Voices A student at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton was reportedly subdued with a taser after a violent outburst in a class discussing evolution. Fellow student Rachel Bustamante wrote that Carr was asking “absurd questions” during a review section about female selection among peacocks, and eventually went on to ask why “evolution kills black people” in an increasingly insistent manner. "Evolution Kills Black People"? What is this woman doing in college?
She is either mentally ill or snapped temporarily. I read she went to hospital which sounds like a good place to be for her. You go off nowadays and 20 people whip their phones out and record you. [YOUTUBE]D6LfTid4IMY&feature=player_embedded[/YOUTUBE]
Black women have to STOP believing that they can touch or hit without consequences. As this young lady found out the hard way. Not to sound negative, but there is a reason that 70% black women are single no man in his right mind would put up with women like this. All this woman got for her trouble on trying to win an argument was tazed, roughed up and a jail cell. I guarantee that she will ask, where were the black men to defend her honor . . . nothing to defend.
I don't think her behavior is typical of any demographic group. She's clearly got some emotional/mental health problems. I hope she gets help.
I would be tempted to cut her some slack. She appears to be in the middle of a mental breakdown and not in control. I mean look at her head and body. She is severely angry in the first part.......or imitating the muppets. :|
Maybe, but how many white women are taking out of college and tazed. Maybe
You said "muppets". LMAO I don't think anyone wants to see the business end of a Tazer. I sure don't. I know I shouldn't say it, but I keep hearing "Don't taze me, bro!" in my mind. ROFL.
She has to be mentally unstable that day because no one could be THAT stupid to believe what she said AND attending a higher academic institution.
I was thinking the same thing. I am sure she was having a legit mental breakdown, but the way she was moving her head made it look like she got a bad batch the last time she got high. I have seen meth & crack addicts shake their heads and bodies around like that.
Oh sorry for confusion.......I wasn't implying drug use. I was implying she was out of control and was shaking and using her body in a way that let you know.....stay the fuck back I'm having a breakdown. :smt068