Judge asks for probe after sending racist Obama e-mail

Discussion in 'In the News' started by goodlove, Mar 3, 2012.

  1. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Andrae, not everything people espouse on the forums are merely opinions and this is what sickens me to death. We're all that uptight to where we like to even consider factual understandings to be mere opinions? Come on. This is ridiculous. We may assert certain positions and we could call them opinions, but when there is substantial proof based on the logical conclusion of sociological advancements in thought, there's no room for saying it's merely opinion.

    It's not like we're debating whether racism exists or not. Rather, it's the reality of semantics and how we, as a civilization, all tend to respond to it. These are all words in the end, regardless of how you feel. You're free to use them, but what does it say about you when you respond to those trigger words?

  2. nocturnalmission

    nocturnalmission New Member

    Eloquently put!
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Please don't use my real name on here anymore. I got stalkers kid.
    Plainly put I don't have the luxury of taking the "trigger words" as you call them lightly. I don't foam at the mouth about it but I take notice to certain terms and how things are used to understand the context. Like when Glen Beck use to call to a protection of American liberties and traditions it wasn't tough to understand that I wasn't included amongst those he wanted to protect. I don't get bent out of shape over the use of the word nigger/nigga but context is important.
    And to build on what I said earlier about when white or non blacks use it I have generally found it forced and unnatural very much like when no Jamaicans try to use a Jamaican accent I just have to smh and laugh.
  4. nocturnalmission

    nocturnalmission New Member


    Be who you really are and not what others around you expect you to be... Use your voice, but understand the message before going off on a tangent.

    My neck hairs raise whenever I hear the words "nigger/nigga" in all of it's variants, whether spoken by blacks, whites, or others... But I know it doesn't define me...

    Subdue the urge to take things personally and separate yourself from the topics... We all come from different places, different understandings, and are only trying to "meet on the One"....

    You have a tendency to attack any views that oppose yours, especially when the women of this forum weigh in on any issue that you don't see the same way.

    Unless the idea presented is totally idiotic, and even then, I check myself at the gate before weighing in...

    In another thread, I've said that we can agree to disagree, but let disagreements be on content, not attacks on character....
  5. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    THIS. :smt023:smt023

    I would rep you. But you know the drill. Consider yourself positively repped. Great post. I appreciate your thoughts, wisdom and demeanor.

  6. nocturnalmission

    nocturnalmission New Member

    Nuthin but luv, Sis!!!!
  7. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Those examples provided are completely irrelevant. Those "code words" used by the likes of Glenn Beck are upheld by the vitriolic and often abusive actions, which could lead to something of greater danger. But, being called a "nigger" or hearing that word diminishes its power over time, but people like yourself allow such words to be bothersome, especially when spoken by someone non-black.

    Again, if blacks use it, then people who are non-black would get the impression that it's okay too. So, do not get mad when you hear them say it, be it Eminem or David Duke. The only way to alleviate that part of human psyche is to recognize it's merely a word. Again, chinks, gooks, wogs, and other pejorative terminology aren't widely used anymore because the groups who should be insulted by it tend to disregard them as words and, nocturnalmission put it, it doesn't define them.

  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    So basically words have no context? Because if a girl is called a slut enough times whether she acts like one she's treated like one. A lot of the other terms you're using have little weight because blacks are the bottom of the pile minority group that most hatred is focused on. Very much like Canada and Pakistanis. And you keep insisting that the way the word is used has no baring on the perception of it's meaning but like I said before that's your opinion you're entitled to it.
  9. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    You're twisting my words like usual, Teddy Ruxpin. Not once did I imply a word lacks context. I simply imply that the word is merely a word and the weight of that word is only tantamount to the individual's personal response. Does it inherently mean it's strong? No. It simply makes it strong for the person who finds it offensive.

    Tell me, do you consider yourself a nigger? If you react or respond to it, then there is something you consciously agree upon, no?

    I'm not denying that there is racism out there. But the actions speak much louder than words, which is something you have a difficult time comprehending. A word isn't needed to exact or demonstrate that, sonny. And again, if blacks don't use the word, regardless of variation, then the word itself shows it loses it power in the mind.

  10. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    What is utterly disturbing about this clown is he himself acknowledges the contents of what he so casually reveled in and was a conduit to through its distribution was racist.

    He acknowledged this and yet as a judge he chose the actions that ensued upon reading it originally. That should leave us with no doubt about his temperament and character around such issues.

    If this was a local redneck in a Helena bar on the corner after work, that is freedom of speech.

    But as a federal judge held to high standards of conduct and impartiality he reflected traits that run counter to that.

    He may get away with this but his behavior leaves no doubts about what this individual truly stands for, via his own words and actions before he hit the ENTER button on his keyboard after reading that email.

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