LOL, when the Bush administration made a fool out of Colin Powell having him hold up viles they claimed to be chemical weapons and mocked up drones I had it. That was the last fucking straw. I mean it dawned on me, that the government is nothing but a bunch of bought off, corporate owned liars. They led us into Iraq with utter shite and that was it for me. It revealed a lot about who these folks really are. There is nothing left to defend about the Republican Party today as far as where they have gone astray, invading countries, nation building, still rehashing Women's Rights and Civil Rights. I mean seriously, what decade are we in.
Iraq and Afghanistan was easy money Like guns n roses said in their civil war song.......war feeds the rich and buries the poor
BING' fuckin "GO" :smt023 You said it bro. Pretty much. The Northrup Grummans, defense contractors, Haliburtons and Oil companies all got their piece.
Grumman has been getting it in since ww2. They've been supplying planes to the front left and right. They've also provided Americans with jobs so.....double edged sword. Halliburton was paying drivers serious cheese 100k to drive cargo in iraq
He was a fucking puppet who was suffering the effects of senility halfway through his Presidency. The guy was used by the powers-that-be to facilitate the transfer of the wealth to the richest people in this country. Reagan (or rather, the people who were governing in his name) slashed the top tax rates on the rich and corporations and started incurring the massive amounts of debt that we continue to be saddled with to this day. The funny thing is that in spite his recent deification by the Republican party, some of Reagan's policies would make he totally unelectable even in a Democratic primary at present. He raised taxes (on working people) a dozen times, granted amnesty to illegal immigrants, negotiated with and sold arms to terroriss and ran from Lebanon like bitch after our troops were murdered. This whole "Saint Reagan" deal is a myth. It's sad that people aren't even familiar enough with recent history to avoid being propagandized. I'd point out all of the overtly racist, anti-black political tactics that Reagan used (e.g. launching his campaign with a "states rights" speech in Philadelphia, Mississippi, a place that is only significant because it's where three civil rights workers where murdered by the local klan/police department in the 60s and openly using coded language about "welfare queens" while race-baiting from the bully-pulpit ), but it's clear that this character Iggy probably doesn't know, and if he did, wouldn't care.
So is Obama. Most presidents are And lmao at "anti black political tactics" I see we have another paranoid liberal on our hands:smt042
seriously that's how it's starting to look all you gotta do is pick up a political science text that examines politics in depth with reputable sources and studies, or just be a user of the web and educate yourself
I'd like to see him get into the White House. I think he brings a lot to the table. He's very successful and comes across as a great leader. Sure he has flip flopped a number of times but what politician hasn't done that? lol And I see a lot of people hating on him cause he is very rich and successful. Whats wrong with being rich & succesful? Guys like Diddy and Jay Z flaunt their wealth ALL THE TIME and black folks love em for it.
There's nothing wrong with being rich and successful, but if that's all you're bringing to the table as far leadership qualities..... And there are plenty of rich and successful people who are rich and successful and didn't get that way because they are great leaders, but because they were great manipulators. And Black people loving wealth & bullshit IMO is one of the motivating factors for most of the crime and ignorance we constantly get stereotyped for in the first damn place.
I don't disagree with that at all. They're all puppets to varying extents, and Obama is a pathetic corporate shill. However, Reagan was worse than most. The motherfucker was literally senile in his second term. He had no idea what was going on. And there you have it. If you think that the GOP doesn't race bait now or when they were parading around Reagan, then you're either disingenuous or delusional.
While all of those defense contractors were paying serious cheese for truck drivers and contracted security etc., ... They were making even bigger cheese... The contracts to the Lockheed Martins, Grummans, and Haliburtons went under the radar... Before becoming Defense Secretary under Bubba (Bush), Cheney was CEO for the same Haliburton that was granted a no bid $13 billion dollar cost plus contract for operations in Iraq, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Spain, Lebanon, and Afghanistan... Haliburton had a blank check to charge the US government for any additional services not specifically stated in the contract and charged the government $800,000 for those $100,000 positions.... It was war time... The government opened the checkbook and America was oblivious to what was going on... Fear is a great motivator.... These same contractors, with the help of moving the majority of corporate headquarters to Dubai and other offshore locations (to further escape US taxes made on the backs of US tax payers), laughed all the way the bank... Those cargo truck drivers found out later that with the big cheese they were making was the small print in their contracts, that is biting them in the azz with the IRS years later... Haliburton (US) only paid $250 of their $100,000 "tax free" salaries to sidestep compliance with US laws and regulations regarding employee entitlements and US corporate taxes, and more importantly to maximize corporate profits.... They left the responsibilities of taxes,Social Security payments, etc to the employee... And most defense contractors have contract employees making that "cheese" sign non-disclosure agreements prohibiting employees for suing said contractor from compliance with federally mandated safety, security, and associated government standards.... Even with corporate headquarters in Virginia or Colorado, which government agency is going to investigate wrong corporate malpractice in Kuwait or any other location outside the US? Bottom line for me.... You can extol praise on any man who has held the office of POTUS, vilify those who opposed your beliefs and views... That has become the mantra of US politics... Anyone playing in the "game" gets labeled, gets dirty or dirtied, and the real issues go unsolved, unaddressed, and multiplied... The "playing field" is not level... Efforts to level that field in the midst of attention given to the "Civil Rights" era and injustices that have been "par for the course", have been diluted by those who seized the opportunity as soon as a few crumbs were tossed to the masses and power to change things tilted in their favor... Money (greed), continued ignorance, bigotry, hatred, and mislaid interpretations of faith based rhetoric continue to divide a nation supposedly born in the principle and belief that "All men are created equal..." As we point fingers and assess blame, take time to look in the mirror and determine if you are a part of the problem or the solution....
I don't feel sorry for him at all. Andrew Briehart did the same to Sherry Sherod. Before he died, he refused to apologize to what he did to her. These racists like Briehart are scum and cowards.
Interesting to read. Amazing how none of this stuff seems to bother the mouth breathers who scream incessantly about how "Conservative" they are in their self righteous indignation of others. Why would any "Conservative" want the United States engaged in nation building. They can never answer that.