Best/worst first date

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Alexis89, Mar 21, 2012.

  1. Alexis89

    Alexis89 New Member

    Seeing that I'm dating a really awesome, wonderful, great BM at the moment I can't help but reflect on all the dates and relationships I've been through to finally find someone worthwhile! Thinking back, I have had a lot of bizarre encounters while searching for love.

    So I'm curious... What are all of your best and worst first date scenarios?

    I'll start.

    Worst: A blind date. Thought guy was gonna be a vato loco cause he had a "thug life" tattoo and was sporting a bald head and goatee... but when I showed up he was my same height (I'm 5'1), profusely sweating, nervous as all hell... and talked like a gay man. I finished out the date... kicked his ass at pool AND darts then told him i'd get ahold of him "after the holidays". SICK.

    Best/most fun: I went out with a black guy and we pulled a credit card scam at a bar and were able to eat and drink like kings all night..... until they caught on to us where as we both naturally slipped into character and got out of the whole thing scott free. I really thought he was gonna be my partner in crime... but life happens. Oh well.

    How about you guys?
  2. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member


    Why am I not surprised you "shared" that you pulled a scam on a date with a black man? Is that why you have a mugshot online??
  3. Alexis89

    Alexis89 New Member

    Now you're just LOOKING for shit. Doesn't matter what his color was!!! Besides... it was my idea anyway. -Probably that hispanic blood in me just WAITING to be a criminal. haha. It's not good to take yourself too seriously, you know.

    Anyway, the mug shots cause i'm a BAAAAAD bitch. :smt068
    Just kidding. In all reality that was cause I got in a domestic fight with my ex old man. Now I know you're going to try to make all sorts of judgements on me based on this but thats okay. You don't know the situation. You do, however, know a little too much about me. You're literally internet stalking me. It's a little much.

    Why not just either ignore the thread, or answer it? .... or have you never been on a date before?
  4. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    I'm not going to play your game of making every thread degrading or a put down to black men. You can't be that low in intelligence to keep doing it over and over. I love black men and if you don't then go somewhere else. Simple.
  5. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    I co-sign the hell out of this post. Thank you, JC. :smt023
  6. Athena

    Athena New Member

    I am not privy to the history between you guys but I wanted to address the mug shot comment, tongue in cheek. Mug shot means you got caught which is not as baaaad ass as getting away with it (i.e. not getting caught) lol.
  7. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    But bro, she's been so nice and respectful to everyone since he's been here. She can't possibly be a troll. We're just picking on her because we're a bunch of weird troll looking black fucks and white hag looking heffas with no lives. Didn't you get the memo she sent?
  8. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Well she's lurking in this thread right now. I'm sure she'll be typing up something nice about what all us fuck ass losers have posted in this thread.
  9. Alexis89

    Alexis89 New Member

    Ohhhhhh you're making stuff up. I never said that, girl.
    black fucks? hags? heffas (whatever the fuck that is)?

    If you think I'm a troll then why not ignore the thread?
  10. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    You keep asking and implying people are obsessed. Like you would be excited if they cared that much. And as for your mugshot I just took the name north put up and your middle of alexis. It took all of 10 seconds total to put it together and then put it in google, so not a loss of much of my time. :smt102
  11. Nebula J

    Nebula J New Member

    lolz, the interwebs, where middle-aged men are young girls, Blacks are White negative stereotypes; conversely, Whites are Black negative stereotypes. BW are WW; BM are BW. Cowboys fans are Eagles fans......

    Omg, so many guises, guiz :)
  12. Alexis89

    Alexis89 New Member

    Well it's more thought then I would dedicate to researching YOU.
  13. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    You talking to me? But I'm boring. I don't make sense. I don't know how to comprehend Miss Daisy.

    PS: Ol' Ra Eye69 is tryin' his best to entertain you your highness. Seeing how it is that you think we should be big upping stereotypes in here what style of stereotyped black entertainment do you prefer from me, tap dancing or one of those ol' time negro slave work songs we so good at singing?
  14. Alexis89

    Alexis89 New Member

    Nah, the weathers been kinda shitty this week. I was sitting in my car roasting blunts and listening to spice1 with my baby boy last night though. :smt055

  15. Alexis89

    Alexis89 New Member

    Alright, is this not worse then anything I've EVER said on here???

    Why do you keep calling me 'Miss Daisy' and 'your highness'? It's not clever, or funny, or relevant in anyway. Insult FAIL.
  16. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Oh so now you're willing to confess to being a shitheel?

    And you are correct. None of the shit you have posted since you've been here in your attempts to look smart have been clever, funny or relevant in anyway.

    And calling you Miss Daisy and your highness is not an insult. It's called giving you the respect that you think you deserve by way of sarcasm Madame Braintrust.
  17. Alexis89

    Alexis89 New Member

    ...... :smt015

    So, what was your best and worst first dates like? Quit "trolling" my thread.
  18. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Quit trolling the site.

    What?? Are you not entertained??
  19. Alexis89

    Alexis89 New Member

    You must have missed the thread where I proved that I was a chick. A white/hispanic/native american punk rock chick.

    ...just so happens I like good music. Even the punk rock I listen to is from the 70's and 80s. Plus my guy is in his late thirties so he's always introducing me to hits from way back. its really not that hard to believe doggy dog.

    besides... if i was a black woman/white man trying to impersonate a white lady I'd probably do a better job of it and pretend to be into kelly clarkson or enya or something.
  20. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    Maybe my intarn3tz troll detection machine is on the fritz again, but so far it fails to register Alexis as a troll.

    Seems to me that it's just another case of the 'veteran' forum members forming another paranoia driven torch and pitchfork mob in attempt to run off another new potential member.

    For example:
    In this post, she mentioned that she pulled a CC scam with a guy she was dating who happened to be black. This is not the same as saying that she pulled the CC scam with him BECAUSE he was black. There's a big fucking difference.

    Go back to posting naked pictures of women who have given 0 indication of having any interest in black guys, and leave this girl alone. She can't make a single post without a lot of you over-analyzing every little word and punctuation within.

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