I don't condone what the school did, but that girl ain't off to the best start in life. She's 15, pregnant and two years behind where she should be in school. Her parents should have just pulled her out of school and left it at that. Now, she's been humiliated nationally.
This girl has enough to deal with without national rebuke. She's fifteen and has a baby to take care of for the next 18 years. Probably without very much support from the baby's father or her parents. Even if she has it now, that can and probably will change. Does making her feel like utter crap help her or her baby or her situation in anyway? I would venture to say no. Does it make so that none of this happened? Certainly not. Will it stop her or other 15 year olds (or younger) from having sex or getting pregnant? Nope. This does nothing to help make any of this any better. And if that's the case then why do it? It's not going to change the fact that teenagers are going to have sex, get pregnant and then have babies. It does nothing to make the life of this teenage mother or her newborn any easier. In fact it probably complicates her life to a degree unknown by the people who institgated this against her. Has this school publicly humiliated other teenage mothers before her? Will they with the next one? Probably not. Maybe someone should dig up some nasty dirt on this school and go public with THAT...
A little glimpse into America per how the Tea Party crowd would do things if they ever got their way and brought their vision of the "Real America" to the forefront.....
This makes me sick. Yes, she shouldn't be having a baby at 15 but everyone (including adults) make mistakes. That is what your teen/early adult years are for! I don't agree with any school that forces a girl to drop out if she is pregnant. If they do that to the girl, then they should force the boy out of school as well ... (why is it that the girl always gets the brunt of the shit going on in situations like this?) ... even if they have to wit until the baby is born and do a DNA test. Then he should be kicked out for at least 9 months as well (once he is proven to be the baby-daddy). I didn't have a baby that young (I was 22 before I had my first) but if I had ended up getting pregnant and decided I couldn't have an abortion for whatever reason, I would want to be able to finish my education. I myself would have left the school in order to do something online if I were her, BUT she shouldn't be forced out. Not everyone in this country is Christian and not everyone in this country has the same "moral objections" to having pregnant teens around other non-pregnant teens. It doesn't make the other girls decide to have babies too, if anything, they get to see how hard it is to be pregnant. (This is a hot button issue for me and always has been since my best friend got kicked out her senior year because she was pregnant ... by her rapist)
From my understanding America was like this in the past. Young girls were kicked out of school and it was shameful but now a days you have shows like 16 and Pregnant which makes it look like the thing to do. You can continue to finish your education at home instead of being destraction at school. If your grown enough to get pregnant, your damn sure grown enough to take a verbal lashing.
That's the whole point I was making. It's the 21st century and going forward not backwards is the way to go. Properly educating children on the consequences of their action especially when it comes to sex is a far better solution IMO than the fake ass pretense of moral superiority of some and their choosing of ignorance,"purity" and shame as the solution to the problem. But to each his own I guess considering Sarah Palin herself lives by that ignorant mindset and it worked wonders with her daughter Bristol.....
Exactly. When the self appointed morally superior of society fuck up it's always a simple mistake or accident. When the rest of us mere mortals fuck up some how it's because we are imperfect/inferior to the high and mighty and should be rightfully shamed and put in our proper place for our fuck ups.
I guess the difference is you can actually see her mistake its visible but the boy's mistake isn't and I don't think a boy should be kept of school for 9 months just because someone says he's the father. For all we know she could have been a loose girl. It happens. Obviously she doesn't make the best decisions.
As I read this, The first thing that came to my mind was America! America! God shed His grace on thee,....:smt043 doing the world proud!
So, it sounds like you're laying all the blame at her doorstep...last time I checked, it takes two to make a baby.
No, not really. He is just addressing the girl. He probably thinks it is a bad idea for a guy as well.
Exactly. Pregnancy is like stds no one is going to respect your health the way you should except for maybe your mother. So its on you to protect you. I get accidents happen but I'm willing to bet her and the guy were both careless but unfortunately she's the one who has to carry the burden. So it is essentially her fault since it is also ultimately up to her whether the kid lives or not.