Very true, very astute, Noc.....I was actually SHOCKED she quit immediately ("about to be fired" ?? as if) and the RIGHT website was so immediately adamant and apologetic when they approved the pic TO BEGIN WITH. (as if the writers don't acquire editorial approval before posting an inflammatory pic like that). Normally they'd tell the Left to take a hike. They do appear to be offering up insignificant lambs in a game of deflection.
I'm sure there are millions and millions who would vehemently disagree with you. No one, NO ONE owns exclusive rights to affront or be affronted, nor do they own the blue-prints on pain and suffering.
Racially and culturally, he was called a racist, a redneck, cowboy; however, the chief personal attack was directed towards his intelligence, not particularly his race. So, I'm inclined to agree with you a bit there, sir.
IMO people hated & talked shit about Bush (& still do) because he's a piece of shit & an imbecile, whereas the majority of the folks who hate & talk shit about Obama do so simply because he's black. There is an obvious difference in what motivates the ugliness toward each of them, & while both are wrong, at least with Bush there are/were actually legitimate reasons for the animosity people feel/felt toward him. Race/skin color is not a valid reason to hate Obama or anybody else.
Again the comparison may be laughable to you, but millions are deeply pained by the image of Hitler. My ex-boyfriend used to wear the image on his t-shirt...and one time at a restaurant, a group of people (lefties??) at a table started clapping. Wow. With the world watching a Summit of World Leaders, Chavez at the podium humiliated Bush by calling him The Devil himself, that he still smelled the sulfur. When the country was looking to open its pocketbooks for Katrina, Kanye humiliated the President on TV as America watched. He was accused of rigging his re-election, of masterminding 911, of being a terrorist...My point is, when attacks period are vicious, mean-spirited, malicious and/or egregious....the recipient can feel just as wounded.
A lot of liberals say this but its not true at all. A lot of people dislike Obama cause he is a shitty president.
Bullshit. There have people going at Obama because of race since day one. A lot of people aren't even trying to hide it anymore. When they try to be "subtle" about it, they do it by questioning whether or not he was born in the US or claiming that he's a Muslim. Sure, there are plenty of people who don't like him because of his policies. I'm on that bandwagon because he's weak and unprincipled and his idea of governance is shitting on his liberal base by adopting every inane Conservative policy there is. If you think that Obama is a "socialist" or even left leaning, you're so confused that don't know which way is up but I digress. Anybody who denies that Obama has been attacked because of his race is delusional, but then again, so is any black person who joins the Republican party like the dope I'm responding to.
Just because you're in denial and/or oblivious to it doesn't mean it's not true. Much of the animosity toward Obama came before he even stepped foot into The White House.
Please define 'shitty'. After 8 years of one of the more disastrous administrations in U.S. history, it takes a lot of nerve to describe Obama as a 'shitty' POTUS after four years.
Are you kidding? He DID rig the election. It took three days for him to address the katrina crisis. That shit wasnt vicious it was fucking accurate. Please youtube Louie CK and being white. That about sums it up
Aside from your last sentence I agree. Obama has been disrespected in ways i never dreamed they'd act. Screaming you lie during congress or a goverment official waving her finger in his face like he's a damn child
blk4ww I notice your brand new obnoxious ass tries to shit on white people in every thread. In fact, you insulted 2 of the WW 's opinions in this thread IN ONE POST ALONE by calling them stupid, foolish and silly and equated them to "racist white boy thinking". I'm not giving your slick ass a pass on your rude attacks on white people, even if I'm the only one to do so.
TY, I do love them. All my life. Shit, I dragged my ex-husband to a reparations for Black People movement I belonged to and he didn't even want to join me in on it. He doesn't know half the threads Ive started here in support of the injustices. Or what I defend in my politics group where TRUST me, you meet and battle REAL racists.
I can see how he gets the impression even though he's fead wrong. Sometimrs you present an argument that makes one think wtf but I also remember you didnt grow up here so you might not be aware of a lot.