South Africa Racist Facebook Image Probe *WARNING* Graphic Image

Discussion in 'In the News' started by blackbull1970, Mar 22, 2012.

  1. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    This is what the article said. It may have been manipulated. So hell it could have been taken in a backyard here.

    This is the Facebook picture that has sparked a police investigation as published by the SA Sunday Times. The police are asking members of the public who can identify the man in this picture - which may have been manipulated - to come forward to assist them in their investigation. The paper obscured the child's face to protect his identity, but child advocacy groups are concerned about the youngster's well being
  2. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    That is how the Trans-Atlantic slavery was rationalized.

    Blacks were animal like and not on the same level of whites in anatomical features and intelligence, so big deal if they are enslaved.

    We can enslave them and teach them the word of God. Oh the hypocrisy.
  3. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Yeah I'm always weary of Facebook, too many weirdos on there. I can only hope this image is a photoshop and not genuine. You never know though.
  4. missykins

    missykins New Member

    OMG that pic is so horrible what kind of sick people do we have in this world!!! its a child for god sake!! :smt089 it makes me so sad
  5. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    supposedly we were selling ourselves into slavery before the whiteman ever came around

    they just amplified and justified something that was already being done, sadly
  6. qnet

    qnet New Member

    When I saw the thread title something told me not to view it. I wish I hadn't.
  7. blackbull1970

    blackbull1970 Well-Known Member


    Here's what I have learned so far on the history of the picture.

    The picture was first discovered on the internet around 2002. It was reported by a female reporter working for a international news agency. The story was reported by Reuters, the Washington Post and a small number of U.S. news publications, but it was not a top story because the War Drums were being pounded for the Invasion of Iraq and that was the top news story of the time.

    The South African police acted like it was the first time they heard of this when you read the link I posted in the original thread. They claim they are investigating it, but there has been no follow up story from South Africa. You are aware of South Africa's racist history, so it should be of no surprise.

    The authenticity of the photo has always been questioned. No one knows if it is real or a fake.

    The photo is real, and very unlikely it is photoshopped. The question is whether the white guy with the rifle actually killed the young child with his rifle as if he was hunting for sport.

    Theories are that the photo is from the 1990's and that the man is possibly a soldier/mercanary working for a relief agency in Africa somewhere. And that he may have come across a dead child that died of illness or malnutrition, and took the oppurtunity of a photo op. Or it is possible the child was killed in a accident caused by the soldier/mercanary by a vehicle accident or someother method.

    Another theory is that it is a soldier/mercanary and he paid a poor African child or the childs family in desperate need of funds/food in order to get the photo op. No harm came to the child, the child was told to lay there and play dead. This theory came to be because of a lack of blood in the dirt.

    No one to this day knows who is in the photo or who took the photo. Nobody has come forward to verify if the picture is fake or real.

    There are a number of controversial photos on the Net, usually somebody comes forth to verify if fake or not. This is one of the few that have not been verified. According to International Law, taking a photo like this with a child is considered illegal, and it maybe the reason nobody has come forward to verify it.

    One thing to remember, this photo was uploaded onto the internet. Which means as long as the internet exists, this photo will pop up and disappear every now and then. This photo has popped up twice since it was first discovered, more than likely in about 5 or some odd years it will pop up again. Which means if you have children, when they are adults it will pop up somewhere and they will be shocked upon seeing it for the first time.

    It is a shocking photo, the reason I posted it was too show how far people will go to share their racist views to the world.
  8. fantasyfangrl

    fantasyfangrl New Member

    you took the words out of my mouth ... smdh. I get so tired of shit like this "guy". :smt010
  9. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Even if the photo is shopped or it's a photo op paid for by the man in the picture the implications of it are so sickening. Real or not, someone should be made to answer for it.

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