Trayvon Martin's Murder

Discussion in 'In the News' started by goodlove, Mar 8, 2012.

  1. nocturnalmission

    nocturnalmission New Member

    Had Sanford PD done it's job right from the jumpstreet, eyewitness John Numbnutts would have been featured on FauxNews.... and given a gun to shoot more young black men along with his "coon hatin" partner....

    Come on now... a month after the fact, somebody conveniently remembers being an "eyewitness" ??? Was never interviewed when everybody else was calling 911 ????

    I need to move to Florida with hopes that Zimmerman follows me... He doesn't even have to leave his truck to learn about coon assholes getting away with something.... I won't even wear a hoodie... I'd want him to see the Grim Reaper before he goes to hell... :smt067
  2. Centreville

    Centreville New Member

    Figures. This is, after all, the mother of white supremacy.
  3. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Because of the fact that Zimmerman was following an unarmed teen and instigated a confrontation, it's going to be very hard for him to paint himself as a victim since he's the one who murdered the same teen he was following.

    Just because Trayvon popped him a couple times in the face doesn't change the facts of this case.

    You can't be the aggressor AND the victim in the same incident.
    This isn't a boxing match.

    That would be like a man taking a swing at his wife with a baseball bat before she ducks and smacks her fist in his eye, afterwards he beats her to death.

    He can't claim after the fact that he was 'defending himself'.

    BTW I think the local PD are hiding Zimmerman. It's hard for an average fat fuck to disappear totally to the point national media can't find out his location.

    Law enforcement needs to handle this very carefully, or IMO they could have riots in the aftermath of this investigation/trial.

    I refuse to believe Zimmerman's version of events; that he calmly spoke to Trayvon, turned and walked back to get into his SUV at which point Trayvon jumped him.
  4. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    dude went off the grid like a mothafucka
  5. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Well yeah. He knows hes in the wrong. IF he wasn't he would still be "defending" himself? Right?
  6. Jase

    Jase Active Member

    Just read this in the Justice for Trayvon Martin facebook group:

    "ABC is reporting that Trayvon dialed 911 shortly before his murder and that Zimmerman's voice is on the tape. The FBI is working to enhance the audio."
  7. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    It's amazing to see how quickly this story has spread thus far.

    Trayvon's due justice is imminent and I hope the right thing will be done.
  8. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    When the Feds get on your ass, the can deploy 1000x the resources local PD can. Or even the state Attorney General's office.

    Just the fact that Trayvon called 911 before his murder tells me that Zimmerman could potentially be convicted of first degree murder.

    I hate it when people outright LIE because they assume no one will ever find out.
    The Feds are gonna 'Jack Bauer' Zimmerman's punk ass!!:smt070
  9. BlkCasanova

    BlkCasanova Guest

    You obviously have no idea how or what "first degree murder" is. You have to PROVE that Zimmerman had the pre-meditated intent to kill him. Zimmerman will be charged with most likely manslaughter, he'll plead out, and he'll serve 5-7 years.
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    They could get him with second degree since manslaughter would imply the intent to maim or harm but not kill but when you stalk someone at night and then shoot them its hard to get away with saying you didn't mean for that to happen. Not to mention that 911 tape with the racial profiling and racial slur. I'm no lawyer (Loki, Orejon, Lekosla feel free to jump in) but all my years of watching law order would lead me to believe this is murder.
  11. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    you silly mothafuckas seem to have forgotten that this jackass is STILL free

    we can find Saddem Hussein hunkered down in some random hole in the middle of nowhere...but we can't find a cold-blooded racist ass killer in sanford, florida?

    deploy a UAV or somethin mothafuckas
  12. BlkCasanova

    BlkCasanova Guest

    I've listened to that tape, and it's way to hard to make out any type of racial slur. Accusations of racial profiling are circumstantial, like I said, you can't prove that in a court of law. By following him, you can easily prove manslaughter, but even a second degree charge would be very risky as because you have no eyewitnesses. That's the biggest fly in the ointment at this point.

    First and second degree murder charges are way too risky, but a manslaughter charge would absolutely stick.
  13. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    or u could just get the black panthers involved and get a guaranteed sentence

    do it KKK style...don't even matter if there's evidence or not...hang tha bas-tad
  14. BlkCasanova

    BlkCasanova Guest

    lol, yea, the black panthers instituting their own justice in the South. That's a good idea. :smt038
  15. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member


    So totally this!
  16. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    You makes some really great points.

    I think if Zimmerman has had threats against his life, then unfortunately, as they did with Casey, they might have a cruiser outside his home (they did with Casey's parents house). Or like after the verdict, her lawyers hid her. I think this is what's happening. Lawyers have huge properties, and the only people actually looking for him are the press, who will tread carefully for their employers, and the new Black Panthers and the Black Militia group.

    Zimmerman is lying through his teeth when he said he was heading back to his car. Trayvon's girlfriend said she was on the phone when Zim confronted him and Tray exclaimed "why are you following me??" and Zim yelled "Why are you here? What are you doing here??" Then Tray's ear piece was flung.

    Plus we can hear ourselves that Zimmerman gave chase, so I'm betting Tray was not found near Zimmerman's car.
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    2:19 on the 911 tape. Tell me what that sounds like to you
  18. Jase

    Jase Active Member

    I've listened to that tape enhanced and it sounds like "Fucking Coons". There are some people trying to say it sounds like "Fucking Punks" but sounds like coons to me.

    Also this guy has a history of calling the police on young black males which demonstrates a clear pattern of profiling:

    And by following him with a loaded gun you can prove more than manslaughter. Especially seeing how he pursued Trayvon Martin despite the fact that police dispatcher told him not to. That shows lethal intent. The burden of proof is going to be on this Mr. Zimmerman.

    To prove that he truly feared for his life from a kid he was following unnecessarily and against police instructions, that he felt this unarmed kid who weighed 100 lbs less than him was somehow a threat to his life, that he was the real victim despite the allegations that Mr. Martin's cell phone made a 911 call shortly before his death, and there were several eye witnesses. One who seems to back up Mr. Zimmerman and a few who back up Trayvon Martin. The police however either coerced witnesses into changing their statements to support Mr. Zimmerman or ignored the witnesses who tried to come forward.

    I could see them charging him with murder. Even his claim of self-defense doesn't hold up water.
  19. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    An insightful perspective piece.

    Trayvon Martin, my son, and the Black Male Code

    JESSE WASHINGTON, AP National Writer
    March 24, 2012

    I thought my son would be much older before I had to tell him about the Black Male Code. He's only 12, still sleeping with stuffed animals, still afraid of the dark. But after the Trayvon Martin tragedy, I needed to explain to my child that soon people might be afraid of him.

    We were in the car on the way to school when a story about Martin came on the radio. "The guy who killed him should get arrested. The dead guy was unarmed!" my son said after hearing that neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman had claimed self-defense in the shooting in Sanford, Fla.

    We listened to the rest of the story, describing how Zimmerman had spotted Martin, who was 17, walking home from the store on a rainy night, the hood of his sweatshirt pulled over his head. When it was over, I turned off the radio and told my son about the rules he needs to follow to avoid becoming another Trayvon Martin - a black male who Zimmerman assumed was "suspicious" and "up to no good."

    Always pay close attention to your surroundings, son, especially if you are in an affluent neighborhood where black folks are few. Understand that even though you are not a criminal, some people might assume you are, especially if you are wearing certain clothes.

    Never argue with police, but protect your dignity and take pride in humility. When confronted by someone with a badge or a gun, do not flee, fight, or put your hands anywhere other than up.

    Please don't assume, son, that all white people view you as a threat. America is better than that. Suspicion and bitterness can imprison you. But as a black male, you must go above and beyond to show strangers what type of person you really are.

    I was far from alone in laying out these instructions. Across the country this week, parents were talking to their children, especially their black sons, about the Code. It's a talk the black community has passed down for generations, an evolving oral tradition from the days when an errant remark could easily cost black people their job, their freedom, or sometimes their life.

    After Trayvon Martin was killed, Al Dotson Jr., a lawyer in Miami and chairman of the 100 Black Men of America organization, told his 14-year-old son that he should always be aware of his surroundings, and of the fact that people might view him differently "because he's blessed to be an African-American."

    "It requires a sixth sense that not everyone needs to have," Dotson said.

    Dotson, 51, remembers receiving his own instructions as a youth, and hearing those instructions evolve over time.

    His grandparents told Dotson that when dealing with authority figures, make it clear you are no threat at all - an attitude verging on submissive. Later, Dotson's parents told him to respond with respect and not be combative.

    Today, Dotson tells his children that they should always be respectful, but should not tolerate being disrespected - which would have been recklessly bold in his grandparents' era.

    Yet Dotson still has fears about the safety of his children, "about them understanding who they are and where they are, and how to respond to the environment they are in."

    Bill Stephney, a media executive who lives in a New Jersey suburb that is mostly white and Asian, has two sons, ages 18 and 13. The Martin killing was an opportunity for him to repeat a longtime lesson: Black men can get singled out, "so please conduct yourself accordingly."

    Like Dotson, Stephney mentioned an ultra-awareness - "a racial Spidey sense, a tingling" - that his sons should heed when stereotyping might place them in danger.

    One night in the early 1980s, while a student at Adelphi University on Long Island, Stephney and about a dozen other hip-hop aficionados went to White Castle after their late-night DJ gig. They were gathered in the parking lot, eating and talking, when a squadron of police cars swooped in and a helicopter rumbled overhead.

    "We got a report that a riot was going on," police told them.

    Stephney and his crew used to talk late into the night about how black men in New York were besieged by violence - graffiti artist Michael Stewart's death after a rough arrest in 1983; Bernhard Goetz shooting four young black men who allegedly tried to mug him on the subway in 1984; Michael Griffith killed by a car while being chased by a white mob in 1986; the crack epidemic that rained black-on-black violence on the city. They felt under attack, as if society considered them the enemy.

    This is how the legendary rap group Public Enemy was born. Their logo: A young black man in the crosshairs of a gun sight.

    "Fast forward 25 years later," Stephney said. "We've come a long way to get nowhere."

    But what about that long road traveled, which took a black man all the way to the White House? I can hear some of my white friends now: What evidence is there that Trayvon Martin caught George Zimmerman's attention - and his bullet - because of his race? Lynching is a relic of the past, so why are you teaching your son to be so paranoid?

    There is a difference between paranoia and protection. Much evidence shows that black males face unique risks: Psychological studies indicate they are often perceived as threatening; here in Philadelphia, police stop-and-frisk tactics overwhelmingly target African-Americans, according to a lawsuit settled by the city; research suggests that people are more likely to believe a poorly seen object is a gun if it's held by a black person.

    Yes, it was way back in 1955 when 14-year-old Emmitt Till was murdered in Mississippi for flirting with a white woman. But it was last Wednesday when a white Mississippi teenager pleaded guilty to murder for seeking out a black victim, coming across a man named James Craig Anderson, and running him over with his pickup truck.

    Faced with this information, I'm doing what any responsible parent would do: Teaching my son how to protect himself.

    Still, it requires a delicate balance. Steve Bumbaugh, a foundation director in Los Angeles, encourages his 8- and 5-year-old sons to talk to police officers, "and to otherwise develop a good relationship with the people and institutions that have the potential to give them trouble. I think this is the best defense."

    "I don't want them to actually think that they are viewed suspiciously or treated differently," Bumbaugh said. "I think that realization breeds resentment and anger. And that can contribute to dangerous situations."

    His sons are large for their age, however.

    "I'm probably naive to think that they won't realize they're viewed differently when they're 6-4 and 200 pounds," Bumbaugh said, "but I'm going to try anyway."

    I am 6-4 and more than 200 pounds, son. You probably will be too. Depending on how we dress, act and speak, people might make negative assumptions about us. That doesn't mean they must be racist; it means they must be human.

    Let me tell you a story, son, about a time when I forgot about the Black Male Code.

    One morning I left our car at the shop for repairs. I was walking home through our quiet suburban neighborhood, in a cold drizzle, wearing an all-black sweatsuit with the hood pulled over my head.

    From two blocks away, I saw your mother pull out of our driveway and roll towards me. When she stopped next to me and rolled down the window, her brown face was full of laughter. "When I saw you from up the street," your mother told me, "I said to myself, what is that guy doing in our neighborhood?"

    Jesse Washington covers race and ethnicity for The Associated Press. He is reachable at or

    (Copyright ©2012 WPVI-TV/DT. All Rights Reserved.)
  20. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    A sorry state of affairs when we are still, as parents, employing the Black Male Code of Behavior speech to our male children, even those of us as parents of biracial male children....

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