Atheist Billboard Offends Some African-Americans

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Ches, Mar 9, 2012.

  1. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    I guess but those are big problems within the black community. BBW was specifically talking about the black community.
  2. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Again, I call bullshit. A lot of blacks didn't have the ability to read at all. They were FED that information verbally. There's a clear difference. The illiteracy rate for blacks were still high, yet they had Bibles. They saw pictures and could deduce what they meant. Not the same, kiddo.

    And Bible is an instrument of control, in case you keep forgetting like you normally do.

    Of course. They are wasting their time in a building when they could do more productive things in life, such as...I don't know...making money? The very thing you're advocating. Geez, you're that dense?

  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Funny thing is blacks are the only group in this country completely defined by its criminals and other bad elements. No one else carries that burden. I wonder why?
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You clearly have an agenda don't you.
    You constantly bitch about logic and I try to address yet you dismiss it for your anti christian antil bible ferver. So you win BBW all things Christian are evil and controlling.

    Without the foundation of basic education that the slaves and descendants got from learning the bible we would have been shit out of luck cause where the fuck else were we going to get the education especially at a time where teaching slaves was illegal, allowing blacks to go libraries was illegal. Sure illiteracy was high but imagine how much higher it would have been otherwise.

    And religion is a system of control but then again so are ALL systems. Their primary objective is to control the masses through have truths through tools such as government schools and yes religion but its not all bad. Religion has inspired men and women to do great things. Through faith men and women have moved nations and produced miracles but you'll dismiss it because you personally don't like it kiddo.

  5. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Your comprehension skills and selective reading baffles me to no end, Andrae Ruxpin. You dismissed the reality that I've pointed out to you, not as a challenge of logic, but to challenge your ability to understand a little bit of history.

    I've corrected you on the reading part. The fact is...slaves didn't read the Bible, which I've pointed out to you. But you've gladly missed that in order to keep on with your silly little rant. Rather, they were read to VERBALLY by the very people that enslaved them in the first place. So, their abilities to read and write were more or less non-existent. Thus the illiteracy rate remained the way it was. They couldn't read or write, but speak what was taught to them.

    Secondly, I never said that no good has come out of religion and I've pointed that in other threads, mainly pertaining to arts and granting people comfort, albeit in a false sense. However, when it comes to control, religion has a psychological and neurological consequence in terms of weakening the person's means to truly be in control of their existence and have to resort to invisible nonexistent sources to keep them going and to me, it's a slave mechanism.

    In regards to Christianity specifically, what good has it done lately to bring blacks out of a community except live in a small bubble that hasn't really bring them out the hellish nightmare they wander around in? Our understandings of social progress isn't based on religion. It's based on secular education, which is something you are desperate to ignore.

  6. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    White men = serial killers
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    White men aren't only known for their negatives the way blacks are. I fact white people in general are treated as the benevolent saviors of the earth despite any wrong doing. It has always baffled me how Asians Latin Americans and Africans treat whites with such reverence despite all the evil things done to their people by white people. Yet black people can't catch a break for anything we do. We're looked at as criminal when barely more than 5% of our population is actually incarcerated.I could go on but unfortunately I'll be told" we" need to get it together and no one else.
  8. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    And pedos
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Thanks fam. Appreciate it
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Last time keep my name out your mouth. And if you want to play insults back and forth then go play in traffic. You devalue any validity you might have had with your condescending know it all tone. So religion is the opiate of the masses we get it you don't like religion. Aren't you tired of making the same exact point on deaf ears? Hope you find peace playboy.

  11. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    Ok...I'm butting my fat butt into this one..again.

    There are lots of black people who are known for all the good they accomplished.
    So I'm sorry TDK, I award no points to ravenclaw for that.

    Secondly, the way that black community is portrayed in the media is as much if not more of a problem in the way black people are stereotyped. Any person with more than two brain cells who can think independently outside of whatever rubbish the tv spews would know that not every black man is a thug or lazy or does nothing but screw every white girl he can get his hands on with his 2 foot dick.
    They would also know that every black girl can't sing, doesn't have 10 children by 11 different men and isn't the neighborhood ho.

    Now. If u are talking about a backwater hillbilly redneck that likes to say "here. Hold my beer and watch this!"...then heaven have mercy. They think that and a lot more. If you're talking about a well to do family that lives in central park and has teenagers that watch BET, then also you are out of luck.

    But anyone who has any kind of ability to process logic or has been around black people will not buy into the sickening stereotypes that the media sells (and that a lot of black into)
  12. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    And pedos, yes. Serial killas and pedos
  13. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Why should I? Your old username still lingers around here and that's how I remember you, little man. And the pot is trying to call the kettle black, especially when you continue to rant and rave about nonsense, Andrae. You've always been a condescending thorn, especially towards women on here. You just don't like it when it's dished back at you.

    Your limited worldview (from a small box much like a prince seeing the outside world through books) really tells me you have little understanding on where I'm coming from. You're in a more secular environment in which those who are most religious, often doesn't pressure their own beliefs down their throats the same way people do down here in the Bible Belt region. That's the crucial difference. Get your head out of your own ass and think about the way you're talking.

    Again, I never said that religion is the bane of all civilization. But it does pose problems if we truly want to continue forward. Ignoring this reality only tells me you're a dogmatic jackass unable to see the real issues here. Political influence through religion is a recipe for disaster.

    If religion was practiced where it's simply based on personal means and not pushed through the rest of society, then such discussions wouldn't be considered.

  14. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    The billboard isn't disgusting because it's referencing something that pretty much is keeping blacks as a whole from pushing into their potential. It's not the only thing that's preventing us from being able to realize our potential, but it's a critical thing.

    Last I recall, it took a lot of secular reasoning to push forward the Civil Rights movement, women's movement, and other social progressions. Religion, more or less, served as a hindrance.

  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Well time for me to follow my own advice. It was good talking in the past but as of late there's too much clashing going on and you refuse to respect one single request no matter how many times I've said I've been stalked on here so on ignore you go. Peace be with you.

  16. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Hahahaha, I can't believe you're making this up. No one is stalking you at all. It's all in your head, sonny.

  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Why would I make that up?

    Check out the member Jackieo and keep in mind the posts may not seem like much but she had on here a total of 3 months watching what I posted before posting anything. This was a person who use to share my fucking bed at night dude. And she's been emailing me recently so I have a right to be concerned.
  18. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    I fail to see how your actual first name really holds any sentiment of concern. Sure, this Jackieo person does know you clearly, but, if she really wanted to put a lot of damage to you, then she would have outed you with all your information on here.

  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Her first post did that then she put in .... to cover up what she said after I called her and had it out with her. But its my problem not yours so why would you have respect for it. I get it.
  20. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    So melodramatic. Is she an ax-murderer?


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