Vets are always getting the shaft, from home foreclosures to longass waits for benefits. Don't even get me started on wonky disability percentages. Shit congress was even looking at slashing retirement for vets With schools tho you gotta do research. I can never find national rankings for those mofos, so just steer clear
r Cosign! After a service member has served his/her time, the government seems to kick them to the curb until the problems are "epidemic". Then our good ole government puts band aids on sucking chest wounds and vote themselves raises for having helped.
You are soooooo right, but IMO that's like saying "physician, heal thyself"... Maybe the government is part of the problem. With Super PACs throwing big money around to protect their interests (which includes making even more money from our government) and lawmakers taking in every cent thrown, looking the other way until the wheels fall off seems to be the order of our government's business agenda... I don't expect anything to change anytime soon... The bogus "institutes" already established will just dye their coats and continue the fleece until the cash cow dries up...
Yeah, all soldiers get on the way out is a briefing or some shit asking about what their plan is. I'm pretty much set on were I'm gonna go to school. Just need to decide if I wanna go back home or go to Long Beach. Ain't fuckin' with that Devry shit. *in mike epps voice* don't you hate that guy on that college commercial? That Everest College guy!
you're doing the right thing. you chosen a 'safe' MOS (that tough guy, hoaah shit won't mean anything if you get discharged on some bullshit medical), you have some college under your belt, and hopefully you'll have some money saved +GI Bill lined up. You're still a young cat, so stay focused and stay on your plan. that's my no bullshit advice. This country doesn't give its warriors the accolades and accommodations they deserve once they leave, and that's what you have to remember. Shit won't be gravy just because you did some time.
you never lie on that. you dont hear shit about how these Universities are scamming soldiers on Fox or talk radio. but they loved using the soldiers for their political talking points.
i knew this country was fucking silly when vets were getting their homes foreclosed, even while deployed to Iraq/Afghanistan that should NEVER happen you would think the mighty US government, as supportive as they are for there servicemembers (yeah right, lol), would have a law or clause or whatever, to prevent that from happening... but join the marines, get a home, get sent to Iraq, comeback, and it's gone ???
no doubt. military people are just like athletes once used then they are disregarded until veterans day, memorial day, campaign rally or war. after that, what the fuck you want you lazy ass vet ?
bingo my aunt always warned me that Uncle Sam would use me up, and spit me out that's why everyone around me kept telling me to go through college first, so I would have something to fall back on. If you join the service without backups like that, you're putting too much faith in a government that really does not give a rats ass about you. Their own sons and daughters aren't even in the military like that, so what does that tell you?
The ship is taking on water, Captain..... Go figure.....
as you read in the comments section.....the same amerikkans who were all gong ho to go to war are now bashing the soldiers that fought for them