It's nice and dandy that you've taken the time and research the historical aspects of where these words originated from. But the larger perspective still remains: Words are words and that's that. And for you, a West Indian, to try and play cute by trying to escalate a word simply because "it affects you." Why don't black-Americans equally respond with the word anymore? It's because it's word loses strength with each passing generation. Noticed how many racial slurs devoted to other groups are hardly used? It's because those groups disregard them altogether as...WORDS. And if you allow a word to drive a stake in the crack of your ass, then you're a weak-minded son of a bitch clinging onto fear as your means to reinforce your identity. I could give two shits if you did extensive research. That means absolutely nothing. Crying won't solve a damn thing. You're making excuses for yourself and wanting that reinforcement to continue.
That's not what I said nor what I implied but I can see this gonna get uncivilized so we can agree to disagree. Differences of opinion are allowed aren't they?
You're cowering back like you normally do. Perhaps I should modify my physiology and become a woman so you can go back and forth with me, eh?
WTF are you EVEN talking about?? You having post blackouts again? I don't even know where you come up with your fabricated, delusional, imaginary, tall-tale-telling, unproven LYING sack of shit posts. :toimonster:
Cowering from what? You BBW? Motherfucker please. I can see this is going to get nasty because you stopped arguing the point and made it personal so just let it go fam. You have your opinion which is valid to you and I have mine.
Selective reasoning won't really save you when the other person's argument holds greater validity. Nigger is no different than any other insult. It only depends on the individual. You've cowered a while from a certain thread where I've somehow managed to trigger "painful memories" of your earlier years. But go ahead and thump your chest like you normally do and revel in your ambiance. And then walk off, exit stage right...
I not only say so, I know so. You love to jump to feeble-minded concocted conclusions, yet you can never back up your flaming. Ever. I can definitely prove you are lying. But for once, let's see you back up your dismissive claims. I'll wait.
Ok if you say so Mr what shape is your dick head I cower from you. Your argument is yours to have but you lack context. If the word nigger is just a word and insults are just insults then why is it that nigger is only applied to one group of people other insults aren't and why are said people contiously treated differently. Every where from the board room to the jail house they are treated differently. So if a word only used for set of people who are systematically always seen as seperate from the larger populus then wouldn't it make sense to say the word used for just them is part of the singling out process? Dude we're just going to go back and forth because you don't allow for points to be made you just believe what you believe and you won't be swayed. Really lines up with your upbringing and where you're from don't it.
The question/statement is completely irrelevant. It doesn't matter if the word applies to a specific group of people or an entire gender or orientation. The fact is, a word is still a word, regardless of what system is under control. It may have been ingrained into the subconscious of blacks, but it's still simply a word. It's only meaningful when the individual attaches it to his or her own identity. In essence, by letting a simple word like nigger kill you mentally, you're essentially saying that you are a nigger. Again, why is it that blacks, as 100% collectively, do not respond to the word the same way? You've ignored this question a while back and continue to do so because you know it doesn't carry much weight. It's a generational thing. Much like how Vietnamese don't get insulted when they hear the word "gook" or Chinese being called "chinks" or anything of the sort, they've realized that it's just a word. And again, you have a pitiful assumption on my upbringing. It has nothing to do with it. How about the fact that I'm educated enough and MATURE to recognize that words don't bring down a person. It's the actions and the individual person who wants to claim victim status. The greatest threat is fear and the incapability to move forward and that's the problem with the majority of blacks who still allow a word to keep them in victim status. Follow the example of the Asian groups and other groups who were enslaved and stop elevating your own, little West Indian, as though it's a big threat to you.
Kuno its kind of like calling a person a racist (not saying you are) but unless you catch someone actually frantically dropping n bombs its all subjective. Your whole need to insist we're losing too many good black entertainers is a good starting point for me. I explained why something like that could be seen as offensive but since it didn't match up with your world view you got defensive or when you took up arms crying that the word cracker..... you know what like I said if you say so carry on. NOTHING has ever gotten resolved in these kinds of debates it just gets nasty and personal. At one point it use to interest me but its boring to me now so lets just post pics and oooo and ahhhhh and call it a night. YOU WIN
What's with the West Indian jabs? I didn't assume anything about your upbringing you're the one who said you came from the close minded bible belt and its interesting that you exercise the same exact kind of behavior when we discuss things you don't agree with. Your way or no way. Like I said you're entitled to your opinion. So me calling women whores and cunts should mean nothing all they need to do is ignore it right? Gotcha. You win
Wow, you forget already? Let me refresh your memory from a not-so distant post: You wrote, "Dude we're just going to go back and forth because you don't allow for points to be made you just believe what you believe and you won't be swayed. Really lines up with your upbringing and where you're from don't it." The part in bold sounds awfully like questioning my upbringing, didn't it? But not once in this discussion did I bring up my upbringing being in the Bible Belt. I've maintained my consistency. You, on the other hand, trying to wiggle your way out the mess you've created. And to answer that little quip at the end, sure! Ideally that would be the perfect thing to do, but individually speaking, people will react to it differently. Some women embrace those words as a term of endearment, much like how blacks use nigger as a term of endearment. And please, don't try and justify the usage of that word. If you don't like it, then why use it for other reasons?
That's why I've stressed the concept of context. All words should be used but how its used determines its meaning to me. Simply calling someone a rat could have several different meanings but its how you say it and why you say it that matters and truthfully I've yet to see a current social reasoning for people who aren't black to use the word the nigga and never the word nigger since both words carry their own implied distictions. Well maybe outside of singing a song but in regular conversation it always sounds forced and inorganic.
There's no logical reasoning whatsoever to use the word "nigga" even if you're black especially if you consider the origin word offensive. If it's from an offensive word, then why use it? It's utterly silly and it should be taken away from the vocabulary if people like yourself grow all tensed when non-blacks use it. Following example after all. But no...still trying to find some excuse to revel in some sort of cross-shitted identity.
When I read the "joke", there were several insults directed at Obama, (since the judge felt compelled to share the "humor"...) The first insult was a suggestion that Obama's mother was so loose and wild at a party, that she would have f__ked anyone or anything, including a dog... this insinuation when she was in a committed relationship with a black man and the POTUS was the product of that relationship... We used to call it "playing the dozens" but "Yo Mama" cuts could get you killed.... Nobody talked about anybody's mother unless you were willing to go there.... In other words, for all of the education I possess, and all of my status in the company I work for, regardless of what my mother is or did, if you go there, it's personal and I don't forgive or forget... I get even! Infused in that "joke" was the intended insult that our POTUS could be the product of anybody's/anything's sperm, (bastard child) and thus a bogus president, which was both disrespectful and calculated, especially coming from a seated judge, who then orders himself to be investigated???? Does the judge now intend to use the submission of that "joke" and the ensuing "investigation" as grounds to use his judicial position to discredit the POTUS by way of the president's mother?..... hmmmmm IMO, it wasn't just harmless! It was intended to inflame!
No just a slow learner who has finally gotten it. We gain nothing from debates on this forum. The same positions get rehashed over and over until it gets nasty and uncivilized. With the exception of maybe a couple of posters everyone has positions that they will never be swayed from, even the slightest bit. For a bunch of so called open minded people we are terribly married to certain ideas and mindsets so all you have is a bunch of people constantly trying to be "right" as if such a thing truly exists. So being that we are all so attached to our own opinions there is no reason to further discuss differing povs/