:-? Thank you so much Tam. Its really been a while. Tried to rep you but I couldnt :-? Systems is serious with restricting that stuff even after a year...
Nice one, Ches! LOL! Reminds me of this one... You're welcome. I'm glad you're back. Yeah, the rep system can be a bit frustrating, but thanks for the thought anyway.
Does David come in chocolate? He has a very big hand. Did anyone notice that? He must have a very big.............um............glove.
Haha! That's how it was displayed in the store. I will screw my switchplate properly. Oh wait........that didn't come out right. :-|
Didn't come out right or you didn't come right from screwing that light switch? And what ghetto stores do you shop at where they are displaying light switches like that? :smt108
:smt043:smt043:smt043 Actually, this is an old warehouse that houses an architectural salvage store, along with some smaller boutique-type stores - classy used-clothing, hand-made furniture, artsy-kitschy stuff. It's a pretty cool place, if you like that type of thing. It's called Building Character.
[YOUTUBE]lDTPnH455GY[/YOUTUBE] Oh my god...!!! I dunno if it's funny for you, but for me I literally laughed pretty hard at this video! (hense teh reason why I posted it on teh funny ass shit section.)