Should a middle school teacher/ex porn star be fired?

Discussion in 'In the News' started by archangel, Mar 8, 2012.

  1. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    ha lol yeah right. I got better one. Do you think if she was really pretty she would have had this issue with her current job?(not to say she is horrible to look at but lafave got a light sentence)
  2. Stizzy

    Stizzy Well-Known Member

    I was 50/50. Now I'm like 85/15. Lol
  3. Stizzy

    Stizzy Well-Known Member

    Again,,,, hmmmmmm
  4. nocturnalmission

    nocturnalmission New Member

    This incident, like one similar about a year ago involving a teacher fired for spicy pics posted on a website (still searching for the news link), has no real easy answers but lots of questions...

    There are companies and employers who dictate what an employee can and cannot do in private life... As an example, I cite Baylor University Hospital, which recently adopted a policy forbidding any employee from smoking on or off the job... The policy goes further to deny tobacco users from employment within the BUH system.

    In today's legal jungle, employment contracts usually list conditions for termination and binding agreements that give the company Cart Blanche power and protection in employee related matters. If said teacher's contract has a clause defining behaviors outside the classroom, then it's a no brainer. She's toast without legal recourse. In this current case, I'm assuming that no such clause existed because the suspended teacher is still getting paid while the school tries to determine what actions they can take legally.

    The problem with "morality" or "morals" is the variance from person to person and community to community on what is and what is not acceptable. The shifts can be gradual or sudden, noticeable or subtle...

    One question that immediately came to mind is, Does the school have a moral obligation? If so, is that moral obligation defined? Granted, we are talking about middle school impressionable minds that need wholesome, nurturing environments to get them to the next step, so "porn" becomes a hot button with a knee jerk reaction, but were students affected by her porn activities?

    Playing Devil's Advocate, would the reaction be the same if the teacher was gay or a swinger or a stripper in her private life? Some "moral" issues deemed taboo a few years ago are now mainstream acceptable today. Along those same lines, does a person have a right to privacy when not on the job?

    Student rumors led her colleagues to get her busted but apparently no one had a clue until those efforts shed light on her after school activities.

    Next question.... Was she ineffective as a teacher? If her after school activities had no effect on her teaching, then IMO the school went over the top...

    Given that the internet is a forever living, breathing, evolving monster with ill-defined limits and rights, and with everything we do subject to an everlasting youtube moment with or without or knowledge or consent, we have to be more careful and even that might not be a solution.

    IMO, if her colleagues had left well enough alone, this wouldn't even be news...
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Her pornographic activities was well before she taught. So now the question becomes how much should your past actions reflect on your job.

    What if it came out that a teacher who was a Gulf war vet had parts of his record put online and the record revealed that he had killed dozens of people. Is he not allowed to teach because there are parents who fear he might snap one day? Where's the line?
  6. nocturnalmission

    nocturnalmission New Member

    Me thinks we're on the same page!!!!!

    Unfortunately, in our puritan society, one's past is more important than one's future.... and as far as snapping.... a headmaster was shot and killed yesterday by a teacher she fired... Could she see it coming? Even a background check can't predict mentally or emotionally deficient people... Or maybe it was just in the heat of a moment...

    If the science teacher's porn days were behind her and the school district gave her a pass when they hired her.... In my book, what was, was....
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    They basically caved to a bunch of pussy parents who are scared to death at the thought of sex. Its fricking sad.

    I hope that woman is allowed to teach provided she was a decent teacher to begin with.
  8. nocturnalmission

    nocturnalmission New Member

    It may have been a combination of pious pussy parents, jealous teachers, and limp dick administrators....

    What do you want to bet that she was popular with the students (even without her porn past...)?
  9. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    But the question these same pussy parents honestly think their angelic, church going god fearing children are ONLY watching porn? And NOT having it?

    And how many of these people who called for her firing would still have their job if stuff they did when younger was on YouTube dirty laundry channel?

    "he who is sinless"

    One the other would be a bit shocking for me to run across a picture of someone I knew who spent a lot of time with my kid on her knees getting gang banged.

    But I'm sure I could address the part of that with my child and not go on a witch craze because I'm holier than thou. We are talking about kids watching obviously someone else besides this middle school teacher had sex too.

    And lol at the staff only being concerned NOW about Internet content and child.
  10. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    if this is truly part of her past and she has taken her life in a new direction, I don't think it should keep her from teaching. If she is still engaged in making porn flicks, then no, I wouldn't want her teaching my child. True, what she does on her own time is her business, but as a teacher, I personally believe she needs to be held to a higher standard at least publicly, because she is teaching young children.

    A teacher molds and shapes the lives of our kids, sometimes more than their parents (unfortunately). That's not the kind of thing I want my child to think is acceptable (sleeping with random people for money), especially in this day and age. Really, a porn actor is only a professional prostitute, imo.
  11. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member


    She's changed her direction in life to do something she passionately loves. They are quick to fire an ex-porn star, but still allow priests to fondle little boys' booty holes.
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Exactly and even if she were still doing it I don't know if I would care that much. Truth is everyone worried about the impact this could have is fooling themselves. At that age a kids friend has far more influence over what they do more so than their parents or teachers. My parents to this day never drink or smoke(anything) and and that shit didn't stop me from doing it with my friends. The moral standards we hold a lot of these people to doesn't really prevent anything it just makes their lives harder so some holier than thou uptight pta mom can feel good about herself.
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Amen. Pun intended.

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