FYI: Facebook's making another change...

Discussion in 'Science, Technology, and Green Energy' started by Bliss, Jan 13, 2012.

  1. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    FYI: Facebook Inc.

    It's immense power and (controversial) rise fascinates me...So I'm chronicling all things Facebook..[​IMG]

    Last edited: Jan 13, 2012
  2. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Well, that's one guarantee Facebook and Google's customer service reps won't be based in India.
  3. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Insane magnitude...


    Shame on Google for choosing to name their social network "Orkut"! :smt073
  4. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    FB's Timeline mandatory rollout: u have 7 days


    Facebook Timeline mandatory rollout: You have 7 days to scour your past
    By Mike Wehner, Tecca | Today

    The time to edit your online persona is now

    Facebook is the virtual home to more than 800 million active users, so any change to how the network operates is a big deal. And nothing could be bigger for the social hotspot than completely revamping everyone's front-facing profile page, and that is exactly what is happening today. Starting this morning, the new Timeline feature — that up until now has been an optional switch — is now mandatory.

    The Timeline differs from the default profile pages we know and love in several ways. Now, rather than showcasing only your most recent posts, your personal front page can be scrolled back months or years at a time. Most importantly, this change can offer visitors a glimpse at your entire social networking past, all the way back to the day that you joined up. The revamp can be both a blessing and a curse for seasoned social networkers, as it can produce a bit of pleasant nostalgia, but also drag up some of your less proud public moments.

    Left untouched, your Timeline may remind of you of breakups, job troubles, or even a few unfortunate party photos that you have long since buried. Depending on your settings, these black marks on your digital past could allow new followers — including friends or business associates — to see a side of you that was better kept tucked away.

    Privacy is already a hot topic for Facebook users and the network's litany of sharing options can be difficult to navigate, even for the most experienced users. The company isn't oblivious to how the Timeline may drag up some unwanted past events, so a short buffer zone is in place to allow you to modify your online persona before making its new debut. You now have until Tuesday, January 31 to erase any past Facebook scars you'd prefer to hide.

    The mandatory Timeline rollout will undoubtedly catch some by surprise, but you don't have to fall victim to the ghosts of past updates. Take some time to review your social networking history and don't hesitate to prune anything that you wouldn't want on the front page of a local newspaper. Because as of right now, the clock is ticking.
  5. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    declining $60g payment gamble turns into $200 million

  6. nocturnalmission

    nocturnalmission New Member

    I've become very leery of most social network sites but especially Facebook. As current leaders in a market for subscribers and advertisers, FB continues to show a lack of compassion toward subscribers and a tenacity for doing whatever is necessary to attract money.

    Users of FB and other like services lose any right to information posted on the sites regardless of what they say now or promise today. A mere change in their policy relegates users to whatever they decide to do tomorrow if it's good for business. In other words, "User Be Damned"...

    A recent article on CNN News revealed another "glitch" in Facebook's protection of privacy. Pictures supposedly deleted were still on their servers and accessible years after personal requests for deletion were made...

    It's outrageous that on one side of the fence, legislation and legal maneuvers are stepping in to protect the business interests of the film, music, and artistic industries, while laxly ignoring individual rights, if there are any...

    I'm sure one day, after a multitude of lives have been ruined because of their actions, social sites will be required to carry a disclaimer about the longevity of information posted on their respective sites, but until then, we are fair game if we choose to connect and "share".

    Like leading the lambs to the slaughter house...
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2012
  7. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    This is why I am very, very careful about what I post on FB, and what I "say". Any prospective employer can Google your name on FB...

    Btw, if you use Yahoo mail and FB, know Yahoo shares your contact list with FB....It's why you might get friend suggestions of people FB would have no clue you were acquainted with (and I'm referring to people who are not friends with your friends). Almost daily I get the FB 'suggestion" for a guy I chat with daily via Yahoo email, but who knows none of my friends...yet there is FB suggesting me to "friend" him. :???:
  8. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    How ironic...I just went to check out Yahoo's news and look... :(
  9. nocturnalmission

    nocturnalmission New Member

    Most of the major news services have picked up on the Yahoo story but, interestingly, Facebook chooses to remain silent... FB's initial release will portray the offending family as loony and accept no responsibility or they will just sit on the sidelines and let this play itself out.

    I don't like feeling paranoid, but the more I read, the less I want to be part of the social networking strata... It's like the "big brother" syndrome is really coming to past. Who knows what information is being "mined" and for what purpose?

    I haven't given authorization for linking Yahoo to Facebook. I refuse to do so... but I'm sure I've already been tagged somewhere, by some algorithm that makes me as vulnerable as the next unsuspecting soul.

    I will definitely pay more attention now...

    BTW.... not trying to flirt or anything, but I really like your avatar! Deep, intriguing eyes or should I say eye, since only one is truly visible.... And having spent considerable time in the middle east, where beauty is covered by veils, your avatar strikes a nerve...
  10. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    I have never switched and I got a reminder at the top of my FB that tomorrow is the date they "switch it for me". Remember to clean up your timeline before they expose things you don't want to share. :smt079
  11. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    I hate Facebook. It needs to die a slow painful death.
  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    How do you clean it? I thought you were SOL, which is why so many people are furious. The second and third paragraph from the posted article just says changing the privacy, but nothing about cleaning it up. Can you help with advice or any updates, J? TY luv.
  13. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    At the top of my wall (now going to be called timeline) was a message that I needed to do it as my timleline would be changed for me......I went down the timeline and at the corner of each it gave me the option to "show or hide" each item in the timeline......

    It also recommended reviewing my privacy settings in my account.

    After I was done it had me save my changes to the timeline and either go live with it or save and wait for the to do it mandatory by Facebook "for me".

    It also gave me the option to fill in the blank with names to "see" how they will see my wall. So say your mom or friend from work or whoever.
  14. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

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