He's as big as a house but he has an accent? Bring it! And, um, in reality I see LOTS of women who probably shouldn't wear form fitting anything (I'll be REALLY nice and skip the but a muzzle comment). I mean I'm not that bad looking body wise. I'm chunky in certain places. But I would never wear that shit out of doors.
No idea. But as soon as I read the I just laughed for so long and so hard on and off for hours (whenever I though of it again). I think because it took me by surprise. I don't know. It doesn't really make me laugh any more though. But it was good times for me while it lasted.
This took me a few seconds to see why this was in the thread,,,, and alas there was that dude...... lol